Friday, September 30, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 71


Falcon nodded, looking disgusted. "The cops are in contact with the FBI and the DEA and are in the process of getting search warrants for his businesses and home."


"Why the DEA?" Micky asked.


"Something Alex told the cops, apparently."


Micky frowned. "Is Alex under protection?"


"Yep. He'll be placed in a safe house until he has to testify."


"Here in the city?" Robin asked.


"Now you know the Feds aren't going to say one way or the other," Falcon replied. "All I know is, when they picked him up from Eldon's, he asked if he could come by here to say good-bye to Micky first."


"And?" Micky said.


"The Marshals are bringing him by soon."


"They could have…" Robin paused, then shook his head.


"He'd be safe here," Falcon agreed. "But, yeah. That's not an option in their opinion, any more than leaving him with Eldon was."


"It's just as well. The last thing we need is a kid hanging around when I'm thinking I'm ready to…" Robin snapped his mouth shut.


Micky looked at Robin, cocking his head in question. "To what?"


"Is he always this slow?" Falcon asked Robin, laughing.




Micky finally got it and reacted by giving Robin a quick hug, before realizing what he'd done. He pulled back in consternation, saying, "I didn't mean…"


Smiling, Robin replied, "Do you hear me complaining? And before you say anything about hurting me… Yeah, it did, but nothing I can't handle now, so it was worth it."


Micky sighed in relief, although he wasn't about to repeat the gesture just yet. A kiss however. And damn if Falcon's watching. Cupping Robin's jaw, Micky planted a hearty one on Robin's lips.


Robin returned it enthusiastically, only to be interrupted by the buzzer announcing that there was someone at the front gate. After checking and having the driver of the car hold his ID up to the camera for him to see, Falcon pressed the button by the front door that opened the gate. A moment later Alex was jumping out of the car, dashing over to Micky when he and the others came out of the house. Thor greeted Alex enthusiastically until Robin told him to sit and behave.


The two Marshals were more circumspect, coming over to introduce themselves. One of them studied the exterior of the house then the fence before saying, "Good security. Who set it up?"


"I did," Robin told him.


The Marshal chuckled. "Maybe WITSEC should hire you."


"I'll pass, thanks."



Wednesday, September 28, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 70


"They decided I'm going to live," Robin joked as he came into the living room a few minutes after one. He was closely followed by Falcon, who gave Micky a thumbs-up behind Robin's back.


Micky grinned. "That's good news as far as your brothers are concerned, I suspect."


"And for you?" Robin eased down onto the sofa.


Micky pretended to ponder the question. "Yeah, I think so."


"Ass," Robin muttered.


Micky laughed. "It's wonderful news. You even look better."


"In only two hours?"


"Well technically, I haven't seen you since last night." Micky cocked an eyebrow. "How dosed up on meds are you?"


"Not much. And no more bandages." To prove his point, Robin unbuttoned his shirt and turned so Micky could see.


Robin's back still bore strong evidence of what he'd gone through, including two sets of stitches on what Micky presumed were worst remnants of the beating. But compared to when he'd first seen the damage, there was a vast improvement. "Yeah, I think you will live," he said when Robin turned back to look at him.


"Just a few more days and I'll be running marathons."


"Uh-huh. You really do those?"


Falcon snorted. "In your dreams. He's good at sprints. Long distance, not so much so."


"Figured as much."


Robin slipped his shirt on again then leaned back. Pain flashed across his face momentarily before vanishing, replaced by a look of relief. "Not bad. Not great but…"


"You don't have to show off for Micky," Falcon said, smirking.


"I'm not," Robin replied seriously. "It smarts, but all things being equal…" He shrugged—without grimacing. "Not to change the subject… Well yeah, definitely to change it. Where do things stand with Mackenzie?"


"We have what Ms Hummel said on tape, while she was talking to Micky. There's also what Mackenzie said to you about the house in Miami, Robin. We passed that information over to the police down there. They raided it and found enough evidence to prove Mackenzie and Vaughn were partners in it. And Alex talked to a detective about everything he'd seen and heard from the time Mackenzie's people grabbed him off the streets."


"Has Mackenzie been arrested?"


"The police tried to serve an arrest warrant early this morning, from what Eldon told me. Unfortunately, Mackenzie seems to be on the run at the moment. The people at his accounting firm said he was on a business trip. The ones at his club were told he had to go out of town to a funeral. His house is closed up tighter than a drum, and no one's answering the door or the phone there."




