Thursday, November 30, 2023

23 – This Gift, This Curse



When they were outside the bank again, Will paused, as if to get his bearings then said, "We're going to make another stop and then go shopping."


"Uh-huh." Mick looked around. "Like they're going to let us inside any of the stores around here."


"They couldn't stop us if we wanted to shop in one of them, but I'm not up for the hassle. We'll hit up a couple of thrift shops instead."


"Finally going to break down and get some new clothes?" Mick asked with a grin.


"We're both getting new clothes because we're going to need them."


"Whoa up a minute. How come me? I just got some stuff from the drop-in place."


Will smiled slowly. "Because, young man, you have to look like a college student. New clothes, a shower, a haircut." Will chuckled at the look of disbelief on Mick's face. "Yeah, that should about do it."


"Okay, mind telling me what you have in mind, and why?"


"Kevin needs someone around to keep an eye on things. The cops might do drive-bys to check up on him but they don't have the resources to put someone in the building twenty-four/seven."


By that time, they were three blocks from the bank and in front of a police station. When Will started up the steps Mick hung back. It took Will a moment to realize he had. Smiling, he told Mick, "They won't bite."


"Says you," Mick muttered but he walked up to join him.


The officer at the front desk looked them over as he asked what they needed.


"To talk with Captain Newsome," Will replied.


"Right. Just like that, huh?"


"Tell him William Reynolds is here."


The officer arched an eyebrow and picked up the phone. It was evident from the look on his face when he talked to the captain that he was somewhat disappointed in the response. Will had the feeling the man would have been much happier escorting them out of the building. When he hung up, he told Will, "The captain's on his way down."


A door at the far end of the room opened moments later. A tall, gray-haired man stood there, a small smile on his face. He beckoned for Will, and by extension Mick, to join him.


"It's been a long time, Will," Captain Newsome said, as he led the way to the elevator.


Will shrugged. "It would have been longer but I need your help, if you're willing."


"Tell me when we get to my office."

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

22 – This Gift, This Curse



Will and Mick spent the rest of the day panhandling. While they were, Will did some serious thinking. He knew there was a chance whoever had attacked Kevin might try again. He also knew Mick was right. Somehow he wanted to be—no, had to be—in Kevin's life, now that he knew he had a son. The problem was, how could he accomplish that, and would Mira even agree to it? In all the time he'd been in the hospital room with her, she had given no indication of how she felt about him now. Not that he was terribly surprised, since her attention was focused on Kevin.


As well it should have been


By the end of the day, Will had come to a decision, at least about keeping Kevin safe. Now all he had to do was convince everyone else to go along with it, starting with Mick.


As they walked back to the deserted building they called home, Will stopped in front of a bank, nodded to himself, and stepped inside, much to Mick's obvious surprise. When Will headed toward a door to one side with a sign saying 'Bank Manager—Jennifer Scott' on it, Mick grabbed his arm.


"What do you think you're doing?" Mick whispered. "You go in there, she'll call security."


Will chuckled. "No, she won't," he said confidently.


He was correct. When he stepped into the room, with Mick right behind him, a well-dressed, older woman looked up from what she was doing. For a moment she seemed puzzled then she smiled.


"It's been a long time, Mr. Reynolds. You look"—she studied him momentarily—"a bit cleaner than the last time I saw you."


Will grinned. "And you look a bit more authoritarian, Jennifer. I take it you like having moved up in the world."


"Very much so, Will. Have a seat and tell me what I can do for you."


Will sat, with Mick hovering behind him until Jennifer told him he could sit as well. He did, perching on the edge of the chair.


"I need to make a withdrawal," Will told her, "but without any ID handy… well, you get the picture."


"Indeed." She opened a desk drawer, taking out a withdrawal slip, which she handed to him. He filled it out, signed in the proper place, and returned it. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes," she said.


As soon as she'd left, Mick asked, "You have an account here? You've made that much money just begging?"


