Wednesday, August 31, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 56



While they waited to hear back from Olivia Hummel, Wren took Alex back to Eldon's for the time being and Micky went upstairs to check on Robin. He walked into the room to find Robin was lying on his side and still seemed to be fast asleep. Thor was curled up on the bed next to him.


Afraid the dog might disturb Robin's rest, when Thor looked up at him, Micky pointed to the floor.


"It's okay," Robin mumbled, and Micky saw he was watching him. "He's helping me stay calm."


"Bad dreams again?" Micky asked sympathetically, trying to hide his worry as he sat on the chair by the bed.


Robin seemed as if he'd deny it, before saying, "Yeah. But they'll go away in time. Until then, I have Thor." He reached out and Micky took his hand. "Thor, and you, to keep me from going totally off the deep end."


"We'll do our best. So will your brothers, and Eldon."


"No. I mean they would if they had the time, but they have their own jobs to do. They'll check in when they can but you… You're the one who really cares—because I'm me. Just like Thor does."


Micky smiled. "I love being put in the same class as a dog. Not, you understand, that there's anything wrong with it."


"Not a damned thing. They're faithful, and caring, and loyal, and tender when they need to be."




"Thor is. He's been very careful not to actually touch me, except to lick my arm or my face, unless I was having a nightmare. Then he put his paw on my arm and woofed softly to wake me up." Robin eased partially onto his back, biting his lip hard, to pat Thor's head. "Okay," he muttered, turning onto his side again. "That was not my smartest move."


"I'd say not. You need another pill."


"Actually, I need to pee first. That means I need your help getting up."


"You shouldn't… Okay, I guess you should, under the circumstances."


Robin managed a small grin. "Close your eyes. I'm not wearing much."


Micky eyed him. "I'd say you're not wearing anything, unless you count the bandages. But I saw it all earlier when I got you undressed. I think I can handle it again."


Robin smirked. "Again? You haven't handled it…"


"Enough," Micky muttered, trying not to laugh while easing his arm under Robin's to help him sit up then stand. He knew from the pain etched on Robin's face and the fact he bit down hard on his lip again, that he was trying not to cry out.


Monday, August 29, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 55



"What about—" Wren nodded slowly, "—a variation on our original plan. Obviously, since Walker used a fake name, Micky can't find him to return the wallet. But what if he calls Ms Hummel. He…you—" he looked at Micky, "—tell her you found the wallet after Gary left and would like to give it back to him but the address on his ID isn't good. You, hmm…found her name and phone number on a slip of paper and figured you'd call her. If we're right, she's going to jump at the chance to get her hands on you. She'll ask where you live. Play it coy and tell her you'd rather not let her, or Gary, know, since it was just a one-night stand that ended badly."


"That might work," Micky replied after a moment's thought. "Then I suggest Gary meet me at Swallows, where we hooked up the first time."


"Yep. What do you think?" Wren looked at his brothers.


"The only hole is why Walker had her number written down. Wouldn't he know it by heart?" Falcon said.


"Probably," Wren replied. "On the other hand, she has a legitimate business, just like Mackenzie. Walker could have had her business card with him for some reason."


Hawk nodded. "Not perfect, but more logical." He used his phone to do a search, came up with her business phone number and gave it to Micky.


After fine-tuning the plan, Micky made the call. He knew he had her the moment he told her his name and she went silent for a beat too long before asking why he was calling. In the end, she agreed to talk to Mr. Freeman and set up a meeting at Swallows if he was interested. "He may, of course, have written off the wallet as a loss," she pointed out. "In which case, I'd say just toss it. I'll call you when I get his answer."


When he hung up, Micky said, "She never did offer to give me his number so I could call him directly."


"She wants to stall so she can set it up for them to grab you," Falcon said. "If I don't miss my guess, Walker will have come up with a story about why someone shot him that seems reasonable—maybe even romantic, in a spy story sort of way."


