Friday, September 30, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 71


Falcon nodded, looking disgusted. "The cops are in contact with the FBI and the DEA and are in the process of getting search warrants for his businesses and home."


"Why the DEA?" Micky asked.


"Something Alex told the cops, apparently."


Micky frowned. "Is Alex under protection?"


"Yep. He'll be placed in a safe house until he has to testify."


"Here in the city?" Robin asked.


"Now you know the Feds aren't going to say one way or the other," Falcon replied. "All I know is, when they picked him up from Eldon's, he asked if he could come by here to say good-bye to Micky first."


"And?" Micky said.


"The Marshals are bringing him by soon."


"They could have…" Robin paused, then shook his head.


"He'd be safe here," Falcon agreed. "But, yeah. That's not an option in their opinion, any more than leaving him with Eldon was."


"It's just as well. The last thing we need is a kid hanging around when I'm thinking I'm ready to…" Robin snapped his mouth shut.


Micky looked at Robin, cocking his head in question. "To what?"


"Is he always this slow?" Falcon asked Robin, laughing.




Micky finally got it and reacted by giving Robin a quick hug, before realizing what he'd done. He pulled back in consternation, saying, "I didn't mean…"


Smiling, Robin replied, "Do you hear me complaining? And before you say anything about hurting me… Yeah, it did, but nothing I can't handle now, so it was worth it."


Micky sighed in relief, although he wasn't about to repeat the gesture just yet. A kiss however. And damn if Falcon's watching. Cupping Robin's jaw, Micky planted a hearty one on Robin's lips.


Robin returned it enthusiastically, only to be interrupted by the buzzer announcing that there was someone at the front gate. After checking and having the driver of the car hold his ID up to the camera for him to see, Falcon pressed the button by the front door that opened the gate. A moment later Alex was jumping out of the car, dashing over to Micky when he and the others came out of the house. Thor greeted Alex enthusiastically until Robin told him to sit and behave.


The two Marshals were more circumspect, coming over to introduce themselves. One of them studied the exterior of the house then the fence before saying, "Good security. Who set it up?"


"I did," Robin told him.


The Marshal chuckled. "Maybe WITSEC should hire you."


"I'll pass, thanks."



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