Monday, April 29, 2019

Safe Harbor - 42

The news was playing on the TV when Kurt, Bobby and the girls arrived back at the shelter. It seemed as if everyone was in the community room, glued to the set as they listened to the reporter announce the arrest of two men allegedly responsible for the string of murders involving street kids.

Bobby cheered with everyone else, and then turned to say something to Kurt, at which point he realized he wasn’t standing there. He frowned and went searching for him, finding him pacing in his office as he talked to someone on the phone, which was set to speaker mode. Unashamedly, Bobby eavesdropped from the doorway.

"So they resisted arrest." Kurt was saying.

"They did, unsurprisingly all things considered." From the voice Bobby knew it was Daniel. "Forensics found their prints at the house where they had Bets. Once they ran them and had names, it wasn’t hard to track them down to the house they shared."

"I hope they aren’t cops. The news report didn’t say one way or the other."

"Yeah, we haven’t let that information out yet." Daniel paused, his voice taut with anger when he finally replied. "One of them was, and I mean ‘was’ in that he used to be a cop. He quit rather than face allegations of accepting bribes from a known drug dealer to look the other way. He also had a reputation for coming down hard on street kids, though of course none of the kids ever actually filed reports."

"Big surprise that," Bobby muttered.

Kurt heard him and turned to look at him, nodding before returning to his phone call. "What about the other man?"

"So far we don’t have much on him. He served a brief sentence for assaulting his ex-wife which is why his prints were on record. Turns out he’s also Master’s, the cop’s, brother-in-law. Master’s was married to his sister for a brief time."

Bobby pushed off the doorjamb, coming over to Kurt when he stopped pacing.  "Two losers hooking up to take their anger out on us." 

"Unfortunately, yes, Bobby. Why, we don’t know yet but I’m sure it’ll come out in time." Daniel chuckled then. "I take it you’ve been listening in."

Kurt put his arm around Bobby’s shoulders. "He has been."

"If they resisted arrest did your guys at least get a few good licks in on them?"

"We don’t work that way, Bobby, despite what you may think. From the reports, they did try to escape and Masters pulled a gun, but he was taken down before he could use it."

"At least you caught them. I guess that’s what counts in the end."

"We did, Bobby, and you kids helped in your own ways. Okay, Kurt, I’ll call you again later if I have more details. Right now I have to get back to work."

"All right, and thanks for the update. I’m sorry a cop was involved, even if he isn’t one now. I guess it explains how they knew to act like police officers."

"It does, and I’m off." Daniel hung up and Kurt did the same seconds later.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Safe Harbor - 41

When most of the kids dispersed, Kurt figured they were going off to spread the news. "We should probably leave now, too." He dug in his pocket, frowning. "Where are my keys?"

Daniel eyed him and said with a bit of amusement, "Knowing you, you tossed them in your dresser drawer like you usually do."

"Whoa!" Bobby looked at Daniel, turned to Kurt, and asked tightly, "How does he know that?"

Daniel shook his head. "Something you forgot to tell him?"

"It never really came up."

Daniel put a hand on Bobby’s arm, tightening his grip when the young man tried to pull away. "Before you get the wrong idea, Bobby, Kurt and I are half-brothers. That’s how I knew what he does with his keys." He chuckled. "He was always loosing them so I finally got him into the habit of putting them in his dresser drawer, along with his wallet."

"You’re brothers?" Bobby looked between them in disbelief. "Nuh uh."

Kurt chuckled. "Uh huh. Same mother, different fathers. He’s a lot older than me."

"Two years is not ‘a lot’ older," Daniel grumbled.

"He always says that." Kurt laughed, patting Daniel affectionately on the shoulder. "Now we should get ready if we’re going to make it to the hospital while it’s still visiting hours." He put an arm around Bobby’s waist without thinking, dropping it quickly when he heard a soft gasp from behind them. He turned to see Jo-Jo and Cry still standing there.

"Told you." Jo-Jo grinned at Cry.

"Yeah, well… Okay, I owe you five."

"Excuse me, young ladies, you were betting on…us?"

Jo-Jo’s grin widened. "Yep."

"You breathe one word to anyone," Bobby growled.

Kurt’s arm went around his waist again. "I doubt by this time it’s any secret. After all, look at us, only half dressed and we came downstairs just a minute apart at best."

"Yeah, well, I mean if you don’t mind them knowing."

Kurt kissed his temple. "I have no problems with it. Do you?" He looked seriously at Bobby. "I don’t want to be responsible for ruining your reputation."

"You had better be kidding."

For a long moment Kurt remained serious and then he laughed. "I was."

"You are an ass."

"Sometimes." Kurt ignored the fact there were onlookers and kissed Bobby lightly. "And now we should go get dressed and head to the hospital."