"Oh, I'm sure of it," Micky said caustically. "Then he'll suggest we go to his place so he can make it up to me for the scare he gave me."


"It'll be interesting to see if we're right," Wren said.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 54



"So I call Frazer, tell him I have Gary Freeman's wallet then what?" Micky asked. "He'll either deny he knows who that is, which would be logical since it's Darren's alias and Darren would have used his real name when he contacted him. Or he'll just ask me to drop it by his office so he can return it."


"Not if you say, or imply, that you have a very personal reason for giving it to Freeman yourself."


"And if he believes me, ask him if he can set up a meeting at the bar where I met Darren. I mean Freeman?"


"Yes," Hawk replied.


"That could work," Falcon said. "It all depends on how sincere you sound, Micky. Or how desperate, depending on how you want to play it."


"Jeez." Micky ran one hand through his hair. "What if Frazer asks why it's so important that I meet Freeman face-to-face rather than giving the wallet to Frazer to return?"


"You caught something from the dude and want to let him know," Alex piped up.


"Oh great. Still…" Micky thought about that. "It would explain why I'm desperate, as you put it, Falcon. For sure Frazer wouldn't believe I fell hopelessly in love after a one-night stand."


Wren snorted. "Not unless he's into romance novels."


"Okay," Micky said, "say I can convince him to try to get Darren to meet me at the bar. I'd have to give Frazer a number where he can reach me to say it's a go."


"That's what throwaways are for," Hawk replied. "No link to the real you."


"I actually have one."


"Have you used it?"


"Yes," Micky said. "When Robin called me last night. And later I tried to call him but…well, you know he couldn't answer, so I called Eldon."


Hawk nodded, leaving the house. He returned a moment later, handing Micky a phone. "It's safe to use."


Micky lifted an eyebrow. "You carry extras with you?"


"Yep. You never know when they'll come in handy."


"Back up a minute," Wren said. "We're presuming Walker got those names from someone working for Mackenzie. There's no reason Frazer would know Walker, even as Freeman."


"Once again, Wren comes to the rescue," Falcon said. "That's a good point and one we hadn't considered. Okay, scratch that idea."


"Then how do we trap Darren—and Olivia Hummel?" Micky asked.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 53



"Robin thinks that's why Darren was at the bar that night. To meet with one of them," Micky said.


"The same way Robin set it up for you and Irving to meet." Hawk nodded.


"Exactly. Irving uses Tanzer's escort company, so we figured… Okay, I already told you all that," Micky replied.


"If Darren Walker set up his meeting at Swallows, I suspect he goes there now and again," Wren said.


Hawk shook his head. "Not logical, Wren. Would you use a place where they knew you?"


"Rarely," Wren admitted. "So how do we let Walker know Micky will be there, and when? I'm presuming you got me here because you want me to act as Micky's back-up."


"Yep." Falcon grinned. "Since you're our changeling brother."


Wren tugged a lock of his dark hair and chuckled. "That I am."


"Back to your original question, Wren." Falcon turned to Micky. "At any point did the two of you exchange phone numbers?"


"Not even. It was just a one-night stand."


"His ID is in the wallet?"


"Yes, but it belongs to a Gary Freeman, not him."


"Figures." Falcon looked thoughtful, then asked, "Is there any indication on the list of which man Walker was going to meet?"


"Possibly," Micky told him. "One name was checked off."


"We need to see the list."


"Not a problem," Hawk said.


"I told you," Micky said tightly, "you are not going to wake Robin up to get the combination to the safe."


"I won't, oh protective one," Hawk replied with a smile as he got up and went to the safe, sliding back the panel that hid it from view. He spun the dial to the correct numbers and opened the door—none of which actually surprised Micky. Taking out the list, which was sitting on top of the wallet, Hawk said, "Linc Frazer's on it. I know who he is. Not a nice man."


"What good does it do to know that?" Micky asked.


"Just an idea, but it might work. Suppose you called him, saying you found a list with his name on it, but that the address on the ID isn't valid. You want to get in touch with the wallet's owner to return it."


