Thursday, August 11, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 46



Micky heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, quickly followed by joyful barking.


"Looks like Thor beat us to the draw," Hawk commented as he and Micky went out to greet Robin and Falcon.


It was more than obvious that Robin was in pain as he got out of the car. Even with Falcon's help, he moved slowly toward the house. Then his gaze lit on Micky and he smiled. "It's not as bad as it looks."


"Bet me," Micky muttered, hurrying to his side.


Falcon relinquished his grip on Robin's arm. For a second, Robin seemed to teeter. Then he put his arm around Micky's shoulders. "Walk slow," he said. "I'm not moving quite as well as I should be."


"No kidding," Micky replied as they walked into the house. "I'd ask if you want to sit, but from what Hawk told me, that's probably not the best option. Although, from the look of it, neither is standing."


"I'm dosed up on enough painkillers that I can deal with sitting—for a few minutes anyway," Robin said wryly as they made their way to the sofa. He sank down gratefully, adding, "Another reason to be glad I opted for this one and not leather."


He sat stiffly, not leaning back, which again clued Micky in on how badly Robin had been beaten. Micky had the feeling the damage to Robin's wrists—that he'd seen the first night he'd stayed at the house—was nothing compared to what was under the bandages around them now.


"Okay," Hawk said, pulling a chair over and sitting. "I'm sure Eldon has already read you the riot act, Robin, so I'll refrain. The question is, did you learn anything to make what Mackenzie did to you worth it?"


Robin closed his eyes, his expression saying more than words what he'd endured was not going to leave his memory any time soon, despite the front he seemed to be trying to put up.


"Yes," Robin replied, opening his eyes again. "He told me, while he was…was… He said by the time he was finished with me, I'd be begging for him to send me to one of the houses he and Vaughn run in Miami. He laughed as he told me that, saying it was close enough to the football stadium I'd be able to hear the cheering, but I'd be 'too tied up' servicing clients to go to a game."


"Good, that gives us a general area to check out."


"Gives me," Robin countered.


"No. You're going nowhere near him, Vaughn, or Tanzer until you're physically and"—Hawk gave Robin an intense look—"emotionally ready to handle it again."


"I'm fine," Robin protested. "Okay, not physically yet, but I will be sooner than later. You are not going to pull me off this!"


"Listen to him, Robin," Micky said, gripping Robin's hand.


Robin shook his head adamantly. "This is my job. I've been on it too long to stop now, no matter what." After taking a deep breath, he asked, "Did you manage to get anything on Tanzer and his escort business?"


"Yep. I got one of the kids out of there. He's willing—well, I think he is—to testify against Tanzer and his people. He also told me that Mackenzie's the one who gave him to Tanzer."