Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Safe Harbor - 43

"I wish I’d been there. I’d have beaten the bastards bloody," Bobby growled.

Kurt shook his head. "And ended up in jail yourself." 

"Yeah, but it would have been worth it."

"Shush, oh bloodthirsty one, or I’ll send you to bed without your supper," Kurt joked softly.

"All alone?"

Biting back a laugh, Kurt nodded. "Yes." He was still joking but it seemed Bobby didn’t realize he was since he looked very upset as he turned away. Sighing, Kurt put a hand on his shoulder.

Bobby immediately shrugged it off, saying, "Are you having second thoughts?" Suddenly, apparent understanding, and then distress flashed across his face. "I know I’m not exactly prime boyfriend material, or whatever you want to call it."

"Don’t you ever put yourself down that way because it’s not true."

"Yeah it is. I’m homeless, I live on the streets and I sell myself to make money. Hardly up to your high moral standards."

"Excuse me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You know exactly what it means, Father Kurt."

"Oh for heaven’s sake, how the hell did a rather bad joke about sending you to bed suddenly turn into…this?" Kurt put his hands on Bobby’s shoulders, his face serious as he locked eyes with the younger man. "I am not having second thoughts, far from it. As to how you’ve been living your life, you’ve done the best you could to keep body and soul together, I’m well aware of that. There is no way I’d fault you for how you’ve had to do it, so get that idea out of your head right now."

"I could have…"

"Could have what? Gone back home? Not an option. Gotten a job? Doubtful when you first got to the city because you were too young. Now, probably. I’ve already offered you one, well sort of, and if you don’t want it I’m sure there are places that would hire you. You wouldn’t get rich but you’d be able to earn enough to find a place to live." Kurt’s lips quirked up in a small smile. "One large enough to have a real bed."

Bobby smiled back, but his eyes said his heart wasn’t in it quite yet. "Did you really mean it that it doesn’t matter to you what I am?"

"What you are is someone who was treated so badly you’ve lost sight of the fact you’re a good, loving, caring person who deserves more from life than you’ve gotten so far." When it looked as if Bobby was going to question his words again, Kurt did the only thing he could think of to stop him. He took him in his arms and kissed him.

"Wow," Bobby whispered a few moments later, pulling away to stare at Kurt.

Kurt smiled, brushing the pad of his thumb over Bobby’s lips. "Do you still think I don’t want you?"

"Well…" Bobby’s eyes dropped down to Kurt’s crotch for an instant before he lifted them and grinned. "There is some evidence that says you definitely want me."

"I most certainly do. However…"

"What?" Bobby tensed again.

"We have a small problem."

"Not that small." Again Bobby’s eyes went to the obvious erection straining Kurt’s jeans.

"Stop that," Kurt growled. "What I meant was we don’t really have a place to…"

"Yeah, we do, if you’re willing."

"Do tell."

"Ever made love on a rooftop?"


  1. Yes it was a joke but sometimes the heart hears it completely different than the mind. Plus if all you know is disappointment then yup. Rooftop rotlmao I thinking Father Kurt may have a problem with the privacy aspect of it. Could you imagine it being Daniel that happen to find the. Omfg !

    1. I think Bobby's smart enough to know which rooftops are safe from prying eyes. After all, he spends a lot of time on them when he's doing his 'art'.

  2. On a rooftop would be different. I love Kurt's replies to Bobby.

    1. Kurt's a good man who understands you don't have to be perfect to be loved.