As they walked to the stairs Bobby heard Cry whisper to Jo-Jo, ‘Think they done it yet?’ He glanced over his shoulder at them with a grin. "Not yet, but we’re going to real soon."

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Safe Harbor - 40

Loud banging woke Kurt with a start. He shot up, trying to figure out what it was before realizing someone was at his door. Bobby was out of the bed seconds later, dashing for the bathroom. Kurt quickly snagged a pair of jeans and pulled them on, zipping them as he opened the door.

"There’s a cop downstairs and he wants to talk to you," one of the kids informed him in a scared voice.

Kurt sighed with a muttered "Now what?" as he went back to find a shirt.

When he got downstairs, Daniel was waiting for him in the community room.

"I finally have some good news." The detective glanced at the kids who seemed more than eager to know what he was talking about, and then looked questioningly at Kurt.

"So spill it. They’ll find out soon enough, whatever it is."

Daniel nodded, eyeing Kurt’s bare feet and bed-tousled hair with a smile. "I guess I woke you up."

"Late night," Kurt replied without apology. "What time is it anyway?"

"One in the afternoon." He caught a glimpse of Bobby coming down the stairs, barefoot and shirtless and cocked an eyebrow before continuing. "So, anyway, Bets regained consciousness early this morning. With luck we’ll have the two men in custody before too long."

"Thank God." Kurt whispered thankfully.

The kids were a little less circumspect. They cheered and high-fived each other, Jo-Jo’s voice the loudest of the lot as she and Cry hugged each other enthusiastically.

"Where are the men?"

Daniel turned to Bobby. "Bets said they took her to a small house at the edge of the city. She didn’t know the address, obviously, but she saw enough of the outside and the street, when they took her into the house, that we were able to narrow it down to a pretty specific area. Now it’s just a case of going street to street until we find the right one."

"I hope they try to shoot it out with your guys so you can kill them," Bobby said angrily.


"Sorry Kurt but it’s what they deserve."

Daniel smiled slightly. "I understand how you feel but I’d rather avoid a gun battle. Sometimes others get hurt beside the perps."

"Yeah. Okay. Got it. How come you’re here, not there?"

"The house isn’t in my district so I figured I’d let you all know while I waited to hear if they’ve been arrested."

Cry had come over to listen. "What happens if they aren’t there?"

"The forensics team will collect evidence, they’ll run fingerprints so we have names, hopefully, and there will be another APB put out on them, this time with more details."

"Will they let us see Bets?"

"She’s still in intensive care so it’s up to her doctors."

"Oh. Well…yeah, so we can’t."

Kurt patted her shoulder. "I’m going over there as soon as possible. You and Jo-Jo can come along. I bet I can get the two of you in for at least a brief visit."

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Safe Harbor - 39

"All right, lecture over," Kurt said. "I think we all need to get some sleep. It’s been a very long night."

Bobby chuckled as he got up. "And this is a surprise why?"

"Good point. Girls you can use the same room as last time. Arch, Tank, there should be a couple of empty beds in the dorm by now if you don’t already have ones."

The kids walked quickly from the office, except for Bobby. Taking a deep breath, he said, "I’m sorry. I guess it was a stupid thing to do."


"That’s it, that’s all you’re going to say, just ‘very’?"

Kurt nodded. "I think you know it was, so why drag you over the coals one more time."

"Yeah. It won’t happen again."

"Good. Go get some sleep. You need it as much as they do."

"And so do you." Bobby put a hand on Kurt’s shoulder, urging him towards the door.

"What is it you kids are always saying? You ain’t the boss of me?"

Bobby laughed. "Yeah that’s it, but sometimes you need bossing. You also need a bigger bed but that’s for another day."

Kurt opened the door. "Think you’re sharing my narrow cot again?" 

"Unless you move around as much as you did the last time, yeah I am."

"We’ll see."

"If I share it?" Bobby smiled as he walked beside Kurt up the back stairs to the second floor.

"No." Kurt opened the door to his room, waiting to reply until they were inside and the door was closed. "I know you’ll share it. I just think I’m so tired I won’t move an inch once I lie down."

Bobby started to say something and yawned. They both burst out laughing.

"Someday we’re going to get to bed at a decent hour and by then…" Bobby looked at Kurt’s bed and shook his head as he began to undress.

"By then I might get a wider one. Of course then there won’t be room for anything else in here."

Bobby chuckled while he watched Kurt strip off his shirt and toss it haphazardly towards the hamper in the bath room. "You’re the bossman, move to a bigger room."

"You know, if there was one I would…now." Kurt finished undressing down to his briefs and fell back onto the bed, moving as close to the wall as he could to give Bobby room.

