Monday, August 15, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 48



"Yeah. Well better to laugh than cry," Robin retorted. "Anyway, I managed to get my keys out of my pocket since he—or someone—was kind enough to put my jeans back on me. Or evil enough, because physically I'd have been better off without them. I crawled into the car, pushed the pain to the back of my mind, and made it home."


"You are something else," Micky said softly, stroking the side of Robin's face with his fingertips.


"So I've been told a time or three, usually in a derogatory way."


"Not this time. I think you're amazing."


"Stop," Robin said tightly. "You don't have to try cheering me up, if that's what you think you're doing. I'm not amazing. I'm an idiot who should have figured out how to get away from him at the club before I ended up…where I did."


"Did you know he was there before he grabbed you, if that's what happened?"


"No. But if I hadn't been concentrating so hard on playing Irving, I would have."


"You don't know that. It's Mackenzie's club. He could have been watching from somewhere that you couldn't see or don't know about. Since you were cozying up to Irving, and also hadn't checked in with Mackenzie the night before, he came to the conclusion you were two-timing him and…" Micky spread his hands.


"I guess." Robin shifted, groaning.


"Time for another dose, I suspect," Micky said after checking the label on the bottle. "Don't move. I'll be right back."


"Not planning on it."


It didn't take long for Micky to get a glass of water and return. But in that time, Robin had fallen asleep. Micky wasn't certain if that was good or bad. How can he, when he's in so much pain? Maybe his mind and body are taking over to try to heal him? I suppose that's possible. He put the glass down on the nightstand beside the pill bottles, started to tiptoe out then changed his mind when he heard a low moan. Sitting again, he gently caressed Robin's arm with the hope it would calm him.


"No. No. No," Robin muttered, the word getting louder each time. "I'm sorry," he screamed. "I won't do it again. I'm sorry."


"Robin, it's all right. You're safe," Micky said. "I'm here. You're safe. I won't let him near you. Never again."


Robin's eyes popped open, but Micky knew he wasn't seeing him from the look of terror on his face. "No more," Robin shouted. "No more," he whimpered seconds later.


"You're safe. You're home and you're safe."


Micky saw something move from the corner of his eye then Thor was beside him. The dog put his front paws on the edge of the bed, licking Robin's face.