Friday, August 19, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 50



Micky went back downstairs to let Hawk and Falcon know that Robin was finally sleeping. "Thor is watching over him," he said, earning chuckles from the brothers.


He smelled coffee and went to get a cup, then took a seat in one of the armchairs. Looking between the two men, he asked, "Now what?"


"Now we do what's necessary," Hawk replied, "while you do your best to keep Robin from jumping the gun before he's completely healed."


"I'd say that sounds like a good plan except for one thing. I have my own axe to grind. Not only with Mackenzie—for what he did to Robin, and what he's doing to all the kids he's forcing into sex slavery—but with someone else as well."


Falcon cocked his head in question. "Who?"


"Darren Walker."




"Don't you all communicate with each other?" Micky asked in exasperation. "You do know about Olivia Hummel, I hope. According to Robin, she's trying to take over at least part of Mackenzie's operation. Or, I guess, undercut him. She runs a prostitution ring that caters to gays, and wants to control all the boys who sell themselves on the street."


"I've heard about her," Hawk said. "Is this Walker one of her people?"


"Yes. He works for her. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. I'd be carrying on as usual, working and"—Micky smiled ruefully—"visiting clubs on occasion to see who I could hook up with. Not exactly a noble life, but it worked for me."


"Right," Hawk said. "Eldon told us about that. You were there when someone tried to kill Walker."


"I was. And I managed to walk away from it with his wallet, which contained a list of some of Mackenzie's contacts, including Tanzer and Vaughn—men that Mackenzie undoubtedly doesn't want anyone to know he knows. That's why Robin thinks Mackenzie and Darren Walker are looking for me. They both want the list."


"Where is it now?" Falcon asked.


"In Robin's safe." Micky shot him a hard look. "You are not waking him to get the combination."


"At the moment, no." Falcon began to pace. "We could," he finally said, "use the list to bait a trap."


"To catch Darren?" Micky asked.


"To stop him and Ms Hummel and put her out of business, just like Robin's trying to do with Mackenzie."


Micky frowned. "I thought you all had your own things you were doing to stop other criminals."


            "We do. But when someone fucks with one of us the way Mackenzie did with Robin," Hawk said, "we band together to stop them." He smiled dryly. "Maybe we should give Ms Hummel a helping hand, since she's trying to take over from him."