"First off, how did I get Frazer's phone number?"


"You have heard of the White Pages, I presume."


"Is he listed in them?"


Without replying, Hawk opened his phone and, Micky figured, got online. A moment later, Hawk nodded. "Lincoln Frazer, Attorney-at-Law. No home phone though. Just the business one. But that will work." He jotted it down and shut off his phone.



Tuesday, August 23, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 52



Wren and Alex found seats then Wren told the others, "Alex is a font of information about the house where he worked."


"Slaved, more like it," Alex muttered.


"That too. Anyway, he gave me the names of the guards and a couple of other people. When I did a photo lineup, he immediately picked out Mackenzie as the man called Mac, who had him sent to the Yours Truly house."


"And I'll tell anyone who asks, including the cops," Alex said adamantly.


Wren patted Alex's shoulder. "We'll arrange that soon. Now"—he looked at his brothers—"what do you need from me?"


"We want to use Micky and the list he found in Darren Walker's wallet, to draw out Walker and his boss, Olivia Hummel."


"Explain," Wren said, so between Micky and Hawk they filled him in on the details of how Micky had gotten his hands on Walker's wallet and the aftermath. "You're lucky you're alive," Wren told Micky when they finished.


"I wouldn't be without Robin's help."


Wren nodded. "Okay, what's the plan?"


"That's what we need to figure out," Falcon said. "I think we can put Swallows to good use as part of it."


Wren chuckled. "Given what kind of bar it is, I'm sure we can. But how?"


"You always were the one to ask the hard questions," Hawk muttered.


Wren just grinned, tapping a finger to his lips. "Have you been there more than the two times you mentioned, Micky?"


"No. One of the guys I work with told me about it, so I decided to check it out. That's the last time I'll do that."


"Hey, you met us as a result," Falcon said. He smirked. "Especially Robin."


"Is there something going on here I'm not aware of?" Wren asked.


"No," Micky said hastily at the same time Falcon said, "Probably."


Wren smiled. "He's good people, Micky. You could do a lot worse."


"I don't even know if he's interested. I don't know if I am. Not really. It could all be the result of all that's happened since we met."


"You're interested," Hawk said. "However, that's neither here nor there at the moment. We need to break up Ms Hummel's organization. Using the fact that Micky has the list she seems to be after, might be the perfect way to get the information we need."


"You're sure she wants it?" Wren asked.


"Why else would she have had her people watching Micky's place?"


"To find out if Micky can identify the person who tried to kill Walker."


             "Perhaps that too," Hawk agreed, "but since the list was in Walker's wallet and they had to figure Micky found it, it's more reasonable to think she wants it. Walker undoubtedly knows there's a connection between Mackenzie and the men on the list."


Sunday, August 21, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 51



"Or not," Falcon muttered, earning him a grin from Hawk. He stopped pacing to look at Micky, as if appraising him, then said to Hawk, "What do you think?"


"He's not trained."


"But he did well with getting that boy out of Tanzer's clutches."


"Hey, I'm sitting right here," Micky pointed out. "If it's me you're talking about." He was both afraid and intrigued by the idea that it was.


"It is," Falcon replied, "but as Hawk said, you don't have the training it takes to be used as bait."


"I presume you wouldn't be sending me out on my own."


"Of course not," Hawk said emphatically.


Falcon nodded. "We'll have to use Wren. He's the only one of us who doesn't resemble Robin."


Puzzled, Micky asked, "Why does that matter?"


"One. For all we know, Ms Hummel has someone planted in Mackenzie's organization. If so, she probably knows what his people look like."


"Exactly," Hawk agreed. "Even though Robin was just one of his lovers, he'd be on her radar as a result."


"I suppose that makes sense. What's the second reason?"


"They obviously know what you look like, since she had people staking out your apartment. Although the chances are slim, someone might have seen you and Robin together."


"Not that slim, I'm afraid," Micky told them. "Robin went with me to the bar where I hooked up with Irving—to set things up with the bartender, so Irving and I could talk privately."