The young man crawled in beside him, resting his head on Kurt’s shoulder with the comment, "Since you’ve got the only pillow I guess I’m using you for mine."

Kurt smiled and kissed his temple. "I can deal."

"Good because…" Bobby’s words faded into nothing as he fell asleep.

"I’m stuck with you," Kurt finished, "and I don’t mind at all."

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Safe Harbor - 38

Bobby had been correct. Nothing had happened. So as the sky began to brighten imperceptibly he’d come down off the roof to tell the girls they’d try again that evening. Arch and Tank had come over to join them then, Tank whispering, "You know Father Kurt is here."

"Yeah." Bobby didn’t get a chance to say anything more as the man himself strode up to them.

"The five of you are to get your asses back to the shelter now." Kurt glared at them. "Not one word," he growled when it looked as if they were going to protest. "I would have called an end to this when I got here but…" He was pissed and exasperated, whether at them or himself he wasn’t certain at the moment. "Move it."

Twenty minutes later Kurt looked from one to another of the five young people sitting in front of him in his office at the shelter. "What the hell did you guys think you were doing? Or were you thinking?"

"We wanted to stop those men," Arch mumbled.

"That is what the police are for."

Bobby scowled at Kurt. "Like they’ve done such a good job."

"So it’s better to endanger the girls and yourselves in some misbegotten plan to play superheroes?"

"It woulda worked if the bastards had shown up. Five of us against two of them or…" Bobby shot a knowing look at Kurt, "eight if we count you and those two kids. I notice you didn’t try to stop us once you found us."

Kurt nodded in acknowledgement of his words. "True, I didn’t."

"Because you want them caught as bad as we do, Father." Jo-Jo pointed out almost defiantly.

"Of course I do, but damn it. Did it even occur to you they are probably armed with more than a couple of pairs of handcuffs. You talk about how they look like cops including the belts they wear with all the equipment on them. Last time I checked police equipment includes batons, pepper spray, and…" Kurt smacked his hand down on the desk to make certain he had their attention, "guns. You do know what those are I presume. You aim one, pull the trigger and a bullet comes out the front and blows a big hole in something, in this case one of you."

"Yeah, yeah, we know what they are." Bobby spat out the words but it was apparent from the look on his face it hadn’t occurred to him the killers might actually be armed.

"Father…" Cry’s voice was low as if she was afraid to speak.


"Why didn’t you make us quit when you got there?"

Kurt was silent for a moment before replying. "To be honest, I don’t know. I suppose because deep down inside I hoped if they’d show up we could get them. And yes, that is just the opposite of what I’ve been yelling at you about but I’m human too. I want them stopped but not by you, by any of us. If there’s any justice in the world Bets will regain consciousness and be able to tell the police more about her attackers and where they took her."

The kids all nodded and Kurt almost smiled when he saw both Jo-Jo and Cry cross their fingers.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Safe Harbor - 37

From a low rooftop opposite where the girls had settled, Bobby kept his eyes open for anything which said the two killers were around. He didn’t trust they’d just drive up to the girls. Not when they were the talk of the city now.

He saw movement at the far end of the block as three figures turned the corner. "What the hell," he whispered, recognizing one of them. "Damn it!" He ran a hand through his hair angrily.

You got no idea what you could be getting into, Kurt. Get the hell back to the shelter.

He could tell the two guys with Kurt were street kids and wondered how the heck he’d hooked up with them. He was half tempted to get down there and tell Kurt to leave. Then he chuckled low. "Yeah, I’m gonna run your life. Not."

Turning his attention back to the problem at hand, he scooted to the corner of the roof where he could see the girls and the side street at the same time. Thanks to his, as Kurt had pointed out, illegal artwork, he was well practiced in looking for even the slightest movements on semi-dark streets. Cops were sneaky when they thought they could catch him in the act.

There were a few late night people out, mostly ones who were heading home half plastered from one bar or another. It was that kind of neighborhood, dingy apartment buildings and small stores with a couple of warehouses interspersed. The girls had picked the corner because Bridge St. got some traffic even at this late hour from men who knew they could pick up a quick blowjob. Bobby had hung out in the area himself a time or three to make some fast money.

For the next hour nothing changed. The girls fended off several offers, Arch and Tank moved carefully from one position to another, probably more from boredom than anything else Bobby decided. Kurt and the two kids with him were well hidden in the shadows of an apartment entryway now, and seemed content to stay there until forever if necessary, from what Bobby could figure.

Please let this be over tonight.

But he knew the chances of it actually happening were fifty-fifty at best.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Safe Harbor - 36

"Mick says he saw them heading south along Bridge St.," King said.

"Just the girls. I didn’t see no guys. One of them’s called Cry, like Crybaby."