"No. It's from…before. Although obviously I've made a few withdrawals since then." He chuckled. "Jennifer was the assistant manager when I first came here to open the account and transfer some money into it. She was, shall we say, a bit disbelieving at first, but when the transfer went through, she warmed up somewhat. We've become friends of a sort since then."


"If you have money, why do you…? Never mind, I know prying won't get me anything but frustrated."


Jennifer returned at that point, handing Will an envelope. He opened it, counted the money, and thanked her for her help.


"Any time, Will. You know that. And someday you're going to break down and tell me why you live the way you do when you don't have to."


"No, he won't," Mick said, before Will could reply. "Trust me. He's very closed-mouthed."


She smiled at him and nodded. "I'm well aware of that, but I had to say it anyway."


            "You and me both," Mick told her with a grin, getting up to follow Will out of the office.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

21 – This Gift, This Curse


Kevin slept. Mira dozed in the chair beside his bed, waiting for him to wake again. When he began stirring, she said softly, "Kevin, I'm here."


Kevin opened his eyes and for a moment was obviously disoriented.


She smiled at him. "How are you feeling?"


"Like someone used me for a punching bag. Okay, maybe not that bad right now because of whatever drugs they've got me on, but I've felt better, that's for sure."


Kevin's doctor came into the room at that point, saying he needed to check him over. "And then," he added with a smile, "dinner."


"Jell-O and juice?"


"How's your throat feeling?"


He swallowed and told him it was sore.


"Broth, Jell-O, and juice."


Kevin grimaced, muttering, "Oh boy."


"Tomorrow, real food," he promised. When he finished his examination, he pronounced Kevin on the mend. "You're lucky," he told him. "They didn't manage to break any bones, although your ribs will be sore for a while."


"I think all of me will be." Kevin glanced at his mother before asking the doctor, "When can I get out of here?"


"Probably tomorrow, barring any unforeseen complications."


"Good. I need to get back to school. I've got an exam coming up."


Mira shook her head, looking at the doctor. "Isn't it too soon for him to do that?"


"Not if he takes it easy. Does he"—the doctor turned to Kevin—"do you work as well as going to school?"


"No. I have a scholarship."


"Lucky you. Or should I say 'smart you'?"


Kevin grinned a bit. "Both?"


The doctor patted his shoulder then went to the door. "I'll have the nurse bring you your dinner. Mrs. Parker, may I speak with you for a moment."


She nodded, following him into the hallway.


Once the door was closed, the doctor asked, "Would I be right in presuming Kevin's father is out of the picture, since he's not here?"


Mira hesitated, moving away from the door and Officer Jenkins who was still standing guard, wondering how much to tell him. "He… disappeared before Kevin was born. But he's… he came back recently, although Kevin doesn't know this yet."


"I see. Are you going to tell him?"


She sighed. "A lot depends on whether I see him—his father, that is—again. I don't know where to find him."


"That would make it difficult. My suggestion, for what it's worth, is not to mention him to Kevin unless or until he puts in another appearance."


"You're right, of course, so I won't. I wish…"


When she didn't continue, the doctor asked what she wished.


"I have to go back home soon. I was only able to get a couple days off because of this, and they weren't too happy about that."


"But you're afraid to leave him here alone, all things considered."


"Mrs. Parker," Officer Jenkins said, obviously having overheard at least that part of their conversation, "we'll be keeping an eye on him. Not around the clock, but according to my superiors, he'll be watched, in case whoever did this tries again."


She smiled weakly. "I guess that's something."


At that point, a nurse arrived with Kevin's dinner. The doctor excused himself and left. Mira opened the door for the nurse and followed her into the room. She laughed at the disgusted look on Kevin's face when he saw the doctor had told the truth. Dinner was indeed broth, Jell-O, and juice.



Friday, November 24, 2023

20 – This Gift, This Curse



Officer Jenkins was still in the hallway, as he had been when Will and Mick entered the room. But this time when he saw Will, there was a look of respect in his gaze. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Reynolds," he said quietly.


Will smiled tightly. "Now forget that you did."