Monday, September 26, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 69



Curious, Micky asked Falcon, "Are you a doctor? I mean, you have to be something when you're not trying to take down a crook."


"I'm a practical nurse. Hawk's an accountant, and Wren's a commercial artist."


"What about Robin?"


"He never told you?"


Guiltily, Micky replied, "I never asked."


"Okay. He does security work. He was going to college, studying criminal justice, before Dad was killed. Once he joined the family business, he parlayed what he'd learned into setting up security for small businesses. It's something that doesn't require keeping regular hours, just like what the rest of us do."


"I guess that explains how much security there is on this place."


"Yep. And on our houses, too. He's good at what he does."


"I know. Especially helping people." Thinking he might be insulting Falcon, saying that just about Robin, Micky added hastily, "You all are."


"Thank you," Falcon replied, getting up again. "All right, I'll leave you to it while I take Robin to the doctor."


"May I come with you?"


"No. I'd rather you don't."


Micky nodded. "So he won't try to…to hide anything."


"Exactly. I'm glad you understand."


"I may have my dense moments, but in the end, I get it," Micky replied dryly.


Falcon chuckled as he left the room. "Like all of us, at times."


Saturday, September 24, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 68



Watching as the knife descended, Micky tried not to scream. When it touched his skin, he did, begging Darren to stop. Suddenly something pushed Micky and the knife missed. He felt dampness on his cheek and wondered if he was crying because he was so terrified. Another gentle shove woke him up.


"What are you doing here?" he whispered when he saw Thor's face looming over him.


"I suspect," Falcon said from the doorway, "that he knew you needed him more than Robin does right now." He came over to the bed, patting Thor's head. "Bad nightmare, I take it."


Micky nodded. "Now I know what Robin meant when he asked if I was all right up here." He tapped his forehead. "Which is strange, because I've said the same thing to him a time or two."


"So you should have realized it could happen to you." Falcon sat down on the edge of the bed. "I won't lecture you about the effects of escaping something horrible. I'm certain you were well aware of them even before you met Robin. Just don't let them take over your life."


"Robin hasn't, and he's gone through a lot more than I have. I think I can handle it."


"I'm sure you can. I was just… Warning isn't right. I suppose what I'm trying to say is, if it does get to be too much—and it might not—you can talk to me, just as you've let Robin talk to you."


"Thank you. That means a lot."


"You're welcome. Now if you don't mind, let me check your physical damages before I take Robin to the doctor to get his looked at."


"He's still in pain when he moves," Micky said, sitting up.


"I know. What I—we—have to find out is how much of that's physical and how much is mental."


"It's not all in his head," Micky protested.


"I'm sure it isn't," Falcon replied softly. "But we have to make certain. Although"—he patted Micky's shoulder—"he does seem better this morning. Your influence, I'm sure. He wants to get well because he has plans. Ones that involve being able to move, shall we say, easily."


Micky felt the heat rising in his face and turned away, hoping Falcon thought is was because he didn't want to look at the reminders of what he'd gone through—which were revealed when Falcon removed the bandages.


Falcon chuckled. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. Still, I suspect it's the truth." He checked the wounds, pronouncing that they looked good. "I think we can dispense with the bandages on the two relatively minor cuts."


"Define minor," Micky said. "For damned sure they didn't feel minor when he was slicing me."


"I'm sure they didn't. But it was basically surface damage. Meant to scare you into talking, more than anything else. The puncture wound and the one on your arm need to stay bandaged for a while longer." He got up, left for a moment, and returned with a first aid kit. After applying an antibiotic salve, he re-covered the two areas.




Thursday, September 22, 2022

You Do What You Have To – 67



Robin chuckled as he carefully reached for his pills. "Yep. I'd rather we were groaning in lust, not in pain."


"There is that." Micky stood, picked up the empty water glass, and went to fill it.


When he returned to hand it to him, Robin asked, "Don't you need one too?"


"Naw. The meds they gave me at the hospital are still working."


"Ah ha, so that's the reason you kissed me. They loosened you up."


Micky snorted. "I've kissed you before, and you know it."


"Yeah, I do." Robin smiled, leaning forward suddenly to kiss him. He groaned, swearing, seconds later.


"Lie down," Micky told him, holding Robin's arms to help him move.


Finally settled on his stomach, Robin looked at Micky and winked. "When this is over, it'll be you lying on your stomach, not me."


Micky grinned. "What makes you think I'm a bottom?"




"Well I am, so you're safe."


