Saturday, July 30, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 40



Micky tapped his lip in thought. "What about fire escapes?"


"At each end of the hall. But they've got those bars on them that sound alarms."


Micky grinned. "That's a problem why?"


Alex actually managed a grin in return. "I don't know? I guess if we move fast to get past the guards."


"Is either of the washrooms near one of them?"


"Yeah. At the far end of the hall there's one."


"Think you can play sick? Like…about to puke sick?"


Alex nodded. "Then what?"


"I come out of the room, half carrying you, telling the guards you just puked all over the bed and I need to get you to the washroom before you do it again. When we get to it, we keep going and hope to hell we get away before they realize what we're doing."


Alex nodded again. "We can't go out there all dressed. You've been in here too long. They'd smell a rat." As he said that, he stripped down to his briefs, looking at Micky expectantly.


"The things I do," Micky muttered, taking off his shirt and shoes and unzipping his jeans.


"Not going to take them off too?" Alex asked.


"No. They can figure you got sick before I was totally undressed."


"Okay. When we get out of here, then what?"


"We hope we can find somewhere to lay low long enough for them to stop looking."


"Like for a week?" Alex said tightly. "But that's okay. I'm good at finding safe spots. Did it all the time when I lived on the streets."


"You ready?" Micky asked.


"Give me a sec." Alex leaned over the bed and stuck a finger in his mouth. A second later, he'd made himself throw up. Still gagging, he muttered, "Ready."


"Damn, you didn't have to…" Micky said, wrapping his arm around Alex so that he was half-carrying the boy.


"Makes it smell real," Alex replied with a tiny grin. "Go right when we get out of here."


Micky did, calling out when a guard came toward them, "This kid is sick. Why the hell do you give me a sick one? He just upchucked all over everything. Where's a damned bathroom?" He fast walked when the guard pointed. Then even faster to the fire escape door. He and Alex were outside seconds later, to the claxon sound of an alarm.