"That’s them." Kurt started off again then realized the boys were right behind him. "You don’t have to stick with me now that I know which direction they went."

"Look, Father," King said, "if they really do run into the bastards they’re gonna need more help than you can give. You ain’t used to the streets and all. Get what I’m saying?"

Kurt nodded. "I do, but I don’t want to put the two of you…"

"Zip it, Father, we’re in, right Mick?"

"Uh, yeah, right."

He didn’t like the idea, but Kurt realized they’d undoubtedly tag along anyway so he might as well live with it. It took ten more minutes before they saw the girls. Jo-Jo was posed against the wall of a building under a light over a shop window. Cry sat somewhat provocatively on the shop’s steps.

"Amateurs," King muttered under his breath.

Kurt shook his head. "Going for the obvious I suspect, though they are pushing it a bit."

As they watched from a block away, a lone car pulled to a stop in front of the girls. Jo-Jo strolled over, bent down to look inside and after a minute shook her head. Kurt could tell she was arguing with the driver before she straightened and paced back to her spot, flipping him off as she did. The car’s tires squealed as it drove off.

King grinned. "Wonder what he wanted her to do. Musta been something real bad."

"Or she was smart enough not to get into the car and leave Cry by herself." Kurt looked around, frowning. "Where the hell are the guys?"

"One’s in the doorway to the apartment building, one’s by the side of the dumpster in the alley and," King shook his head. "No clue on Prizm."

While they were talking another car drove slowly past the girls, stopped and backed up. This time Cry went to talk to the driver. The end result was the same; she shook her head and returned to the steps. Kurt heard her tell Jo-Jo the man wanted them both for the price of one. Jo-Jo’s reply would have singed the man’s ears if he could have heard her.

King tapped Kurt’s shoulder. "So we gonna wait and see what happens?"

"I am." Kurt kept his voice low as he moved deeper into the shadows. "You don’t have to."

"You got a short memory, Father. We told you we’re in." King hunkered down, resting his back against the wall with Mick right beside him.

Kurt nodded sharply as he searched the area, wondering where Bobby was. He was sure he had to be somewhere close by.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Safe Harbor - 35

This may not have been the brightest idea I ever had. How do I find five kids in a city this size? Where do I even start looking?

Those thoughts and more went through Kurt’s mind while he stood on a street corner several blocks from the shelter. As he considered turning back he saw one of the older boys who occasionally came by the shelter to get a free meal. The boy, King was his street name, saw him at the same time, glanced around then scurried across the intersection.

"How come you’re dressed like us?"

Kurt gave him a tight smile. "Because I don’t want to stand out at this hour of the night?"

The boy grinned. "Sorry, Father, but trust you won’t pass inspection. You’re too clean."

"I’ll remember that for next time. I don’t suppose you’ve seen Prizm."

"Depends why you want to know."

Kurt cocked an eyebrow but understood his basic distrust. "You know about the men who are targeting street kids."

"Fuck yeah. And?"

"Prizm and a couple of others are looking for them, which is not a really smart move."

"No shit. So yeah I saw them about twenty ago."


"Come on, I’ll show you." As King started down the street with Kurt beside him he muttered, "And quit walking like you own the world. It’s a dead giveaway you’re posing."

Kurt resisted chuckling as he slouched some and shuffled along.

"Now you’re going too far the other way. You’re not some alkie looking for a place to crash. Just…walk but not like you’re the boss of me."

"Got it, I think." Kurt did his best to mimic the boy, realizing that for all that he knew about street kids, he had never really watched them when they were in their own environment, for lack of a better word.

They went three blocks before King stopped. "Last seen they were over there, or at least the girls were." He pointed to a street light on the corner of the block. "Prizm was in the doorway and two other guys were across the street. Looks like they moved on. Hang on a min."

Kurt moved into the shadows by one of the buildings when the boy took off. He returned a minute later with another, much younger kid.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Safe Harbor - 34

"Anyone seen Prizm recently?"

"He was here about an hour ago, Father," one of the kids told Kurt. "Then he and some other kids left."

"Other kids?"

"Yep. Those two girls, and Arch and Tank."

Kurt knew it was a vain hope but still…"I don’t suppose they said where they were going."

The teen shook his head before wandering away. A young girl who had been sitting nearby said hesitantly, "I sort of heard."

"Oh?" Kurt sat down beside her so he’d seem less intimidating since she was a child he knew had been abused by her mother before the woman walked out of her life, leaving the twelve-year-old to fend for herself.

"They were talking about those men who hurt us." She chewed her lip for a long moment. "I think…I think they’re going to try to find them."