When relief flooded Robin's face, Micky wondered, Is that really because he's a top, or does what he went through with Mackenzie mean he'll never willingly put himself in the position of being dominated again.


"You are so easy to read, sometimes," Robin said, his gaze locked on Micky's face. "I'm a natural-born top. It has nothing to do with that bastard and what he did to me."


"Good," Micky replied fervently. "Now—"


"Go to sleep. Yeah, yeah." Robin tapped his lips. "But not until I get one more kiss." He got it then said, "You'd better get to bed, too. You may be feeling fine right now, but you're not."


"I know," Micky admitted. He touched the bandage on his arm, his lips quirking up. "At least I've got a memento to remind me not to go off half-cocked again, without really thinking things through."


"Won't we both," Robin said sleepily. 


"Too true." Micky kissed him again, smiling when Robin managed to return it just before his eyes closed. He started for the door, stopping long enough to tell Thor, who had just appeared, "Watch over him."


The dog seemed to nod in agreement before crawling onto the bed to curl up by Robin's side.


Whispering, "Good night, Robin," Micky left the room.


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 66



"Definitely," Robin agreed, taking Micky's hand. "The possibility I wouldn't see you again…" Robin shivered.


"I wish…I wish I could say the same. Wait. That came out wrong." Micky chewed his lip, gripping Robin's hand tightly. "Maybe I shouldn't admit it, but…"


Robin chuckled. "You weren't thinking of me while that son of a bitch was trying to get you to talk."


Micky nodded, dropping his gaze to their hands.


"It's okay. I'd be surprised if you had been. Having someone playing slice-and-dice with you doesn't give you much time to think about anything except hoping they'll stop before you break and tell them what they want to know."


"I might have, if Hawk and Wren hadn't ridden to the rescue."


"Maybe." Robin put one finger under Micky's jaw to make him look up. "If so, there's no shame in it. The human body can only take so much. The mind can only handle so much, before it gives in. If that wasn't so, there'd be no reason for a bastard like Darren to inflict pain."


"You didn't break," Micky replied quietly.


"Only because Mackenzie wasn't looking for information. If he had been, I'd have given him everything he wanted. So don't look on me as some sort of hero. I'm far from it. Hell, you're more of one than I am. You jumped in, with no idea about what could happen to you."


"You do what you have to, to stop bastards like them."


"Yeah, right. Throw my words back in my face." Robin shook his head.


Micky grinned. "Why not? Besides, as I've found out, it's true."


"It is, but there's no way you're going to do it again."


Micky's eyebrows rose. "Are you trying to tell me how to run my life?"


Robin sighed. "No. It's just…"


"I'm not saying I want to be part of what you and your family do. But don't take away the option, even if I'm not family."


Squeezing Micky's thigh, Robin said, "Maybe you weren't born into it, but I've got the feeling we all look at you as another brother now."


"I'm not so sure I like that idea, when it comes to you," Micky replied with a raffish grin.


"Well…yeah. That would make things kinda weird."


"More that kind of." Micky traced a fingertip over Robin's lips before leaning in to kiss them. "Very weird, considering I don't feel the least bit brotherly toward you."


"Ditto," Robin replied, returning the kiss. "God damn it," he growled when they pulled apart.


Micky instantly knew what had brought on that reaction, and it wasn't the kiss per se. "You need to take another pill."


"Yeah. I need more than that, though, but it's not happening for at least a couple more days, until we're both back in shape."


Micky's libido instantly went into high gear. "Not sure I can wait that long, but if we must, we must."



Sunday, September 18, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 65


"Shh," Micky whispered when Thor came bounding over to greet him as he got out of the car. "We don't want to wake Robin."


"Do you think he understands you?" Wren asked.


"Maybe? He's not barking." Micky patted Thor's head as they walked to the front door of Robin's house. Wren unlocked it to let them in, turning off the alarm system in the process.


"Why do you know the code?" Micky asked softly. "For that matter, why did Hawk know where to find the safe and how to open it?"


"We all know those things about each other, in case of emergencies."


"Makes sense, I guess," Micky replied, still keeping his voice low as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.


Wren chuckled. "You don't have to keep whispering. He's awake."


"He hadn't better be. He needs his sleep," Micky muttered, tiptoeing up the stairs.


"Apparently making certain you're all right is more important, as far as he's concerned," Hawk said from the doorway to Robin's room.


"Yeah," Robin called out. "So get in here, Micky."