"Yes, sir. I understand."


Mick listened, trying to figure out what was going on, but he held his peace until they had left the hospital and were several blocks away. Then he rounded on Will.


"Who the hell are you? And why didn't you tell that officer what the man who attacked Kevin really said? All of it."


"Who I am… who I was"—he paused as if debating his reply—"is a long story. Why I didn't say anything to Officer Jenkins should be obvious. It would have let him, and Kevin, know that I've got the ability to see the future. That is not something I broadcast, as you well know."


Mick frowned when something occurred to him. "She knows, doesn't she? Kevin's mother."


"She does," Will replied tersely.


"Because…" Mick thought back to when she'd first seen Will in the hospital room. "Because of something to do with her brother."


"Danny. Yes." Will sighed deeply and started walking rapidly down the street again.


"Is he part of the story?" Mick asked when he caught up with him.


"He is."


Mick pondered that. "The same thing happened with him. You saw something but it was too late." When Will remained silent Mick decided to drop it for now. Instead he asked, "Are you going to let Kevin know you're his father?"


Will shook his head.


"But… damn it; he has a right to know!"


"How would you feel if you found out some bum was your father?"


"You're not a bum."


"But he doesn't know that. I'm homeless; I live hand-to-mouth on the streets. In his eyes, I'd classify as a bum."


"Then set him straight."


Will smiled slightly and continued walking.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

19 – This Gift, This Curse



A small moan from Kevin had everyone immediately looking at him. Mira took his hand in hers, while using her free one to press the call button. Kevin opened his eyes, closing them instantly, then opening them a slit.


Mick hurried to the light switch by the door, flicking it off, leaving the only light in the room coming from a lamp on the beside table.


Kevin barely turned his head to look at his mother. It seemed as if he wanted to say something but couldn't because of the endotracheal tube. He winced as he slowly lifted his hand to touch it, staring pleadingly at Mira.


A nurse came into the room at that moment. She crossed to him, shaking her head. "Give me a moment to check the monitors," she told him gently but firmly. "Then, if things seem all right, I'll remove it."


A few moments later it was out and she left, returning with some crushed ice for him to suck on, after warning him not to talk until then.


"What happened to me?" Kevin asked, when he could speak, his voice low and raspy.


"You don't remember?" Will asked, causing Kevin to look at him quizzically.


"Who are you?"


"Never mind for now," Mira replied before Will could. She stroked Kevin's forehead. "You don't remember anything?"


Will leaned down to whisper to her, "Let me get the officer in here. He's going to want to know what, if anything, Kevin might recall when he's thought about it."


She nodded and Will stepped outside, returning seconds later with the policeman.


"I'm Officer Jenkins," the man said, by way of introduction. "Is there anything at all you remember about last night and the attack?"


Kevin frowned. "I had to do laundry. I went down to the basement. My hands were full with the basket but I got the door." His frown deepened. "It should have been locked but it wasn't. I remember thinking someone else must be using it but when I opened the door, the room was dark. I reached for the light switch and… and…" His face filled with terror. "Something hit me. Hard. I fell. And…"


"And?" the officer asked.


Kevin closed his eyes. "All I remember after that was pain and… and a voice. An angry voice saying something about belonging to him or something belonged to him."


Mira took his hand again. "That you belonged to him?"


"I… I don't think so. I mean, who would think that?"


"No one," she replied quickly.


"Kevin," the officer asked, "has anyone given you something recently? Something to keep for them or something purporting to be a gift?"


"No, sir."


"All right, how about this? Are you dating a girl who someone else might think was his girlfriend?"


Kevin started to shake his head but obviously though better of it, wincing slightly. "I went to a movie with a friend who's a girl, and we're supposed to do it again next weekend, but she's just a friend, nothing more."


"So she doesn't have a boyfriend—or an ex-boyfriend?"


"Not that I know of."


"And that's all you remember, being attacked and then a man saying that?"


"Yes, sir."