Kurt’s first instinct was to swear, long and loudly, and the fact he was a priest be damned. He tamped it down as he didn’t want to frighten her, or the others who were within earshot. Instead he thanked her before getting up, striding tensely to his office to make a phone call.

"Sorry to wake you." Kurt listened to Daniel grumble about it’s being nothing new before explaining why he’d called.

"Nothing more specific than they were going to hunt for them?" Daniel asked when Kurt finished.

"Nope. Can you…I don’t know, put out an APB on them or something?"

Daniel chuckled. "Not sure I could get away with it, but I will get the word out for the guys on the street to keep their eyes open."


There was a brief pause then Daniel said sternly, "You are not to go out looking for them on your own. Understood?"

"Yes, Daniel, I understand."

"But will you listen?"

Kurt shrugged. "How do I answer that without lying?" With a low chuckle he hung up, hearing a muttered curse as he did.

Fifteen minutes later he was leaving the shelter dressed in an old pair of jeans, a black T-neck and a worn denim jacket he’d borrowed from one very surprised kid who was close enough to his size that it worked.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Safe Harbor - 33

Bobby patted Cry’s shoulder. "That’s why you got us, to make sure they don’t get you. We just gotta figure out how to stay close but not obvious."

Arch nodded. "They’re not going to go after them in the middle of some busy street so it’ll be harder to do that."

"When do they hunt?" Tank asked.

"Late. It was like what, four in the morning when they came after you all the first time?" Bobby looked at Jo-Jo.

"‘Bout then, yeah, and they got Bets pretty late too."

"Same with the time I saw them in the alley, so we gotta figure that’s when they go looking."

"But we gotta make it look real," Cry said, obviously beginning to get into the planning now. "Jo-Jo and I don’t hang around in alleys unless we have a john to take care of."

Looking at the two other boys Bobby nodded. "And none of us would pass as johns so alleys are out. So are streets with no traffic. Do you have a regular corner?"

Jo-Jo shrugged. "A couple of them, yeah."

"So we start with one of them and see what happens."

Tank frowned. "What do we do if these dudes do show up? No way we can call a cop."

"Especially if they’re really cops, yeah, and it’s still possible they are but I don’t think so. So we gotta catch them by surprise." Bobby glanced at the girls. "You two carry spray?" Jo-Jo nodded. "Good, keep it where you can get to it fast and use it if you get the chance. It’ll give us time to get to you."

"I shoulda used it the first time," Jo-Jo muttered. "But they caught us by surprise."

"They won’t this time ‘cause you’ll be prepared. Anything we’re missing in this?" Bobby asked.

Arch nodded. "Yeah, how will we know it’s them?"

"Duh, they’re dressed like cops," Jo-Jo muttered acerbically.

"I can see it now, some real cop rousts you and we come rushing to the rescue. We’ll all end up with our asses in jail."

"Good point, Arch." Bobby drummed his fingers on his thigh. "We need a signal."

Jo-Jo grinned slightly. "I think a loud scream might work."

With a snort of laughter Bobby agreed. "Since you know what they look like, yeah just scream if they come after you. We’ll take it from there."

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Safe Harbor - 32

Bobby hung back, watching Jo-Jo and Cry from the shadows. Across the street two other boys were doing the same thing. It was all part of the plan.

They had come up with it earlier in the evening when the two girls had shown up at the shelter to see if there was any news about Bets. According to them, the man they lived with had been less than happy about what had happened to her.

"The only reason he gives a damn is ‘cause he’s loosing income," Jo-Jo had growled. "He expects us to make up the difference."

"Doesn’t he get you’re not safe out there? That no one is right now ‘til those dudes are caught?" a boy named Arch asked when he overheard her.

She rolled her eyes. "Money, honey. That’s all he cares about."

"I wish someone would catch them." Cry sighed. "As if. No one knows what they look like."

Bobby shook his head. "Not true, you and Jo-Jo do." He frowned when something hit him. "Maybe that’s why they grabbed Bets."

"Shit. Yeah maybe." Cry looked scared—more than she already was.

"I wonder…" Bobby tapped a knuckle on his lips as he glanced around the community room to make certain Kurt was no where in sight. "What if we went looking for them?"

Jo-Jo glared at him. "You can not be serious."

"As death. You two go out as usual and a couple of us guys will follow you. We’ll stay out of sight but close enough so if those bastards do try to get you we can stop them."

"I’m in," Arch said. "And I bet Tank would be too." He pointed to a bulky blonde guy who was sprawled on one of the sofas watching TV. 

Bobby chuckled. "Bet he gets his name ‘cause of his size."

"You think? Thing is he’s as tough as he looks which gets him in trouble when he’s on something."

"Then he’s out. We don’t need to be worrying about his blowing this…if we do it."

