Saturday, July 30, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 40



Micky tapped his lip in thought. "What about fire escapes?"


"At each end of the hall. But they've got those bars on them that sound alarms."


Micky grinned. "That's a problem why?"


Alex actually managed a grin in return. "I don't know? I guess if we move fast to get past the guards."


"Is either of the washrooms near one of them?"


"Yeah. At the far end of the hall there's one."


"Think you can play sick? Like…about to puke sick?"


Alex nodded. "Then what?"


"I come out of the room, half carrying you, telling the guards you just puked all over the bed and I need to get you to the washroom before you do it again. When we get to it, we keep going and hope to hell we get away before they realize what we're doing."


Alex nodded again. "We can't go out there all dressed. You've been in here too long. They'd smell a rat." As he said that, he stripped down to his briefs, looking at Micky expectantly.


"The things I do," Micky muttered, taking off his shirt and shoes and unzipping his jeans.


"Not going to take them off too?" Alex asked.


"No. They can figure you got sick before I was totally undressed."


"Okay. When we get out of here, then what?"


"We hope we can find somewhere to lay low long enough for them to stop looking."


"Like for a week?" Alex said tightly. "But that's okay. I'm good at finding safe spots. Did it all the time when I lived on the streets."


"You ready?" Micky asked.


"Give me a sec." Alex leaned over the bed and stuck a finger in his mouth. A second later, he'd made himself throw up. Still gagging, he muttered, "Ready."


"Damn, you didn't have to…" Micky said, wrapping his arm around Alex so that he was half-carrying the boy.


"Makes it smell real," Alex replied with a tiny grin. "Go right when we get out of here."


Micky did, calling out when a guard came toward them, "This kid is sick. Why the hell do you give me a sick one? He just upchucked all over everything. Where's a damned bathroom?" He fast walked when the guard pointed. Then even faster to the fire escape door. He and Alex were outside seconds later, to the claxon sound of an alarm.


Thursday, July 28, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 39



"So one of the people who works for Yours Truly saw you somewhere, thought you'd work well here, and brought you in?" Micky asked.


Alex snorted. "How stupid are you?" He instantly cowered away. "I didn't mean that."


"Hey, when it comes to this kind of thing I am stupid—or at least clueless." He gently patted Alex's shoulder. "So relax. I'm not going to do anything more than quiz you."


"And tell me a secret."


"That too. Back to my question. How did you end up here?"


"I was snatched, against my will, and taken to this place. Not this place." He pointed down. "To a house where they…they taught me how to be obedient. How to be good to men who wanted full-out sex with me, not just a blowjob." Tears welled in his eyes. He wiped them away. "They were going to hook me on drugs, like they did some other kids, and send me back to the streets to work for them. But these dudes came to the house. I guess one of them owns it. The bossman looked some of us over then picked me and another kid and told his guys to send us here."


Micky nodded. "Do you know who they were?"


"Maybe?" Alex said slyly.


"I want to help you, Alex, but it's a trade off. I need their names."


"What do I get in return?"


"I get you out of here."


"How? Didn't you see the men when you came in? They watch us like hawks. No way can you sneak me out."


"I'll figure something that'll work."


Alex cocked his head. "Was that your secret? Are you a cop or something and you need me as a witness?"


"Are you going to yell for them to come in if I say yes?"


"Fuck no! Not if you think you can spring me. I hate it here. I hate them. Do you have a gun?"


"No. Just a working brain—I hope."


"Me too. Okay, those guys. One was called Harley. I don't know the other man's whole name but this Harley called him Mac."


Mac. Mackenzie. And Robin said his enforcer was Harley.


"That's just what I needed to know. Thank you."


"So now what do we do?"


Micky frowned, trying to come up with a plan. Then he remembered something Robin had said. "There has to be a washroom here. Right?"


"Yeah. A couple of them on this floor for the clients and a small one for us to clean up after."


"Do any of them have windows?"


"Not ours. I don't know about the client ones." Alex shook his head. "Never got to visit them."



Tuesday, July 26, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 38



Three hours later, after going through rigorous questioning by the woman who arranged things at Yours Truly, Micky was in a somewhat Spartan, windowless, bedroom in a house several miles from the agency. He had, as tactfully as possible, rejected Irving's offer to come with him to help "break the ice" as he'd put it.


Now Micky was studying a boy—Alex, he'd been told—who couldn't have been more than fourteen. The boy looked back stoically, his hands clasped behind his back. Micky could read fear in the boy's body language.


"I'm not going to hurt you," Micky said softly.


"Why not? Everyone else does—one way or another."


"Maybe I'm different."