"All right. I'll let my superiors know. Someone may come by to ask more questions." Officer Jenkins thanked him for his time and left the room.


"We should leave as well," Will said, "so Kevin can rest."


After a quick glance at his mother, who was nodding, Kevin asked, "Who are you anyway?"


"I guess you could call me a family friend who fell on bad times," Will replied with a smile. "You take care, Kevin, and listen to your doctors and your mother."


Will turned away before Kevin could reply, herding Mick out of the room into the hall.

Monday, November 20, 2023

18 – This Gift, This Curse



The woman turned to look at them and Will's heart stuttered. She was exactly as he remembered. A bit older, yes, but just a beautiful.


She frowned, obviously wondering why two shabby, homeless men had been allowed into the room. She looked between them, her gaze returning to Will a second time. There was a flare of recognition.


Instantly she was on her feet and in front of him. Pounding her fists on his chest, she cried out, "Why didn't you save him? Isn't it bad enough you let my brother die? Now my son?" She continued to beat his chest for a long moment. Then, sobbing uncontrollably, she fell against him.


He wrapped his arms around her, murmuring, "I tried, Mira. God, how I tried. Even though I didn't… I didn't know who… I tried."


"He did," Mick said quietly, "but…"


Mira glanced at him before looking up at Will. "Who is he? He's so young. Why is he with you?"


Without replying, he took her hand and led her back to the chair beside Kevin's bed. While she sat, he stood, looking down at the badly beaten young man. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked her, trying to rein in a sudden flare of anger.


"How could I? You disappeared right after Danny was killed. I didn't—" she took a deep breath, "—I didn't even know I was pregnant when…when that happened."


"I'm sorry," Will whispered. "I tried to help him but I was too late. Too late."


"You're always too late," she replied scathingly.


"No, he's not!" Mick took two steps closer to where she sat. "He's helped… He saved a lot of people."


She gave him an angry look. "What do you know about it?"


"I've been with him for a while now. He saved a boy from being kidnapped. He saved—" Mick's eyes widened suddenly, "—saved me from ending up just like your son because…because he saw what was going to happen." Turning to Will, he said, "Didn't you?"


Will nodded, his gaze still locked on Kevin. Gently he touched his cheek as he asked Mira, "What do the doctors say?"


"He'll heal. It will take time but there's no permanent damage."


"Thank God."


"Physically," she said. "Mentally…" Her eyes welled with tears again.


"I know. I know," Will replied softly. "But he'll have you to help him through."


Mira closed her eyes for a moment, obviously trying to regain her composure. "And his father?"


"How can I?" Will asked, as he searched for the words that he needed to say. "Look at me, Mira. Do you think he'd want me in his life?"


"Don't you think that's for him to decide?"


Will shook his head. "I wish it was."


She looked bewildered. "Why isn't it? Just because you're…you're…" She seemed to be looking for the right word.


"Homeless? A bum? A leech on society?" Will smiled slightly. "Shall I go on?"


"You don't have to be," she protested. "You were a good man once. You can be that man again."


"He is a good man!" Mick stated emphatically. "He took me in and is helping me make something of myself."


Mira looked at Mick doubtfully but still smiled a bit. "He has that sort of instinct. That's why he was…"


"A teacher," Will said emphatically, praying Mira wouldn't make a liar out of him.


"Yes," she said hesitantly, her gaze questioning him. "A very good…teacher."

Saturday, November 18, 2023

17 – This Gift, This Curse



"You know they're not going to let us go upstairs," Mick said, looking around the busy reception area of the hospital.


Will merely nodded before crossing the room to where a police officer stood talking to one of the security guards. As Mick watched, Will said something to the officer. A few words were exchanged. The officer shook his head as he escorted Will to the side of the room away from everyone. Whatever Will said next caused the officer to take out his phone and place a call. He talked for quite a long time, stopping occasionally to say something to Will. When he finished, he looked at Will with something akin to respect. At least, that's how Mick interpreted it.