"Let me talk to him. I think he’s clean at the moment."

Bobby shrugged and nodded. A couple of minutes later Arch returned with Tank in tow.

"I’m not using and I want in." Tank dropped down on the sofa beside Jo-Jo. "Gotta keep pretty ladies like you safe."

Jo-Jo snorted. "Bad line."

"Yeah, but…"

"Okay, you two can flirt later. Right now we need to come up with a real plan for doing this." Bobby looked at the others, ignoring Jo-Jo’s upraised finger. "It could take more than just tonight unless we get real lucky."

"What if…if they really do come after us?" Cry asked.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Safe Harbor - 31

Bobby sat up, too, and started to get off the bed so Kurt could. He stopped, looking at him. "I’m not going to hustle any more, just so you know."

Kurt returned his look with one which was equally as serious. "I think that’s wonderful, but," he touched Bobby's face gently to be certain he was paying attention,  "only if you’re doing it because it’s what you want to do and not because you think it’s what I’d want you to do."

"Can it be some of both? I…I really don’t like hustling but it gives me cash for food and…everything."

"Everything? Bobby, what sort of everything?" Kurt’s look turned severe.

"Damn, not that. I don’t touch booze or drugs! Not after the way I grew up. I meant more like clothes and well, umm, spray paints."

"Oh God." Kurt shook his head as he eased off the bed. "Another bad habit you have. You’re pretty good though, even if it is illegal as hell."

Bobby glanced at him in surprise. "You’ve seen my pieces?"  

"Yes. They’re hard to miss if I’m looking up at some of the buildings around here. You know," he said thoughtfully as he took off his slacks and walked to the bathroom to toss them in the hamper, "maybe you and some of the other guys who do graffiti could put your heads together and paint the walls in the community room."

"Whoa, serious?"

"Very serious." Kurt smiled before realizing he was standing there in just briefs and his socks. And that Bobby was suddenly very aware of the fact as well, his eyes lighting up as he raked them over his body. Quickly he grabbed a pair of jeans and fresh underwear, going back to the bathroom and firmly closing the door.

"Not like I’m not going to see all that and more sometime soon," Bobby called out, laughter in his voice.

Kurt ignored him; although he hoped what he’d said was the truth. After taking care of business which included a fast shower, he got dressed and returned to the bedroom. As Bobby walked past him with a pair of jeans slung over his shoulder he patted his ass before closing the bathroom door.

A minute later Kurt heard the shower running. "You are going to make me crazy," he muttered. "And it might just be worth it."

Saturday, April 6, 2019

It's release day for 'The Encampment'!

The Encampment
GENRE: Gay Mystery Erotic Romance
LENGTH: 36,629 words
RATING: flame rating 3

Homeless and hiding from his mother's abusive boyfriend, Davie -- along with his friend Grey -- accept an offer to move to a safe haven called the Encampment. Owned by Slade, and overseen by Maddox, and Ran, it's a well-protected site in the mountains for endangered street kids. Among the present residents is the very taciturn loner, Vin. To everyone's surprise, Davie and Vin become friends of a sort.

Soon after arriving, Davie discovers there is more to the Encampment than it appears at first glance when Ran, with Vin's help, begins training him in various forms of self-defense.

Davie finds out why when Slade sends him and Vin on an assignment to stop a vicious gang of slavers preying on homeless teens. From there things get interesting, to say the least, as the two young men try to survive while dealing with their growing attraction for each other.

At eight on the dot Sunday morning, Davie raised his hand to knock on Ran's door, hesitated, and then did after telling himself to grow a pair. A moment later, the door opened and Ran let him in.

Looking around, Davie said nervously, "Nice place."

Ran snorted. "If you like basic comfort. I'm not big on decorating." He nodded to the sofa, which had utilitarian basic brown cushions on a stainless steel frame. The armchair across from it looked a hell of a lot more comfortable but Davie wasn't going to argue -- especially when Ran sat in it. Davie perched on the edge of the sofa, watching Ran.

"Okay, first things first," Ran said. "I've already told you about the protections we've set up on the Encampment, so we don't have to go over them again unless you have any questions."

"Not that I can think of."

"Good. I want you to meet someone." As soon as Ran said that, the door at the far end of the room opened. A tall, blond-haired man stood there, studying Davie. Then he came across the room to take a seat at the other end of the sofa.

"Davie, this is Slade," Ran said by way of introductions.

With bravado he really didn't feel, Davie replied, "So you're the infamous protector Grey's told me about."

Slade chuckled. "I am."

Licking his suddenly dry lips, Davie asked, "Why are you here? Or more why are we here in the same room?"

"I wanted to get to know you personally. I'm aware of why you're at the Encampment, of course. I also know something of your life since you left home, thanks to Grey."

