Monday, April 29, 2019

Safe Harbor - 42

The news was playing on the TV when Kurt, Bobby and the girls arrived back at the shelter. It seemed as if everyone was in the community room, glued to the set as they listened to the reporter announce the arrest of two men allegedly responsible for the string of murders involving street kids.

Bobby cheered with everyone else, and then turned to say something to Kurt, at which point he realized he wasn’t standing there. He frowned and went searching for him, finding him pacing in his office as he talked to someone on the phone, which was set to speaker mode. Unashamedly, Bobby eavesdropped from the doorway.

"So they resisted arrest." Kurt was saying.

"They did, unsurprisingly all things considered." From the voice Bobby knew it was Daniel. "Forensics found their prints at the house where they had Bets. Once they ran them and had names, it wasn’t hard to track them down to the house they shared."

"I hope they aren’t cops. The news report didn’t say one way or the other."

"Yeah, we haven’t let that information out yet." Daniel paused, his voice taut with anger when he finally replied. "One of them was, and I mean ‘was’ in that he used to be a cop. He quit rather than face allegations of accepting bribes from a known drug dealer to look the other way. He also had a reputation for coming down hard on street kids, though of course none of the kids ever actually filed reports."

"Big surprise that," Bobby muttered.

Kurt heard him and turned to look at him, nodding before returning to his phone call. "What about the other man?"

"So far we don’t have much on him. He served a brief sentence for assaulting his ex-wife which is why his prints were on record. Turns out he’s also Master’s, the cop’s, brother-in-law. Master’s was married to his sister for a brief time."

Bobby pushed off the doorjamb, coming over to Kurt when he stopped pacing.  "Two losers hooking up to take their anger out on us." 

"Unfortunately, yes, Bobby. Why, we don’t know yet but I’m sure it’ll come out in time." Daniel chuckled then. "I take it you’ve been listening in."

Kurt put his arm around Bobby’s shoulders. "He has been."

"If they resisted arrest did your guys at least get a few good licks in on them?"

"We don’t work that way, Bobby, despite what you may think. From the reports, they did try to escape and Masters pulled a gun, but he was taken down before he could use it."

"At least you caught them. I guess that’s what counts in the end."

"We did, Bobby, and you kids helped in your own ways. Okay, Kurt, I’ll call you again later if I have more details. Right now I have to get back to work."

"All right, and thanks for the update. I’m sorry a cop was involved, even if he isn’t one now. I guess it explains how they knew to act like police officers."

"It does, and I’m off." Daniel hung up and Kurt did the same seconds later.


  1. Happy they were caught! I hope Bets will recover. Dirty cops are the worst kind of bad apples.

    1. I agree. Bad apples doesn't begin to describe it.

  2. I am so glad they caught them. Unfortunately every profession has bad apples. Some though where public trust is involved are worse.