Gathering up his waning courage, Micky entered the room. The first thing he saw was Robin sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing sweatpants. "Why the hell are you dressed?"


"I don't think what I have on constitutes 'dressed'," Robin retorted tightly.


Micky winced. "You're pissed."


"Well…" Robin stared at him, then slowly smiled. "I was. Until Fal and Hawk pointed out a few facts of life to me. Come here and let me see how bad the damage is."


Hesitantly, Mick walked over, while Hawk and Falcon beat a hasty retreat.


"Well? I can't see through the shirt."


Micky took it off, waiting for Robin to… To what? Yell? Commiserate? Tell me he's seen worse?


"They did a number on you," Robin said, touching the bandages on Micky's chest.


Micky shrugged. "Nothing I can't deal with."


"Sit. Please." Robin patted the bed. When Micky did, Robin looked at him, as if trying to read something in his expression. "How are you, up here?" He tapped Micky's temple.


"I'm not sure," Micky admitted. "Right now I'm just glad I survived. They were planning on killing me, they said. So being alive is a relief."


"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean," Robin replied with a small smile. "It makes you feel…more aware of what life has to offer, I guess."


"Or what you would have lost if you had died," Micky said softly, touching Robin's cheek.




Friday, September 16, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 64



Robin scowled. "So you're saying all this is my fault?"


"Not at all. I'm saying Micky saw that you were dedicated to stopping Mackenzie and realized there are people in this world who take things like that seriously, even though it isn't their official job." Falcon knelt in front of Robin, taking his hands. "You set an example he wants to follow. Yeah, he jumped in with both feet, but I think it's just the way he is. You and he have a lot in common. Hell—" he smiled wryly, "—you were the kid who dropped out of school to try to find Dad's killer. No training. No idea about what he and the rest of us did. You were just hell-bent for leather to right a wrong—in that case, catching a murderer. You haven't changed since then."


"I… I suppose so."


"You know so. So don't go getting on Micky's case, because he's just like you." Falcon chuckled. "It would probably surprise him to realize that, but it doesn't make it any the less true."


"I guess he is. Poor man." Robin smiled softly, then said, "Help me get dressed?"


"No way. You're in no condition to be out of bed yet."


"At least my jeans, Fal. I can't have a serious talk with Micky when I'm naked."


Falcon grinned. "Depends on what you're talking about."


"Not that. Damn." When Falcon didn't move, Robin appealed to Hawk. "Just my jeans."


Hawk sighed before going to get him a pair of sweat pants. "These will be easier on you," he explained.


Falcon pulled them over Robin's legs. Then Hawk acted as a support when Robin stood to get them the rest of the way up.


"You're leaving finger marks on my arms," Hawk commented when Robin gripped them tightly to fight off the pain from the waistband's pressure on his back.


"You'll live," Robin told him, as Hawk helped him sit again.


"Yeah. You, I'm not so sure of," Hawk retorted.


"I'm fine. It's getting better. I'm getting better."


"Looks like you got the sweats on just in time," Falcon said when the sound of a car coming up the driveway came through the open window.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 63


"He what?" Robin glared at Falcon and Hawk. "Are you out of your fucking minds? You sent him in, and on top of that you—" his glare became deadly as his look focused in on Hawk, "—let him get captured and tortured."


"It wasn't that bad," Hawk protested. "A few stitches, some blood replaced, he'll be fine in no time."


Robin sat up, ignoring the pain as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "How the hell could you…?"


"He volunteered," Falcon said calmly.


"I don't give a damn. You should have known better. He's not trained." Taking a deep breath, again ignoring the agony it cost him, Robin tried to rein in his temper. "You telling me the truth?" he asked, focusing his gaze on Hawk. "It's not bad?"


"Well, he'll have a scar on his arm, I suspect, but the EMTs said there was no major damage."


"Why didn't he tell me he was going to do this?" Robin growled.


"If you were him," Falcon replied, "would you have? I'm sure the last thing he wanted was for you to worry. You need to heal, and if you knew, you would have been up and probably pacing—or worse."


Robin scrubbed his hand through his hair. "I…guess you're right. But still… When are they going to release him?"


"Let me find out," Hawk said, taking out his phone. When he finished talking to Wren, he said, "They want to keep him until morning but guess what?"


"He's being stubborn, like Robin," Falcon responded sardonically.


"Yep. You're a bad influence on him, kid," Hawk said, chuckling when Robin flipped him off. "They should be here within the hour."