"Blabbermouth," Davie muttered.

"That was part of his job. I have to find out as much as possible about young men who need my help."

"Then it shouldn't have been any surprise to you that the bastard came looking for me." Davie paused, shaking his head. "It was for me, though, after more than six months."

"He was hospitalized for three of them, in a coma." Slade smiled dryly. "You pack quite a, well not a punch, but ..."

"Do the cops know it was me?"

Slade nodded. "They do, but given what your mother told them and the note you left her they decided you acted in self-defense."

"No shit! Apparently he doesn't believe in forgive and forget."

"I'd say not, especially since your mother kicked him out of the house a month after he'd recovered."

"A day late and all that, but still." Davie shook his head sadly.

"Indeed. How did you feel about what you did to him?"

"That he deserved it! All right, that was part of it. I was also scared that I killed him, which is why I called 911. I'm not normally violent but he was trying to rape me so I defended myself."

"I might debate your claim of non-violence considering how often you defended Grey and other kids who needed it," Slade replied.

"I couldn't turn my back on them, goddamn it."

"Most people would have, and some did I'm sure."

"Yeah, well that's not me."

Slade turned to Ran. "What do you think?"

"He appears to be telling the truth."

"Appears to be?" Davie scowled at Ran.

"I can only judge by your tone of voice and body language. I can't read your mind."

"If you could ..." Davie's scowl deepened.

"You'd try to punch me out?"

Davie nodded. "It occurred to me, at the spur of the moment," he admitted.

"You'd have been on the losing end if you did."

"It's happened before. I'm still alive," he said tightly.

"Davie, calm down," Slade admonished him. "I have a proposition for you. Or rather I will, if Ran tells me he thinks you can handle it. In order for him to do so, he's going to have to work with you to teach you some of the finer aspects of self-defense."

That piqued Davie's interest. "Like what?"

"Like how to survive no matter what," Ran replied.

"Sure, why not? I won't be here forever and when I get back to the streets it might come in handy. Especially if the bastard's still around and looking for me."

"Very well," Slade said. "When can you start, Ran?"

"This afternoon."

Slade looked sternly at Davie. "This is between the three of us. Understood? As far as anyone else is concerned, Ran is going to be taking you with him when he patrols the fence line looking for any problems. That way, you can do it yourself if he has to leave for any reason."

Davie chuckled. "That's what we though was happening with Pace, until he left." He looked inquiringly at the two men.

"He's helping me with something." Slade said.

"Which is all you're going to tell me."

"It is."

Also available from:

Friday, April 5, 2019

Safe Harbor - 30

Kurt woke several hours later with the feeling something was missing. It took him only a moment to realize what, or rather who, it was. "Well it is a narrow bed so he probably moved down to …."

"The floor," Bobby said, his head popping up over the edge of the bed. "You are a restless sleeper, and you snore."

"I most certainly do not." Kurt looked at him indignantly.

Bobby laughed. "Okay, you don’t snore but you still move around a lot." He climbed up onto the bed when Kurt slid over enough to give him some room.

For a long moment they just looked at each other. Then Kurt kissed Bobby. It was gentle, more of an affirmation than sexual. Bobby seemed to understand because he didn’t try to take it beyond that as he cupped Kurt’s cheek with one hand.

"We should probably face the day and see what it has to offer," Kurt stated reluctantly when they broke apart.

"Yeah, probably. Especially since it’s half gone already. I can sneak out first or wait until you’ve gone downstairs."

"Why the hell would you want to do..? Oh. Uh-uh. I mean unless you don’t want the kids knowing you slept in here"

Bobby snorted. "I don’t give a damn if they know. I just thought maybe you’d rather… It’s not like we did anything but you better believe they’ll probably think we did."

"Not a problem as far as I’m concerned. You see, this way when we do, if we do, they’ll already think we’ve been doing it and it’ll be old news."

"Oh, we’re going to. I’ve made up my mind about that. So…yeah. We get up, get dressed, and you know you wore those pants yesterday so you might want to change them ‘cause they’re really wrinkled."

"Should have taken them off I guess but…"

"Yeah, I might have taken advantage. Not. Well not last night anyway ‘cause we fell asleep before anything interesting could happen. And not now because we really have to get up and moving and…"

Kurt chuckled as he sat up. "If this works out I have the feeling you’re going to try to run my life."

"It will, and I will."

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Safe Harbor - 29

"Geesh, will you shut up."

"What?" Kurt stared at Bobby in shock.

"You’re going to talk this to death and convince yourself it’s just lust and nothing more. So maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but you won’t know if you don’t give us a chance."