Hawk glanced at Falcon. "Swallows, I bet."


"Yes," Micky said. "And that's where I first ran into Darren."


"It could work," Hawk said, again looking at Falcon, getting a nod in return.


"Are you reading each other's mind?" Micky asked, "Because it sure seems like it."


Falcon chuckled. "No. We've just worked together for so long we tend to think alike." Taking out his phone, he called Wren, asking him to join them. "He'll be here in twenty or less," he said after hanging up. "So why don't we see if Robin has anything edible. I'm hungry."


They raided the fridge and were eating sandwiches when Wren showed up with Alex in tow. As the front door closed, Thor bounded down the stairs and into the room, every hair on his neck bristling. Then the dog saw Wren and dashed over. Alex stepped behind Wren fearfully, only coming into view again when Wren assured Thor that Alex was a friend. As soon as the dog finished greeting both of them, he disappeared, and Micky heard his nails clicking on the stairs while he raced back up to be with Robin.


Friday, August 19, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 50



Micky went back downstairs to let Hawk and Falcon know that Robin was finally sleeping. "Thor is watching over him," he said, earning chuckles from the brothers.


He smelled coffee and went to get a cup, then took a seat in one of the armchairs. Looking between the two men, he asked, "Now what?"


"Now we do what's necessary," Hawk replied, "while you do your best to keep Robin from jumping the gun before he's completely healed."


"I'd say that sounds like a good plan except for one thing. I have my own axe to grind. Not only with Mackenzie—for what he did to Robin, and what he's doing to all the kids he's forcing into sex slavery—but with someone else as well."


Falcon cocked his head in question. "Who?"


"Darren Walker."




"Don't you all communicate with each other?" Micky asked in exasperation. "You do know about Olivia Hummel, I hope. According to Robin, she's trying to take over at least part of Mackenzie's operation. Or, I guess, undercut him. She runs a prostitution ring that caters to gays, and wants to control all the boys who sell themselves on the street."


"I've heard about her," Hawk said. "Is this Walker one of her people?"


"Yes. He works for her. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. I'd be carrying on as usual, working and"—Micky smiled ruefully—"visiting clubs on occasion to see who I could hook up with. Not exactly a noble life, but it worked for me."


"Right," Hawk said. "Eldon told us about that. You were there when someone tried to kill Walker."


"I was. And I managed to walk away from it with his wallet, which contained a list of some of Mackenzie's contacts, including Tanzer and Vaughn—men that Mackenzie undoubtedly doesn't want anyone to know he knows. That's why Robin thinks Mackenzie and Darren Walker are looking for me. They both want the list."


"Where is it now?" Falcon asked.


"In Robin's safe." Micky shot him a hard look. "You are not waking him to get the combination."


"At the moment, no." Falcon began to pace. "We could," he finally said, "use the list to bait a trap."


"To catch Darren?" Micky asked.


"To stop him and Ms Hummel and put her out of business, just like Robin's trying to do with Mackenzie."


Micky frowned. "I thought you all had your own things you were doing to stop other criminals."


            "We do. But when someone fucks with one of us the way Mackenzie did with Robin," Hawk said, "we band together to stop them." He smiled dryly. "Maybe we should give Ms Hummel a helping hand, since she's trying to take over from him."

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 49



Slowly, awareness flooded Robin's expression as he focused in on Thor then Micky. "I'm home," he whispered.


"You are," Micky replied, smiling when Thor licked Robin again, getting a "Yuck, dog, you need a breath mint" from Robin. Micky handed Robin his meds, then wondered how Robin would be able to drink the water. Robin solved that by inching onto his side, although it was obvious it cost him when he paled even more than he already was.


When he was back on his stomach again, Robin sighed deeply. "It's going to take too long."


"To heal?"


"Yeah. I need to go after him now, when he least expects it."


