Friday, October 29, 2021

The Artist and the Actor – 44


Shane returned Colin's call soon after five-thirty that evening. "Backing out of fixing me dinner tomorrow night?" he asked with a smile in his voice.


"Not at all. In fact, it's going to be a celebration of sorts."


"Do tell."


"I had a call from Detective Randall. He arrested Logan's killer. Of course there's still loose ends to tie up, he said, but he sounds certain he's got the right person."


When Colin didn't continue, Shane said, "Deets, man. I want all of them."


"Deets?" Colin laughed. "What teens have you been hanging with? I'll tell all tomorrow night, I promise."


"Colin… Damn it, you're a tease. You know that, right?"


Chuckling, Colin replied, "I want to make certain you show up."


"You know I will, even without this startling revelation. Which, by the way, is hardly a full revelation…yet."


"Yeah, I know. It will be. At least as much as I know about things."


"Better be," Shane grumbled. "Not to change the subject, but how's the new painting coming along?"


"It wasn't, until just before Randall called. It's going to be different from anything you saw at the gallery. Not like the Kenny one, though. I'll refrain from saying more until I see if it works or if I'm going off halfcocked."


"You never have before," Shane replied.


Colin snorted. "That anyone's seen. You have no idea how often I've stopped mid-stream, gessoed over something because it sucked, and started again."


"I'll take your word for it. Okay, right now I'd better get moving if I'm going to eat before tonight's performance. I'll see you tomorrow around…?"


"Whenever you get here, as long as it's after five."


"Five it is, then." Shane paused. "Love you," he said softly.


"I know. I think I still love you. At least I'm working on it."


"That's all I can ask."


  1. I want them to work it out and move on without them always thinking of the past.
