Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Safe Harbor - 39

"All right, lecture over," Kurt said. "I think we all need to get some sleep. It’s been a very long night."

Bobby chuckled as he got up. "And this is a surprise why?"

"Good point. Girls you can use the same room as last time. Arch, Tank, there should be a couple of empty beds in the dorm by now if you don’t already have ones."

The kids walked quickly from the office, except for Bobby. Taking a deep breath, he said, "I’m sorry. I guess it was a stupid thing to do."


"That’s it, that’s all you’re going to say, just ‘very’?"

Kurt nodded. "I think you know it was, so why drag you over the coals one more time."

"Yeah. It won’t happen again."

"Good. Go get some sleep. You need it as much as they do."

"And so do you." Bobby put a hand on Kurt’s shoulder, urging him towards the door.

"What is it you kids are always saying? You ain’t the boss of me?"

Bobby laughed. "Yeah that’s it, but sometimes you need bossing. You also need a bigger bed but that’s for another day."

Kurt opened the door. "Think you’re sharing my narrow cot again?" 

"Unless you move around as much as you did the last time, yeah I am."

"We’ll see."

"If I share it?" Bobby smiled as he walked beside Kurt up the back stairs to the second floor.

"No." Kurt opened the door to his room, waiting to reply until they were inside and the door was closed. "I know you’ll share it. I just think I’m so tired I won’t move an inch once I lie down."

Bobby started to say something and yawned. They both burst out laughing.

"Someday we’re going to get to bed at a decent hour and by then…" Bobby looked at Kurt’s bed and shook his head as he began to undress.

"By then I might get a wider one. Of course then there won’t be room for anything else in here."

Bobby chuckled while he watched Kurt strip off his shirt and toss it haphazardly towards the hamper in the bath room. "You’re the bossman, move to a bigger room."

"You know, if there was one I would…now." Kurt finished undressing down to his briefs and fell back onto the bed, moving as close to the wall as he could to give Bobby room.

The young man crawled in beside him, resting his head on Kurt’s shoulder with the comment, "Since you’ve got the only pillow I guess I’m using you for mine."

Kurt smiled and kissed his temple. "I can deal."

"Good because…" Bobby’s words faded into nothing as he fell asleep.

"I’m stuck with you," Kurt finished, "and I don’t mind at all."


  1. OMFGODDESSS love it! So cute! I can’t wait for Thursday!

  2. No need to beat a dead horse as they say. All the kids got it that he was not happy. I have slept on a cot and that is impressive shit if they can both fit. If they are in there by the time they wake up no one is gonna miss all the wood popping out like trees! Lol

    1. That depends. You definitely have an interesting mind set about some things. LMAO

  3. I agree this is good stuff! Can’t wait for more!