"Good. Then I'll read him the riot act," Robin growled.


"For what?" Falcon asked. "Doing the same thing you did? Putting himself in a position where he might get hurt, in order to stop that freaking bitch and her henchman?"


"Yeah, because he had no idea what he was getting into."


"It makes it better that you did, and you still let Mackenzie get his hands on you—more than once?" Hawk said quietly.


"I do what needs to be done. We all do," Robin told him.


"What makes Micky any different? He knew the risks when he went in and got Alex out of Tanzer's hell hole. And he was aware that things might not go smoothly dealing with Walker. Even knowing that, he still pushed Walker to get what we needed."


"He could have died."


Falcon nodded. "Yeah, Robin, he could have. Any one of us could, doing what we do. It's a risk we take."


"It wasn't his fight."


"Bullshit. It became his fight the second Walker—and Mackenzie—went after him to get the list, and you got him out of there before they could."


Monday, September 12, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 62



Suddenly the door to the room burst open. Two police officers came in, guns drawn, with Wren right behind them. "Step away from Mr. Payne," one officer called out to Darren while the second one started toward Olivia.


"Like. Hell." Darren pressed the blade to Micky's throat. "Lower your guns or he's dead."


There was a crash, and the window shattered at the same instant that a shot rang out, throwing Darren backward, blood streaming from a hole in his forehead. Olivia started toward the side door of the room, pulling up when one of the officers fired into the floor beside her.


"That was a warning shot," the officer said. "The next one…" He left that hanging, obviously allowing her to draw her own conclusions. "Put your hands behind your head and turn around."


Wren was beside Micky even before Olivia did as she was ordered. "You're bleeding," Wren said, stating the obvious. "Hawk." He glanced toward the window as Hawk climbed through it after knocking out the rest of the glass. "Micky's shirt, if you would. I need something to staunch the blood."


Hawk grabbed it off a chair, tearing it apart as he came over to the bed. "Are EMTs coming?" he asked one of the officers.


"On their way," the officer replied, coming over to the bed. "You did well, Mr. Payne. We should have enough to put Ms Hummel out of business with what you got her to reveal. That, and attempted murder charges, will land her in jail for a good long while."


Micky grimaced as Wren pressed a piece of the shirt to the wound on his arm. "I was hoping…" he managed to get out, "that they didn't find the microphone. But how did you find me?" he asked Wren.


"GPS on the mike. It had different coordinates than the one on your phone, but we figured it was probably more accurate. Luckily, we were right."


"For me, if not her," Micky muttered, closing his eyes against the pain radiating from the various cuts on his body. "Now I have a taste of what Robin went through. Though it's minor, compared to how badly he was hurt."


"We have company," Hawk said as EMTs and more officers came into the room. Since Micky was the only one who needed them, the EMTs gravitated his way. Soon they had him to the point that they were ready to take him to the emergency room.


"Come with me?" Micky asked Wren.


"Yeah. Hawk can hold down the fort, and let Falcon and Robin know what happened."


"Shit," Micky whispered, "Robin's going to kill me."


"I don't think he's in any position to talk," Wren said dryly.


"But I never told him…"


"Hush," Wren said. "He'll understand."



Saturday, September 10, 2022

'Granville's Folly' is out today!

 Granville's Folly


GENRE: Gay Paranormal Erotic Romance
LENGTH: 45,293 words
RATING: flame rating 4

One: Granville's Folly, a ramshackle, hundred-and-fifty-year-old Victorian house high in the Rocky Mountains.

Two: Two men. Kieran, the owner of the Folly who plans to restore it, and Layne, who first saw the Folly when he was thirteen and has returned twenty years later to find out if it's still standing.

Three: Three ghosts. Granpa K, who built the Folly with his brother, Thom, and Thom's wife, Lizabeth -- with the help of freemen Granpa K released from slavery.

Mix all these elements together and what could go wrong? Nothing, if you don't count the fact that Kieran doesn't want Layne, a professional photographer, to do a story about the restoration. Or that Lizabeth is bound and determined to play matchmaker for the two humans.


"This is my house, my family's house although I'm the only one who has given a damn about it since the original Kieran Granville died. I want to do everything I can when it comes to the restoration, but ..." Kieran chuckled. "I do know my limits, or rather I've found out I have them. That said, what I can do without messing it up, I will. The rest I'm leaving up to Robert and company."