The boy stepped forward, reaching for the fly of Micky's slacks. "You want me to blow you first?"


"Not yet." Micky had the feeling if he just said no, the kid might try anyway. That was what he was here for.


"You want to screw me instead?"


"No. How about a little talking first, Alex, so we can get to know each other."


The look of relief that flooded the boy's expression was palpable. Seconds later it vanished as if it had never been there. "Charles said you paid for an hour. If we talk…"


"There's less sex." Micky went over to sit on the bed. "I get that. I still want to talk."


Alex inched closer. "While you touch me?"


"Nope. Just talk." Micky patted the bed, smiling when Alex obediently sat beside him. "How old are you?"


"Young enough," Alex replied, staring down at the floor. His back was hunched as if he expected Micky to strike him for not telling his age.


"I'm not going to hit you," Micky said softly.


Alex looked up at him. "Everyone else does. Well, most everyone."


"I'm not everyone. Try to understand that."


"Then why are you here? No sex, no punishment." He looked at Micky with a shade of a smile. "That is real kinky."


Micky laughed. "I suppose so." He pressed a finger to his lip thoughtfully. "If I tell you something, can I trust you to keep it a secret?"


Alex frowned. "Like what kind of something?"


"Smart question. I have one for you, too. Why are you doing this? Because of the money?"


Alex shivered. "I don't get paid. I get a room and food, if I behave and do what I'm told."


"Then why not leave?" Micky knew the answer, but he had to get Alex to tell him.


"I'm off the streets, which ain't bad."



Sunday, July 24, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 37



"Mr. Palmer?"


It took Micky a second to realize the man was talking to him. Then he nodded. "You must be Robin's friend, Mr. Irving."


"I am. But you can call me John."


Micky almost spit out the beer he'd just drunk. "John it is. I'm Mike."


"Nice to meet you. Why don't we find a quiet place where we can talk?"


"I already arranged that with the bartender, after Robin called. He says we can use the back room." He led the way there, closing the door and turning the thumb lock to make certain no one barged in.


"Would you mind if I ask how you know Robin?" Irving said.


"I met him two nights ago, at…" Micky frowned, as if trying to remember where. "At the Dalliance Club."


"Yes, I know the place. I visit it quite often actually. I don't recall seeing you there."


"It was my first time." Micky smiled shyly. "I saw Robin and was surprised they let someone so young in there. When we got to talking, he told me he's friends with the owner. From there, well, things progressed and to be honest I made a pass at him. He rejected it, then asked if I always went after men a good deal younger than I am. He didn't seem upset, just interested." Micky chewed his lip. "It took some prodding on his part but in the end, he got me to admit I like them young. Very young, if you get my drift."


"I do," Irving replied with a knowing smile.


"Anyway, the upshot of our conversation was that he knew a man who might be willing to take me to an escort service the man—you—use."


"Yes, that's what he told me. Let me think about it."


"Of course," Micky replied, his heart sinking. He had been hoping this would all happen tonight. Apparently Irving had other ideas.


"Why don't we go back out to the bar and have a drink. I'll make a couple of calls then let you know. First however, I'd like to see your ID before we take this any further."


"Naturally." Micky smirked, taking out the wallet Robin had given him that afternoon. It now held his new ID. Flipping it open, he showed Irving the driver's license, and when Irving asked, one of the credit cards as well.


"Excellent. With luck, I can set it up for you to come with me tonight."


"That sounds great. I hope…" Micky gave him the shy smile again.


"I don't think there will be any problem with their finding you the perfect…boy or girl?"


"A boy would be much more to my taste."


Irving's smile was predatory as he replied, "I rather thought it would be."


Friday, July 22, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 36



"Can you set up a meeting for me with this man?" Irving asked.


"I can. Let me give him a call and see when." Robin dialed Micky's phone and they held a brief conversation, with Robin telling Micky that Mr. Irving would like to meet him. Covering the phone for a moment, he said, "Mr. Palmer is at a bar on East Eighteenth at the moment, if you'd like to do this now."


Irving looked thoughtful, then nodded. Robin relayed the information to Micky, telling him Irving was willing and would be there in—he glanced at Irving, who mouthed "Half an hour". Finishing the conversation, Robin hung up then described Micky. "He said he'll be seated at the bar."


"Excellent," Irving replied. "Now I'd better go tell my friends I have to leave. Thank you, Robin." He winked, adding, "If you ever decide to part with Mackenzie, look me up. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement of some sort that would work to our mutual benefits."


"I'll remember that," Robin told him, almost laughing when Irving hurried away. Now it's up to you, Micky.


