Sunday, January 22, 2023

Everyone's Man – 45



They were half way to Keyes's car when Colin suddenly stopped short.


It took Keyes a moment to realize he had. "What's wrong?"


"Can we?" Colin worried his lip.


Keyes tilted his head in question, looking at Colin. "Can we what?"


"Go back up? I promise to behave and not be such an idiot. Besides, you haven't shown me everything." Seconds later he glanced down at Keyes crotch before looking up as him innocently.


"It wasn't you that was the idiot," Keyes growled before what Colin had done sank in. "No way. I've seen you like this before, after one of your episodes. I'm willing to let you see the rest of the apartment, but that's it."


Colin tossed his head back, laughing. "I actually didn't mean to do that until after the words were out. Then I couldn't resist. You should have seen the look on your face for a second there." He linked his arm with Keyes's, tugging slightly. "Come on, I honestly do want to see the rest and I promise to behave." Under his breath he whispered, "Or try to."


As Keyes was far from averse to spending more time with Colin, he agreed, despite the words he felt sure Colin didn't know he'd overheard. Despite or because of, he wasn't quite certain which, if he were going to be truthful with himself.


A few minutes later, he was showing Colin the well-appointed kitchen and asking if he wanted something to drink.


"Water, or soda if you have it," Colin told him. "You have a lot of stuff in here. Do you actually use everything?"


"Mostly, yes." Keyes checked the refrigerator, handing Colin a can of soda and taking out one for himself as well. "I'll freely admit some of the gadgets were impulse buys that I found out were more bother than they were worth when it came down to it."


"Isn't that called conspicuous consumption or something?"


"It's called I should keep my wallet in my pocket."


"That, too." Colin wandered out of the kitchen, drinking his soda as he looked around and then made a bee-line for the bedroom door. After opening it, he shook his head.


"Now what don't you approve of?" Keyes asked, coming up behind him.


"Nothing. It's just so…you."


Keyes stood at the door, trying to look at the room through Colin's eyes and had to agree. The bed was made, the dark green comforter spread across it without a wrinkle. Everything on the top of the oak dresser was laid out with almost military precision. "I'm really not this rigid, I don't think."


"Not rigid, just…" Colin shrugged. "Things have to be right for you to be comfortable. Even the way you dress is. You probably think it's casual, but who has jeans with a crease in them?"


"What's wrong with that?" Keyes asked in surprise.


"Do you even own something like sweats and a t-shirt?"


"Sure, for when I work out."



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