Will turned, beckoning for Mick to join them. When he did, the officer took them to one of the elevators and moments later, they were exiting on the third floor of the hospital.


The officer went over to the nurses' station in the center of the area. He talked briefly to one of the nurses, nodding toward Will. She looked at Will and Mick, her expression obviously saying she thought the officer was out of his mind. However, she pointed down the hall.


The officer nodded and came back. "He's in room 306. I'll come with you to let the officer manning the door know it's okay for you to go in."


"They have him in protective custody or something?" Mick asked.


"For the moment, at least, yes. Until he's able to talk and hopefully tell us who did this to him." The officer glanced at Will then said to Mick, "You must be someone damned special that he trusts you."




"Not now," Will said sharply.


By then, they were at room 306. The officer told his counterpart that Will and Mick were allowed inside then left.


The remaining officer looked them over with a trace of disgust as he opened the door. The first thing Mick saw was the figure on the bed. The young man—Kevin, he guessed—was hooked up to several machines. Given how he looked, battered and bruised on those parts of his body Mick could see, he wasn't surprised. 


Then Mick realized there was a second person in the room.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

16 – This Gift, This Curse



Mick had been right about one thing, at least. He and Will made out like bandits from the pity factor, as they huddled against the wall of a building, begging for spare change.


"See, told you," Mick said at one point. "It's like this every winter. Now if we opened a savings account at the bank over there, we could save enough to buy a house—or at least rent an apartment."


Will laughed. "Uh-huh. I don't see that happening, but maybe we can buy some thermal underwear."


"I'll take that as a second choice."


Will smiled wryly. "That's good, because…"


He paused when Mick said, "Hold that thought," and jumped to his feet, hurrying over to a nearby trash can where a man had just deposited the morning newspaper


Mick returned, holding it. When Will asked, he said, "I want to see if the kid did get attacked." Settling back down, he began scanning through it, stopping at one article to glance at Will with a shake of his head.


"He did, last night, just the way you saw it."


Without a thought, Will grabbed the paper. The headline of the story said, 'Student Assaulted in Laundry Room of Apartment Building'. As he continued reading, he took a deep breath. "No. Not possible," he whispered.


"What?" Mick looked at the shocked expression on Will's face and asked again when he didn't reply, "What's wrong? He's still alive. In the hospital, but alive."


Will's hands were trembling as he crushed the newspaper. Angrily he threw it down, got up, and strode away.


Mick snagged their backpacks and hurried after him.


"Damn it," he said, finally getting close enough to grip Will's arm. "Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."


"He's what's wrong. The kid. No wonder…" Will's voice petered out as he yanked his arm free and kept walking.


Mick was right behind him, almost shouting, "Where the hell are you going?"


"To the damned hospital. To see… to see…"


"Well, you're going in the wrong damned direction," Mick told him. "It's that way."


"I know damned well where it is," Will growled, spinning around to continue on in the right direction.


After a few blocks, Will's pace slowed. Mick could see the hospital half a mile in the distance and was surprised when Will paused uncertainly, murmuring under his breath, "I should turn around and go away. Leave them in peace." He seemed even more upset than he had been moments earlier, pale, his hands fisting spasmodically at his sides.


"Who, Will? Who is the kid?"


"My son… I think."


"You have a son?" Mick looked at him in shock.


"Maybe. Perhaps. Maybe that's why I saw what was going to happen to him."


"Uh-uh. If that was the case then everyone you had visions about would have to be related to you," Mick replied logically.


Will shook his head. "I told you, when I see something it's just before it happens. But not this time." His hands fisted. "Or that time," he whispered.


"How can you think he's your son? I mean… why?"


"His name."


Mick frowned, obviously trying to remember what it said in the paper. "Kevin Parker? There's nothing unusual about that. I mean, not enough to say he might be your kid."


"Kevin William Parker," Will replied, stressing William.


"Still pretty common when you think about it."


Will began walking again, very slowly, toward the hospital. "It's the same as mine. Well, not the Parker. That was her last name."


"Her who?"