Robin went back to the bar, intending to get his jacket and leave.


"Where have you been?" Mackenzie growled, wrapping his arm tightly around Robin's waist. "You didn't come home last night."


"I was sick. Food poisoning, I think. I went back to my apartment and spent the next few hours puking my guts out," Robin replied, trying to sound contrite and apologetic.


"I do hope you're feeling better tonight because you and I are going home—now—so I can show you how much I missed the pleasure of your company last night."


"Yes, Sir," Robin replied, instantly falling into the submissive role he knew Mackenzie expected of him.


Keeping his arm tightly around Robin's waist, Mackenzie marched him swiftly out of the club to his limousine.



Wednesday, July 20, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 35



Robin dropped Micky off at Swallows bar just before nine that night. He had introduced Micky to the bartender and very briefly explained that Micky was waiting for a man who might show up so they could discuss a business proposition.


"If they can use the back room, it would be appreciated," Robin said, as the bartender handed him the envelope from Eldon, with Micky's new ID.


The bartender grinned lasciviously before agreeing.


"I knew that would be the reaction," Micky muttered under his breath.


"Whatever works." Robin laughed in reply. "I'll call you as soon as I've talked to Irving." He handed Micky the envelope.


Micky slipped it into his pocket, saying, "Please let him be there. I don't think I can do this every night until he shows up."


"I'm with you on that," Robin said.


Ten minutes later, Robin was at Mackenzie's club. He found a seat at the bar, hung his jacket over the back of the stool, ordered tonic water with a twist then checked the room to see if Irving was there. He wasn't, so Robin sipped his drink and waited, glancing at the front door every time it opened.


At least Mackenzie's not here, too, thank God.


Robin finished his drink and had just ordered a second one when Irving finally came in with two other men. They found a table at the back of the room, settled in and ordered drinks.


Giving them time to get totally relaxed, Robin finally stood and made his way toward Irving's table. He waited until Irving saw him then smiled.


"Robin. My dear boy. Come meet my friends," Irving said. When Robin did, Irving made the introductions then asked if Robin would care to join them.


"I'd be delighted," Robin replied, taking the empty seat. For a few minutes the four men chatted. Then leaning closer to Irving, Robin asked softly, "May I speak to you alone?"


Irving's expression said he thought that would be an excellent idea, and Robin knew the man was expecting something more than just a talk. Robin led the way to a darkened corner of the club where he knew they wouldn't be overheard.


Before Irving could ask, or make some unwanted advance, Robin said, "I met a man a couple of nights ago."


Irving's expression darkened. "What does that have to do with us?"


Robin was tempted to say, "There is no us." Instead he smiled, clasping Irving's shoulder. "This man—he's probably in his mid-twenties—has, shall we say, the same tastes you do. Unfortunately he hasn't found a way to assuage them that he feels comfortable with. I mentioned Yours Truly but he told me they require an introduction from a—as he put it—a special client, before they would do anything."


"I see," Irving said slowly. "And of course you immediately thought of me."


"Yes, sir. I did some checking. This man seems to be exactly what he says. More to the point, he's well able to afford the costs involved."


Irving appeared interested, but… "He sounds young. Are you certain he is…wealthy?"


"Yes. He comes from money." Robin paused, then said knowingly, "I have the feeling he's got a great deal of time on his hands and is bored, but somewhat naïve. That, plus his taste for much younger sexual partners makes him ripe for the picking. You might even find he's willing to, shall we say, share his 'escort' with you."


Robin repressed a shudder at the look of pure lechery on Irving's face.



Monday, July 18, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 34



"How?" Micky asked. "Oh, right. Mackenzie's men being at my apartment means they're the ones who have my wallet, so they know what I look like."


"You're just figuring that out?" Robin asked.


"More like it just hit home, I guess."


Robin patted Micky's shoulder. "At least it has. All right, given that I can't take you with me, I guess I'll hope Mackenzie's otherwise occupied tonight. If he is at the club, he's going to want to know where I've been since I wasn't at his place last night."


"What will you tell him?"


"That he doesn't own me and I went home with a guy I picked up."


"You can't!"


"I wouldn't, though it would be tempting. I'll just tell him I was sick. Food poisoning. So I spent the night at my apartment, puking my guts out."


"Okay. If Mr. Irving is there, what then?"


"I'll do like I said, tell him I met a guy who has the same tastes he does and set up a meeting with you."




"Hmm, Swallows. The bar where you met Darren."


"Is that safe?"


"Should be. There's no reason for anyone who knows what you look like to be there, and as I said, I'm friends with the bartender. I can set it up with him to let you and Irving use the back room undisturbed."


