Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Safe Harbor - 46


Bobby grinned. "I think it should be ‘me, you’ to be grammatically correct."

Kurt couldn’t hold back a laugh. "You are stone ass crazy."

"Speaking of asses…" Bobby looked questioningly at him. When Kurt turned away Bobby said softly, "I’m a switch. I suppose that goes without saying all things considered, so if you want to top. Or if you don’t want to do either…" He ran his hand slowly up Kurt’s shaft, his thumb teasing his leaking slit, "I have another condom so we can just suck each other off."

Kurt shivered with need even as distress limned his face. "But that wouldn’t be fair to you."

"Umm, right now all I can think about is wanting to come. How is fairly immaterial." Without waiting for Kurt to reply Bobby took out another condom. With a grin he straddled Kurt, using his mouth to roll it on before taking his shaft into his mouth.

Being a smart man, and with Bobby’s cock at exactly the right place now, Kurt put his hands on his hips to pull him closer and soon was giving as good as he was getting from Bobby’s very talented mouth.

Kurt came first, but only by seconds. If their mouths hadn’t been otherwise occupied they would both have shouted as their orgasms consumed them.

Which probably would have scared the hell out of anyone within ear shot, Kurt thought, when he was able to actually think again.

Bobby pulled free, rolling off Kurt and turning in one smooth motion to wrap his arms around him. "Not too bad, for our first time," he said with a straight face.

"It was pretty spectacular, even if I did wimp out."

"You did not ‘wimp out’. Besides we have plenty of time to do anything and everything. At least I hope we do."

Kurt took Bobby’s face in his hands. "All the time in the world," he said softly.

A kiss was Bobby’s reply, gentle and caring and full of hope for their future. Kurt took and returned it in the same manner. Then as they broke apart he yawned.

"You didn’t!" Bobby laughed uproariously.

Kurt started to reply, laughed instead, then yawned again. "We should probably get back before I fall asleep right here."

"Or sleep here and go back in the morning. You have to see the city when the sun comes up. It’s wonderful."

Kurt considered the idea for a moment. "I’d like to."

So he did see it, after which they made love again. Slow, gentle love which held the promise of much more to come.

The End


  1. A truly amazing ending! Thank you for sharing it! Smooches and big hugs!

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

  2. I’m always gonna to read! You are a perfect story teller and I am sometimes have a hard time finding someone of your caliber.

    1. Well, aren't you sweet to say so. Thank you so much.

  3. That was beautiful. thanks so very much

  4. Ahhh. Perfect. Love that it started on the roof and ended on the roof. Great job my friend.