"Figured as much, but I had to ask. I sort of wish I didn't have to leave so soon. Between the two of us we could probably do a lot more than just strip wallpaper and paint. Things like varnishing the floors and woodwork once his people have done all the prep work. And ... You said you're planning on using the furniture that's stashed in the basement?"

"Absolutely. Some of it, like what's in here --" Kieran smacked the dresser, "-- is in surprisingly good shape. The rest, like the table and credenza in the dining room, will need work."

"And you plan on tackling that on your own?" Layne gave him a knowing look.

"Yes. Well ..." He obviously hedged his bets. "Unless I get stuck. Then I'll ask Robert what I should be doing. If he doesn't know, which is unlikely, I'll go into town do some research online at the library and go from there."

"I can give you some suggestions for good sites to check out," Layne told him. "Or, you can hold off on what you can't do on your own until I come back."

"You really are planning to?"

"You bet. Not that I can say it'll be such-and-such day or week, but I will. I'm having fun and, hell, I definitely like being around you." Layne wondered if he should have said that last bit, even though it was the truth.

"You have a weird idea of fun," Kieran replied with a grin, not reacting to the rest of Layne's comment, at least not verbally, although there was something in the way he looked at him which made Layne think he was assessing the chances there might be more to what he'd said than the word like signified.

Layne shrugged. "As I said, I have a thing for restoring houses, or at least photographing the before and after. Now, I've had the chance to be hands-on. Would I consider changing careers? Hell, no. Unlike you, I'm not crazy."

"Me? Crazy? Sir, you defame me. Now you die." Kieran pantomimed pulling a sword and twirling it before lunging at Layne.

Layne laughed as he grabbed his chest, falling onto the bed.

"A hit, a very palpable hit!"

"You? Quoting Hamlet?" Layne asked incredulously, before realizing the voice had come from the far side of the bed from where Kieran was standing. He jumped to his feet and turned to see who was there. "Damn."

A man dressed in black pants held up with suspenders, a full-sleeved dark shirt, and tall black boots stood there -- a man he recognized. That was startling enough. What was worse was the fact Layne momentarily saw the window through him before the man's body fully solidified.

"Granpa K," Kieran said, sounding exasperated. "You promised."

"I did nothing of the kind," the ghost -- because Layne knew without a doubt that's what he was -- replied. He turned his attention to Layne. His dark, piercing eyes seemed to glitter with amusement as he bowed, briefly. "We met before, many years ago."

Layne swallowed hard, trying to regain some semblance of composure. "When I was a kid and came up here to explore without my sister. I thought ... Kieran said you were his father when I told him about it."

"I'm afraid my great-grandson fudged the truth a mite. Not that I can blame him. I'd have done the same in his shoes. There've been enough ghost hunters coming around over the years. It wouldn't do for them, or anyone, to learn there actually are ghosts residing here."

"That's ... impossible." He spun around to scowl at Kieran, because obviously it wasn't impossible. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Kieran spread his hands. "Would you have believed me if I had?"

"Maybe. I felt something in the hallway, yesterday, like I was being watched. It was you, wasn't it?" he asked the ghost.

Granpa K nodded. "Kieran has already taken me to task for that."

Layne returned his attention to Kieran. "You should have said something, anyway. I've been in old homes that people have claimed were haunted. Not that I believed them. Hell, as far as I was concerned there's no such thing as ghosts." He smiled sardonically. "At least I didn't think there were until tonight."

"There are more things in heaven --" Granpa K started to say.

"You're a fan of Shakespeare, I take it. Not too surprising, I suppose. He did have ghosts in some of his plays." Layne chuckled because, contrary to common logic he had accepted what he was seeing and hearing. "You said, a minute ago, there are ghosts living here, plural, so you're not the only one."

"No. Thom, Lizabeth, if you would show yourselves. I know you've been listening."

Two figures materialized seconds later. Both were as simply dressed as Granpa K, the man in dark pants, a full-sleeved, collarless shirt, and low boots, the woman in a pleated brown skirt and a white long-sleeved blouse with a high collar.

Granpa K introduced them as, "My brother, Thom, and his wife, Lizabeth."

Lizabeth smiled as she dropped a curtsy. "It's nice to finally get to meet you in person, Layne. We've been watching the two of you working on the house. You go well together."

"Lizabeth," Kieran growled at the same time that Thom said, "Behave yourself, my love."

She blinked innocently. "Always, my dear husband."

Layne bit back a laugh, asking, "Are there any more of you?"

"Ghosts?" Granpa K shook his head. "Don't you think three is enough?"