"That is not happening. You can barely move without causing yourself a great deal of pain. Besides…" Micky hesitated to continue, but he knew it had to be said. "When you see him, everything he did to you this time will come back in full force. It will debilitate you even more than the damage he inflicted on you."


"The hell it will. It'll give me a reason to…to…"


"To what, Robin? You said yourself you don't kill, and I believe you. It's not in you to do so, except maybe to save your life or the life of someone you care about, like your family."


"And you," Robin said, his words barely above a whisper. Even so, Micky heard them and his pulse raced until he told himself, That's the pain and the drugs talking. And the fact that I'm here, trying to help him as best I can.


Micky's thoughts, his disbelief, must have shown on his face, because Robin repeated more forcefully, "And you. Don't for a minute doubt it. I do care for you."


"You barely know me. All you've seen of me is my needing your protection. That's the kind of caring you're feeling. The need to keep me safe."


"Not true." Robin eased his hand out to take Micky's. "The only thing that…that kept me from breaking last night, was knowing you were here and waiting. That you're in my life."


"You're crazy," Micky murmured, carefully squeezing Robin's hand.




"Because…you are?"


Robin smiled. "I'll take crazy over not having you around."


"Tell me that when you're not full of meds, and I might believe you."


"Done." Robin gazed at him for a long moment then his eyes closed and he slept.


            "Nothing like falling asleep to reinforce how much you care," Micky grumbled. But he couldn't stop the hope that maybe, just maybe, Robin had meant what he'd said.


Monday, August 15, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 48



"Yeah. Well better to laugh than cry," Robin retorted. "Anyway, I managed to get my keys out of my pocket since he—or someone—was kind enough to put my jeans back on me. Or evil enough, because physically I'd have been better off without them. I crawled into the car, pushed the pain to the back of my mind, and made it home."


"You are something else," Micky said softly, stroking the side of Robin's face with his fingertips.


"So I've been told a time or three, usually in a derogatory way."


"Not this time. I think you're amazing."


"Stop," Robin said tightly. "You don't have to try cheering me up, if that's what you think you're doing. I'm not amazing. I'm an idiot who should have figured out how to get away from him at the club before I ended up…where I did."


"Did you know he was there before he grabbed you, if that's what happened?"


"No. But if I hadn't been concentrating so hard on playing Irving, I would have."


"You don't know that. It's Mackenzie's club. He could have been watching from somewhere that you couldn't see or don't know about. Since you were cozying up to Irving, and also hadn't checked in with Mackenzie the night before, he came to the conclusion you were two-timing him and…" Micky spread his hands.


"I guess." Robin shifted, groaning.


"Time for another dose, I suspect," Micky said after checking the label on the bottle. "Don't move. I'll be right back."


"Not planning on it."


It didn't take long for Micky to get a glass of water and return. But in that time, Robin had fallen asleep. Micky wasn't certain if that was good or bad. How can he, when he's in so much pain? Maybe his mind and body are taking over to try to heal him? I suppose that's possible. He put the glass down on the nightstand beside the pill bottles, started to tiptoe out then changed his mind when he heard a low moan. Sitting again, he gently caressed Robin's arm with the hope it would calm him.


"No. No. No," Robin muttered, the word getting louder each time. "I'm sorry," he screamed. "I won't do it again. I'm sorry."


"Robin, it's all right. You're safe," Micky said. "I'm here. You're safe. I won't let him near you. Never again."


Robin's eyes popped open, but Micky knew he wasn't seeing him from the look of terror on his face. "No more," Robin shouted. "No more," he whimpered seconds later.


"You're safe. You're home and you're safe."


Micky saw something move from the corner of his eye then Thor was beside him. The dog put his front paws on the edge of the bed, licking Robin's face.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 47



"Thank God!" Robin murmured. "If we can close down Tanzer, it will hit Mackenzie where it hurts, in his wallet. Now if we can persuade Tanzer to rat him out about other escort services he sends kids to…"


"There is no we, Robin," Hawk said, getting a firm agreeing nod from Falcon. "I already told you, you're out of this for the foreseeable future."