Two steps and Bobby was toe to toe with Kurt. "Just…" he put his hands on his shoulders, "shut up." And then he kissed him.

That Kurt returned the kiss would be an understatement. For long moments he drowned himself in the feel and taste of Bobby’s lips as if it was the first time he had ever kissed a man and needed to know what such things were all about. Bobby reciprocated with a fierce hunger, his arms going tightly around Kurt.

Then Kurt broke away, trying, but not succeeding, to cover a yawn. Both men broke into gales of laughter.

"We have to stop…"

"Coming onto each other when both of us are beyond tired?"

"Yes." Kurt nodded, grinning. He sobered seconds later. "But we are tired…"

"And falling asleep standing up, even holding each other…"

"Could land us in a heap on the floor. A very undignified heap."

"So…" Bobby took his hand, tugging him to the bed, "lie down and scrunch over because there ain’t no way I’m sleeping on the floor now."

Kurt’s eyebrows rose. "You may regret this decision. I wasn’t kidding, the bed’s barely large enough for me."

"So I’m skinny, I don’t take much room." Bobby pointed to the bed. "Lie down and scrunch."

With a laugh and a yawn, Kurt did, after taking off his shirt. When Bobby spooned against him in what room was left, Kurt pulled him tightly to his chest. "This doesn’t prove anything," he said, apparently feeling it incumbent upon himself to point that out.

"Proves you were wrong because the two of us do fit. And if you’re wrong about that, then you could be wrong about the other thing as well. So shush up and go to sleep. I’m not going anywhere ‘cause I want us to see if this works."

Kurt snorted. "One of us will probably wake up on the floor."

"Not that you nut. Us. You and me. See if we work and…" Bobby yawned.

Kurt planted a kiss on the nape of his neck. "Go to sleep."

"You first."

"Together," Kurt managed to get out very sleepily.

Bobby nodded, his eyes closing. "Together."

Monday, April 1, 2019

Safe Harbor – 28

After Kurt left, Bobby did shower, finger-brushed his teeth, and tried to tame his damp hair before wrapping a towel around his waist and going back into the bedroom.

He didn’t know why, after all it was Kurt's room, but Bobby was surprised to see him standing at the dresser. The man seemed unaware of his presence as he took off his collar then stared at it, a frown darkening his face.

Quietly, so as not to disturb him, Bobby crossed to where he’d dropped his backpack and silently took out a cleanish pair of well-worn sweat pants. After pulling them on he turned to find Kurt watching him in the dresser mirror. "Are you all right?"

Kurt nodded slowly. "Yes, I’m fine, just exhausted, which you should be too."

Bobby chuckled. "I’m a night owl, I’m used to being up late though usually not quite this late, or early, or whatever."

"I got you a sleeping bag, one which might actually keep you warm, not that it’s cold in here but… Anyway it’s on the bed."

"I see. Nice. Thanks."

"Anything else you need?"


"If not, then get some sleep." Kurt carefully put the collar away, and then kicked off his shoes and tossed his wallet and keys in a dresser drawer.

Bobby hesitated then said, "Okay, look, I should keep my big yap closed ‘cause we’re both tired but something’s bugging you. Is it me? I know I’m not much and you’re probably having second thoughts about what you said the other night but if you are then tell me. I won’t get mad…just…so yeah, if it is then spit it out. Okay?"

Turning slowly, Kurt looked at him. "It’s not you. It’s me. I’m afraid of what I’m feeling, and why."

Bobby frowned. "Explain?"

"I’m not certain I can so it makes sense." Kurt leaned back against the dresser, staring down at the threadbare carpet. "That I’m gay is a given. That I’m attracted to you is a given as well, I think, and I get the idea you’re not impartial to me. But are my feelings…feelings? Or is it only because it’s been more time than I like to think about since anyone’s even been vaguely interested in me as a person and I’m reacting to that? If something… happened between us…" He sighed deeply. "The last thing I want to do is take advantage of your apparent interest and find out I just needed someone to give a damn about me as me for…for a while, not as a priest."

"First off, for what it’s worth, I do like you as a man. I’m damned glad you decided to dump the damned collar because it damned well made me feel like I shouldn’t let you know how I felt."

Kurt arched an eyebrow, slightly amused as the way he’d phrased his words.

Bobby got it and chuckled softly. "Too many ‘damned’s’? Probably should watch my language and I might have, maybe, if you were wearing the collar right now. But I meant what I said; it did get in the way. It’s the reason I haven’t been around so much any more. It’s hard to get past it you know. Yeah, before you say anything, I know you’re allowed to…to what…to be a person not just a priest, but still, damn, Kurt."

"That still doesn’t negate what I said. I need to figure out if my attraction to you is real or if it just comes from being alone for too long and having someone…"