Saturday, August 27, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 54



"So I call Frazer, tell him I have Gary Freeman's wallet then what?" Micky asked. "He'll either deny he knows who that is, which would be logical since it's Darren's alias and Darren would have used his real name when he contacted him. Or he'll just ask me to drop it by his office so he can return it."


"Not if you say, or imply, that you have a very personal reason for giving it to Freeman yourself."


"And if he believes me, ask him if he can set up a meeting at the bar where I met Darren. I mean Freeman?"


"Yes," Hawk replied.


"That could work," Falcon said. "It all depends on how sincere you sound, Micky. Or how desperate, depending on how you want to play it."


"Jeez." Micky ran one hand through his hair. "What if Frazer asks why it's so important that I meet Freeman face-to-face rather than giving the wallet to Frazer to return?"


"You caught something from the dude and want to let him know," Alex piped up.


"Oh great. Still…" Micky thought about that. "It would explain why I'm desperate, as you put it, Falcon. For sure Frazer wouldn't believe I fell hopelessly in love after a one-night stand."


Wren snorted. "Not unless he's into romance novels."


"Okay," Micky said, "say I can convince him to try to get Darren to meet me at the bar. I'd have to give Frazer a number where he can reach me to say it's a go."


"That's what throwaways are for," Hawk replied. "No link to the real you."


"I actually have one."


"Have you used it?"


"Yes," Micky said. "When Robin called me last night. And later I tried to call him but…well, you know he couldn't answer, so I called Eldon."


Hawk nodded, leaving the house. He returned a moment later, handing Micky a phone. "It's safe to use."


Micky lifted an eyebrow. "You carry extras with you?"


"Yep. You never know when they'll come in handy."


"Back up a minute," Wren said. "We're presuming Walker got those names from someone working for Mackenzie. There's no reason Frazer would know Walker, even as Freeman."


"Once again, Wren comes to the rescue," Falcon said. "That's a good point and one we hadn't considered. Okay, scratch that idea."


"Then how do we trap Darren—and Olivia Hummel?" Micky asked.

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