"Fuck you!" Robin practically shouted as he tried to stand up. Only Micky's hand on his arm kept him from falling before he sank back down again. The look of pain that suffused his features said more than words that he was hurting badly—in spite of being on painkillers and other meds.


"I'm taking you up and putting you to bed," Micky told Robin in no uncertain terms. "Don't try to argue. Right now, for the first time since we met, I'm stronger than you. So I'll throw you over my shoulder if necessary." He heard a snort from Hawk, and an, "That I'd like to see", from Falcon.


Robin didn't argue. In fact, much to Micky's amazement, he said, "Thank you," and tried to stand again. With Micky's help, he got to his feet, then, slowly and carefully, they made it up to Robin's bedroom.


"You'll probably be better off resting on your stomach," Micky said as he helped Robin undress. It took everything in him not to swear vehemently when he saw the damage to Robin's back and thighs. Bandages covered some of the area, over what he suspected were places where the whip, or whatever Mackenzie had used, had cut deeply through the skin. It seemed as if there wasn't a visible inch from the backs of Robin's legs to his shoulders that hadn't been torn or bruised.


There was a soft cough from the doorway, and Falcon came over to hand Micky two bottles of pills, telling him the instructions were on the labels. Turning his attention to Robin, Falcon asked, "Do you want both of us to help you lay down?"


"I can do it myself," Robin growled, putting paid to his words when he hissed in agony as he sat on the edge of the bed—and tried to move to lie down on his side. With Micky's and Falcon's help, he was finally on his stomach, one arm under his head, which was turned to face them.


"I'll leave you to it, then," Falcon said to Micky. He winked. "Try not to strangle him, as tempting as it might be."


"I'll give it my best shot," Micky replied, feeling his face heat up when Falcon looked knowingly at him.


After Falcon left, Micky pulled a chair up next to the bed. Impulsively, he brushed back a strand of blond hair that had fallen across Robin's forehead. "I'd ask how you're feeling," he said with a smile, "but I think it's pretty evident."


Robin grimaced. "Like hell. Thanks for asking."


"One question—and you've probably already told Falcon and Eldon. How did you manage to get away?"


"I…really don't know. I vaguely remember passing out after what seemed like hours on… You know what a St Andrew's Cross is?"


"I'm presuming you don't mean the one on the Scottish flag, and yes, I do." Micky shivered.


"So, as I was saying, I passed out, finally. The next thing I knew, I regained consciousness by my car, in the lot of Mackenzie's club. As far as I can figure, he must have gotten tired of playing, or thought I was beyond reacting. Why he dumped me there is…is well, something I guess I'll never find out. Usually I'd end up in bed. His bed." Robin chuckled, wincing as he did. "Maybe he didn't want to get blood on his sheets."


"This isn't a laughing matter."



Thursday, August 11, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 46



Micky heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, quickly followed by joyful barking.


"Looks like Thor beat us to the draw," Hawk commented as he and Micky went out to greet Robin and Falcon.


It was more than obvious that Robin was in pain as he got out of the car. Even with Falcon's help, he moved slowly toward the house. Then his gaze lit on Micky and he smiled. "It's not as bad as it looks."


"Bet me," Micky muttered, hurrying to his side.


Falcon relinquished his grip on Robin's arm. For a second, Robin seemed to teeter. Then he put his arm around Micky's shoulders. "Walk slow," he said. "I'm not moving quite as well as I should be."


"No kidding," Micky replied as they walked into the house. "I'd ask if you want to sit, but from what Hawk told me, that's probably not the best option. Although, from the look of it, neither is standing."


"I'm dosed up on enough painkillers that I can deal with sitting—for a few minutes anyway," Robin said wryly as they made their way to the sofa. He sank down gratefully, adding, "Another reason to be glad I opted for this one and not leather."