Micky snorted. "He'll probably think we're getting it on."


"That works," Robin replied, grinning. "At least it means no one will walk in on you."


"Jeez." Micky puffed out a breath. "We'll do this tonight?"


"If we get lucky, and if Irving's willing."


"You're good at convincing people."


"I'd better be. It's what I do for a living. And," Robin added dryly, "to stay alive."


"That's a damned frightening thought."


"It's my life, Micky."


"I hope I can be as convincing, if this works."


"You will be," Robin assured him—and for the remainder of the day he took Micky through exactly how he had to act and what he should say—and not say—when he met Irving. He also called Eldon to have him come up with ID for Micky that would pass all but the most intense scrutiny, arranging for Eldon to leave it for him with his friend at the bar.



Saturday, July 16, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 33



Micky leaned closer to see what Robin had brought up. "How the hell does a guy explain to his wife why he has a huge charge on his card from an escort service?"


"I'm sure there are a myriad of excuses, like 'It was a business expense for a client, dear.' or 'Remember the bachelor party I went to? I paid for the stripper and the guys all reimbursed me.'."


"Uh-huh. As if she'd believe him."


"You never know," Robin said with a grin.


"So, getting back on track, how do I contact them?"


Robin tapped his lip then nodded. "If I can get a man I met to recommend you…"


"Someone who already uses them to meet adolescents?"


"Yeah. He's one of Tanzer's 'special' clients. I met him when Mackenzie and I were at Mackenzie's club. As a matter of fact, it's how I found out about Tanzer in the first place. The guy was three sheets to the wind, took me aside and bragged about how he could get me a job where I'd make a small fortune since I was so young."


"Why didn't you take him up on it? Then you'd have Tanzer dead to rights."


"Because Tanzer's not who I'm after. I'd have to leave Mackenzie to do it, since there's no way he'd allow me to work for Tanzer and still be with him. He expects his boy toys to be faithful and makes it very clear what will happen if they aren't."


"He'd kill them? You?"


"That would be the preferred option in my opinion. According to rumors, one of his boys tried to pick up extra money on the side. Mackenzie beat the shit out of him, dosed him up on heroin then the kid disappeared. If I were to make a guess, he's now a sex slave in some overseas house."


Micky gulped. "No wonder you didn't take the man up on his offer."


"No kidding. If I can get in touch with him, though, he might be willing to sponsor you at Yours Truly."


"If he does, I can try to convince the kid they give me to tell me how he ended up there. I can promise him he'll be protected if he'll come with me to talk to you, and that will be another nail in Mackenzie's coffin."


"A very rough plan, but it could work if Mackenzie's the one who sold him to Tanzer."


"Sold, like in money changed hands?"


Robin chuckled dryly. "For damned sure Mackenzie doesn't just donate kids to Yours Truly. He sells them and might even get a cut of what a client pays for one."


"How soon can you get in touch with the man you mentioned?"


"It depends if Mr. Irving's at the club tonight. I think he's a fairly regular customer."


"Uh-uh. If you do go there and Mackenzie's there, he'll want you to go back home with him."


"Probably. But if you… No, you can't come with me. Someone might recognize you."

Thursday, July 14, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 32


"I just told you. I want… No, I need to help," Micky replied. "Right now I feel totally useless and like I'm in the way of what you have to do. If you hadn't saved me from those people, you might already know more than enough to stop them."


"It would be nice if it was so."


"If you were back there, instead of babysitting me…"


"Micky. I am not doing that."


"Going back to Mackenzie?" Micky felt a profound sense of relief.


"Well"—Robin smiled—"that part is still up for debate. What I meant was, I'm not babysitting you. That's Thor's job."


The dog lifted his head when he heard his name, woofing, as if in agreement.


"Gee, thanks," Micky muttered.


"I was kidding." Still holding Micky's arm, but loosely now, Robin steered him back to the sofa. After they were seated, Robin said, "Going to Yours Truly cold, could net you nothing but a slightly lighter wallet. You need to know exactly what you're getting into."


Micky looked at him in shock. "You'll actually let me do it?"


"You did volunteer. But first…" Getting up again, Robin went to his desk, returning with the laptop. He booted it up, went on line then brought up the Yours Truly website.


"Whew," Micky whistled. "If I was straight."




"How do they get away with this?" (Reply deleted to meet Blogger guidelines)

Micky tapped the link to rates and Robin clicked on it. "Wow, maybe I should get a job there. Two hundred dollars an hour after five pm?"


"That's probably the base rate, of which the escort might get half."


"I could live very well on a hundred dollars an hour."


