Tuesday, August 9, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 45



Thor wasn't quite into jigging yet, as they discovered when they got to Robin's house. But he was definitely happy to be let out. Just as they got to the house, Hawk received another call from Eldon, telling him that Falcon was going to be bringing Robin home as soon as the release papers were signed by the doctor.


"Why don't you take a shower and change clothes," Hawk suggested when Micky began impatiently pacing the living room.


"Probably a good idea," Micky admitted. He was eager to see Robin, and too antsy to stand still with nothing to do but worry about how he was—not just physically but mentally.


While he washed the dirt and sweat from his body from hiding out with Alex, Micky wondered how his feelings for Robin—because he did have them—had turned from just seeing the man as someone who had saved him into much more.


I've only known him for a couple of days. Is this just the result of all that's happened? All the fear and tension? Is it—what do the shrinks call it—transference? Am I seeing him as someone very special because I need his strength—or is it more? Surely I can't be falling for him. Not so soon. Even if I am, there's nothing to say he sees me as more than a guy he needed to protect or somebody willing to try to help him stop that bastard.


He rinsed off, stepped out of the shower and dried off. Then, after changing into clean clothes, he hurried back downstairs to see if Robin had arrived.


His disappointment when he didn't see Robin there must have been very evident because Hawk said, "Stop worrying. He should be here in twenty minutes."


"I'm that obvious, huh?"


Hawk chuckled. "Like an open book." Tapping his fingers together, he said, "You like him."


Micky hedged, replying, "Of course I do. After all, he did save me from the people who were after me."


"I meant like, as in care for him. Not about his well being, but for him."


"I…I was trying to figure that out while I was showering. I think so, even though we barely know each other."


"I'm betting you know each other a lot better than you think. It happens in situations like this, when you have to decide very quickly to trust each other."


Micky nodded slowly. "I suppose it does."


"Take it from an expert on the subject. It definitely does. That's how I met my wife—trying to get her out of a bad situation."


"You're married?" Micky didn't know why he was so surprised by that information.


"Yep. So is Fal, although he met his wife in the usual way, in college."


"They—your wives—don't mind what you do?"


"Oh they worry. They wouldn't be human if they didn't. But they get that it's important."


"It is," Micky agreed emphatically.


"He's going to need you," Hawk said quietly.


"I'm not going anywhere," Micky replied firmly. He smiled wryly. "Not that I can at the moment, but even if I could, I wouldn't."



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