"The only woman I ever loved. Miranda Parker."

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

15 – This Gift, This Curse



"It's snowing."


"Yeah, and? It's winter," Mick replied sleepily, trying to burrow deeper into the ratty sleeping bag.


Then Will saw comprehension hit him.


"How bad?" he asked, crawling out to join Will at the broken window overlooking the area behind the building.


Will pointed to the snow which was rapidly accumulating on the barren dirt. "That bad," he said disconsolately. "We're too late and it's my fault."


"The hell it is! You did the best you could but you didn't have enough to work with. Besides which, maybe it won't happen tonight. Like I said, it is winter, there's going to be lots of times when it snows. We can still find him."


Will turned to glare at him. "It'll happen tonight if we don't do something to stop it." He started toward the door.


Mick went after him, grabbing his arm. "Just how are we going to do that? Go back to all the buildings you thought might be his and pray one of them is and that we're not too late?"


Will's shoulders slumped in defeat. "You're right, damn it. Why the hell…? Why have this gift, this curse, if I can't save someone who needs help?"


"You have, or so you said. You've saved lots of people. Right?"


"I… Yes, I guess." Will sank down to the floor, leaning against the wall by the door. "But when I can't…" He buried his face in his hands.


Mick knelt beside him, saying softly, "Think of it like being a… a doctor or an EMT. You do your best but sometimes you can't beat the odds."


Will looked at him and sighed. "You're wise beyond your years. And you're right, but damn it!"


"Think positively, if that's possible. You just saw him being attacked. You'd don't know that they killed him. Just that they were beating him up. Hell, I've survived that, so have you, probably. He'll show up at school in a few days looking like death and all the pretty girls will fawn over him and offer to take care of him and… and…"


Will managed a small chuckle. "Ever the optimist."


"Well, one of us has to be. Now let's get some sleep so we can hit the streets tomorrow and make some cash from the people who feel sorry for us because we're stuck outdoors in knee-deep snow with nowhere to go."


"Or shake their heads and walk past us, thinking we're too dumb to get out of the weather."


"Pessimist," Mick grumbled, going back to his sleeping bag.


"Optimist," Will muttered, crossing the room to his bed of blankets. He got under them, pulling them tightly around his still-clothed body. At least we were smart enough to have found a place to stay. Now, if I'd only been smart enough to have found that kid before it was too late. He shifted restlessly, trying to push that thought from his mind.


"Will," Mick said, "stop thinking about it. You did what you could. Next time tell your damned ESP or whatever it is to give you more details."


"Believe me, I wish that was possible."


"Just do it! I mean come on, who's the boss? You or it?"


"It, but still—yeah maybe next time I'll try to stay with the vision until I get all the answers. Not saying it'll happen, but who knows. Maybe it's time for me to be less passive."





Sunday, November 12, 2023

14 – This Gift, This Curse



"How many damned apartment buildings are there around here?" Mick grumbled a couple of hours later.


"Enough to have me wondering if I'll recognize the one we're looking for. We've already seen four that are at least close." Will started toward the next alley then smacked his forehead in disgust. "We should have checked those ones to see if they had a laundry room in the right place."


"Now he thinks of that." Mick shook his head. "Okay, let's backtrack."


So they did and were able to eliminate two of the four. Then they continued on, widening the circle around the campus. They found one more before deciding to give up for the day, as it was starting to get too dark to really see what the buildings looked like from the rear.


"Tomorrow we're starting at the crack of dawn," Mick said.


Will smiled a bit at his bossiness. "Are we now?"


"You bet. There's no way we're giving up and who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and be in the right place at the right time when he leaves for school."


"One can only hope." Will sighed. "This rarely… okay, it's almost never happened before."


"Seeing it so far ahead of time?"


"Yes. At most, it's been like a half hour or so. I see it, I try to either warn the person involved or intervene somehow."


"When you warn them, that's when they think you're off your rocker."


Will smiled ruefully. "Usually, yes. I mean if someone came up to you and said you're going to have an accident if you turn right at the next corner instead of left, what would you think?"