Robin chuckled. "So maybe instead of being a client, you should see if you can get a job there?"


"Umm, no thanks. I'm not like you. I couldn't do that to…" Micky snapped his mouth closed, then said contritely, "I didn't mean that the way it was coming out."


"I know you didn't," Robin replied, surprising Micky by giving him a fast hug before turning back to the website.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 31



"But I could visit Tanzer's escort service," Micky said, shocked the moment the words were out of his mouth.


"No way!"


"Then get one of your brothers to do it."


"They have their own things they're working on, Micky. When we choose a job, we're pretty much on our own unless it requires two people to pull it off. This one doesn't."


"So Eldon wouldn't pull of them off their job for a day to help you?"


Robin puffed out a breath. "No. He'd tell me to find another way to get to Tanzer. Like hook up with him at a bar, or someplace he habitually goes to, and see what I can worm out of him."


"That could take forever before he'd trust you. Besides, like you said, he may realize you're one of Mackenzie's people and wonder why you wanted to know anything in the first place."


"Yeah," Robin admitted.


"So, he doesn't know me from Adam. Let me do it."


"Ab-so-lutely not!"


"Come on, Robin. How dangerous could it be?" Micky paused as an idea came to him. "Not trying to hook up with him at a club, but using the escort service. I suggest, slyly, that I'm interested in someone younger than me. A lot younger. Unless he's stupid, he—or whoever I talk to—will get the picture."


"And check you out from here to tomorrow to make certain you're not a cop or a Fed."


"Well, I'm not, so that wouldn't be a problem. Does Tanzer deal with anyone or do you have to be pretty rich?"


"The service, it's called 'Yours Truly', caters to anyone who pays up-front—be it for an hour or an evening. However, I have the feeling it would cost you a hell of a lot more than normal to get an under-aged kid—after, as I said, a thorough background check."


"So could your uncle, if he's the one in charge, set me up with that?"


"Could he? Yes. Will I even suggest it to him? Not on your life. Micky, you have no experience. This isn't a game."


"I know that! But damn it, Robin, I got pulled into this against my will. I want to do something to help stop these sleazeballs, especially Darren."


"No. Not happening."


"I swear, you are the most stubborn man I have ever met! Everyone has to start somewhere. You did."


"I had my family behind me. Teaching me."


"So teach me."




"Yes. It's that or I go in there without your say-so."


Robin smiled grimly. "You can't get out of the house without my knowing it."


"So I'm a prisoner here? Thanks a lot." Micky jumped to his feet, intending on going upstairs to… Sulk? Plot my escape? All of the above?


He didn't get far because Robin grabbed his arm, pulling him to an abrupt halt. "Why are you being such a pain in the butt?"

Sunday, July 10, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 30



Micky blew out a long breath. "That was so not what I expected. How many brothers?"


"Four of us. I'm the youngest, at twenty-six now. Eldon is my uncle and runs everything. When one of us decides we want to tackle a scumbag like Mackenzie, we talk it out, make certain it's feasible then we go for it if we all agree."  


"Do they know, you know, what you have to do with Mackenzie?"


Robin gave a half shrug. "They know I'm gay and using that to be in a sexual relationship with him. We figured that could—probably would—happen because of how I chose to get an in with him. That's it."


Horrified at the idea that they knew, Micky said, "And they don't mind?"


"Remember what I've told you, more than once actually. You do what you have to if you want to stop a son-of-a-bitch like Mackenzie. It was Dad's motto—short of killing someone. That isn't our job, as much as we sometimes might want to."


"But… Okay, not my business. At least you do have some parameters. I suspect between the five of you, you're good at what you're doing."


Robin grinned. "We haven't had any complaints so far. Of course we're the only ones who know, other than a few outsiders when we turn over evidence to them."


"I know now," Micky pointed out quietly.


"Yep, because for some reason I can't quite put a finger on, I trust you to keep quiet about it."


"My boyish charm," Micky replied, chuckling, before sobering. "So, which one are you going to make contact with? Tanzer? It seems to me he'd be easier, since his business is local."


"I agree. The question is…how to initiate contact."


"If you're right about his escort service providing kids to clients, try to set that up for starters. Then face him down and find out where he gets them."


Robin chuckled. "Would that it were that easy. First off, he might know I'm one of Mackenzie's boys, so he wouldn't believe I wanted to use his service. After all, if I was into fucking kids, all I'd have to do is ask one of Mackenzie's men to get me one."


"Wouldn't Mackenzie take it out on you if you did?"


"Of course," Robin replied. "But since that is not my thing, I wouldn't do it to start with."