He sat stiffly, not leaning back, which again clued Micky in on how badly Robin had been beaten. Micky had the feeling the damage to Robin's wrists—that he'd seen the first night he'd stayed at the house—was nothing compared to what was under the bandages around them now.


"Okay," Hawk said, pulling a chair over and sitting. "I'm sure Eldon has already read you the riot act, Robin, so I'll refrain. The question is, did you learn anything to make what Mackenzie did to you worth it?"


Robin closed his eyes, his expression saying more than words what he'd endured was not going to leave his memory any time soon, despite the front he seemed to be trying to put up.


"Yes," Robin replied, opening his eyes again. "He told me, while he was…was… He said by the time he was finished with me, I'd be begging for him to send me to one of the houses he and Vaughn run in Miami. He laughed as he told me that, saying it was close enough to the football stadium I'd be able to hear the cheering, but I'd be 'too tied up' servicing clients to go to a game."


"Good, that gives us a general area to check out."


"Gives me," Robin countered.


"No. You're going nowhere near him, Vaughn, or Tanzer until you're physically and"—Hawk gave Robin an intense look—"emotionally ready to handle it again."


"I'm fine," Robin protested. "Okay, not physically yet, but I will be sooner than later. You are not going to pull me off this!"


"Listen to him, Robin," Micky said, gripping Robin's hand.


Robin shook his head adamantly. "This is my job. I've been on it too long to stop now, no matter what." After taking a deep breath, he asked, "Did you manage to get anything on Tanzer and his escort business?"


"Yep. I got one of the kids out of there. He's willing—well, I think he is—to testify against Tanzer and his people. He also told me that Mackenzie's the one who gave him to Tanzer."


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 45



Thor wasn't quite into jigging yet, as they discovered when they got to Robin's house. But he was definitely happy to be let out. Just as they got to the house, Hawk received another call from Eldon, telling him that Falcon was going to be bringing Robin home as soon as the release papers were signed by the doctor.


"Why don't you take a shower and change clothes," Hawk suggested when Micky began impatiently pacing the living room.


"Probably a good idea," Micky admitted. He was eager to see Robin, and too antsy to stand still with nothing to do but worry about how he was—not just physically but mentally.


While he washed the dirt and sweat from his body from hiding out with Alex, Micky wondered how his feelings for Robin—because he did have them—had turned from just seeing the man as someone who had saved him into much more.


I've only known him for a couple of days. Is this just the result of all that's happened? All the fear and tension? Is it—what do the shrinks call it—transference? Am I seeing him as someone very special because I need his strength—or is it more? Surely I can't be falling for him. Not so soon. Even if I am, there's nothing to say he sees me as more than a guy he needed to protect or somebody willing to try to help him stop that bastard.


He rinsed off, stepped out of the shower and dried off. Then, after changing into clean clothes, he hurried back downstairs to see if Robin had arrived.


His disappointment when he didn't see Robin there must have been very evident because Hawk said, "Stop worrying. He should be here in twenty minutes."


"I'm that obvious, huh?"


Hawk chuckled. "Like an open book." Tapping his fingers together, he said, "You like him."


Micky hedged, replying, "Of course I do. After all, he did save me from the people who were after me."


"I meant like, as in care for him. Not about his well being, but for him."


"I…I was trying to figure that out while I was showering. I think so, even though we barely know each other."


"I'm betting you know each other a lot better than you think. It happens in situations like this, when you have to decide very quickly to trust each other."


Micky nodded slowly. "I suppose it does."


"Take it from an expert on the subject. It definitely does. That's how I met my wife—trying to get her out of a bad situation."


"You're married?" Micky didn't know why he was so surprised by that information.


"Yep. So is Fal, although he met his wife in the usual way, in college."


"They—your wives—don't mind what you do?"


"Oh they worry. They wouldn't be human if they didn't. But they get that it's important."


"It is," Micky agreed emphatically.


"He's going to need you," Hawk said quietly.


"I'm not going anywhere," Micky replied firmly. He smiled wryly. "Not that I can at the moment, but even if I could, I wouldn't."