"That they were crazy or trying to set something up to make me turn left."


Will nodded. "And if the 'someone' looked like me? I mean, like I do now?"


"I'd figure they didn't have room for you in the psych hospital and set you loose to fend on your own." Mick snorted softly. "Like half the people living on the streets who are over twenty-five."


"Exactly, but I'm not crazy and that's what makes this… this gift—if that's what you want to call it—so frustrating."


Mick looked innocently at Will. "I bet that's why you're here and not still teaching."


"You don't give up, do you?" Will replied with a trace of a smile.


"Nope. Nosy is my middle name. It might take forever but I am going to figure out what makes you tick."


Will cocked an eyebrow. "You think we're going to be hanging out together forever? Because I don't. You're going to get off the streets, find a job, and make something of yourself."


"So you keep telling me but…"


"No buts about it. You've got your whole life ahead of you. You're smart, personable…"


"Homeless, no skills to speak of. Hell, I don't even have any ID, so how am I going to get a job to start with?"


"We'll figure that out, even if it means you get in touch with your family to get the information you need. For starters, you have a social security number. You get that soon after you're born."


"No." Mick shook his head in disagreement.


"Mick…" Will sighed. "You weren't kicked out, from what you said. You ran away because you didn't want to deal with how they felt about you. I have a feeling if nothing else, they'd like to know you're still alive. What would it hurt to call them? Tell them you're okay and trying to do the right thing now."


Mick blew out a deep breath. "I'll think about it. I guess."


"That's all I'm asking."


Mick chuckled. "And once again, you effectively turned the conversation away from you."


"Noticed that, did you?" Will replied with a bit of a smile. He paused, looking around, then pointed to a fast-food place in the next block. "Let's spend our last dimes on something to eat and then get the hell back home before we freeze to death."


Nodding, Mick kept pace as Will walked swiftly to their destination, muttering, "Someday I will find out why you're here," under his breath.

Friday, November 10, 2023

13 – This Gift, This Curse



An hour later, after a short stop at the drop-in spot where Mick managed to get a decent pair of boots and a lightweight jacket—he now wore it under his heavier one—they arrived at the campus.


"How the hell are we going to find them?" Mick muttered, watching all the students moving between the buildings.


"Good question," Will replied. "Luck, maybe."


"Luck, definitely. Too bad we don't know if he lives on campus or not."


Will frowned, trying to recall the back of the building from his vision. "I don't think he does," he said. "The place I saw was definitely much older than the buildings here and too small to be a dorm."


"Would you recognize it if you saw it again?"


"Probably, but it's a big city. We could spend weeks checking out all the apartment buildings."


"When you were in college, did you live far from campus?"


Will cocked an eyebrow. "What makes you think I went to college?"


"Well, you couldn't have been a teacher if you didn't go," Mick replied, while keeping his eyes open for anyone who looked like the guy they were searching for.


"Why are you fixated on the idea I was a teacher?"


"Because you're good at it." Mick glanced at him. "Were you?"


Will threw up his hands in defeat. "Guess there's no reason not to say at this point. Yeah," he lied, "I was for a while, before I ended up on the streets."


"How come you quit doing it?"


"Because. And that's all you get as an answer for now."


"Geesh. You're more tight-lipped than…a gangster."


Will laughed. "And how many tight-lipped gangsters have you run into?"


"None, except in some of the books you've found for me to read. And you never answered my original question. Did you live far from campus?"


"Actually, no, since I didn't have a car. I stayed within walking distance."


"So maybe this guy's the same way."


"I suppose it's a starting place, because for sure we'd have to be very lucky to spot him here."


"No shit. So let's go troll the alleys." Mick grinned. "Maybe we'll find you some new clothes while we're at it."


Will resisted the urge to flip him off, mainly because he didn't want to reinforce that sort of thing with Mick, even though he knew it was too late. Instead, he took off at a fast pace down the street with Mick right beside him.