Thursday, April 25, 2019

Safe Harbor - 40

Loud banging woke Kurt with a start. He shot up, trying to figure out what it was before realizing someone was at his door. Bobby was out of the bed seconds later, dashing for the bathroom. Kurt quickly snagged a pair of jeans and pulled them on, zipping them as he opened the door.

"There’s a cop downstairs and he wants to talk to you," one of the kids informed him in a scared voice.

Kurt sighed with a muttered "Now what?" as he went back to find a shirt.

When he got downstairs, Daniel was waiting for him in the community room.

"I finally have some good news." The detective glanced at the kids who seemed more than eager to know what he was talking about, and then looked questioningly at Kurt.

"So spill it. They’ll find out soon enough, whatever it is."

Daniel nodded, eyeing Kurt’s bare feet and bed-tousled hair with a smile. "I guess I woke you up."

"Late night," Kurt replied without apology. "What time is it anyway?"

"One in the afternoon." He caught a glimpse of Bobby coming down the stairs, barefoot and shirtless and cocked an eyebrow before continuing. "So, anyway, Bets regained consciousness early this morning. With luck we’ll have the two men in custody before too long."

"Thank God." Kurt whispered thankfully.

The kids were a little less circumspect. They cheered and high-fived each other, Jo-Jo’s voice the loudest of the lot as she and Cry hugged each other enthusiastically.

"Where are the men?"

Daniel turned to Bobby. "Bets said they took her to a small house at the edge of the city. She didn’t know the address, obviously, but she saw enough of the outside and the street, when they took her into the house, that we were able to narrow it down to a pretty specific area. Now it’s just a case of going street to street until we find the right one."

"I hope they try to shoot it out with your guys so you can kill them," Bobby said angrily.


"Sorry Kurt but it’s what they deserve."

Daniel smiled slightly. "I understand how you feel but I’d rather avoid a gun battle. Sometimes others get hurt beside the perps."

"Yeah. Okay. Got it. How come you’re here, not there?"

"The house isn’t in my district so I figured I’d let you all know while I waited to hear if they’ve been arrested."

Cry had come over to listen. "What happens if they aren’t there?"

"The forensics team will collect evidence, they’ll run fingerprints so we have names, hopefully, and there will be another APB put out on them, this time with more details."

"Will they let us see Bets?"

"She’s still in intensive care so it’s up to her doctors."

"Oh. Well…yeah, so we can’t."

Kurt patted her shoulder. "I’m going over there as soon as possible. You and Jo-Jo can come along. I bet I can get the two of you in for at least a brief visit."


  1. Good fo hear she woke up! I hope they are and I hope the police can save whoever they have there at the moment. YAY wonder if Daniel is gonna try and talk Kurt out of seeing Bobby...if he does I will put a curse on his penis!

    1. LOL You'll find out on Saturday if he does or not.

  2. Being jerk awake like that was wood killing I bet! Kurt had his under control sooner than Bobby! I know that they have not talk about being together but they are going have to discuss it so they don’t get in trouble. Or feel like that they have to hide. No one loves being a dirty secret.

    1. You're right. Hopefully they will talk about it soon.

  3. Things are happening but I am sure it is not over.
