Thursday, September 8, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 60


Wren looked at him and grinned. "You might want to get out of the car."


Micky did, and immediately tensed until he heard Wren say through the earbud, "Relax. You look like you're expecting to be attacked at any second." Taking a deep breath, Micky attempted to do so as he began walking to Swallows. When he stepped inside, he gave a sigh of relief, then crossed to the bar. As he did, he looked for Darren, at the same time reminding himself sternly to remember to call him Gary.


The man was nowhere in sight, so Micky ordered a beer. He'd drunk half of it when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Darren standing there.


"You look good," Darren said with a smile.


"So do you, Gary," Micky replied. "Better than I expected—considering."


"Yeah, about that." Darren took the vacant seat next to Micky. "Sorry you had to get caught in that. Frankie, the guy who took the potshots at me, is my ex." Darren smiled dryly. "My choice, not his, and it turns out he's the kind of guy who thinks 'If I can't have you, no one can'. Luckily he's a bad shot. I got a scalp wound and a minor flesh wound. I'd have stuck around, but I figured third time might be the charm for him so…" He spread his hands.


"Scared the hell out of me," Micky replied with a faked shiver.


"I'm sorry." Darren gave him a swift hug.


"At least you're all right," Micky said, trying not to react to the short embrace. He really wanted to slug Darren but that would have been counter-productive.


"Right as rain," Darren told him, smiling. "Now, about my wallet. Thanks for finding and holding on to it."


"No problem." Micky took it out of his pocket, handing it to Darren.


"Looks like you must have decided to treat yourself to a fancy dinner," Darren said after checking the contents.


"Sorry about that," Micky replied, as planned. "It's been a bad week. First I was short on the rent so I got kicked out. Then I lost my job. I promise I'll pay you back when I can."


"Hey, no problem. Where are you staying now?"


"Here and there."


"Micky…" Darren looked at him, one eyebrow cocked, saying softly but harshly, "You're lying to me."


"I'm not," Micky protested.


"Yeah, you are, because there's something else missing. A piece of paper with a list of names."


"I have no clue what you're talking about."


"Don't you, Micky?"


            Darren jabbed something into Micky's arm. There was an instant of pain then he felt dizzy. The last thing he heard before passing out was Darren telling the bartender apologetically, "I guess my boyfriend had a few too many."