Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Everyone's Man – 29


Colin looked at them with a knowing grin as they entered the room. Marc laughed, giving him a light smack on the back of the head. "Mind out of the gutter, we weren't in there that long."


"Yeah, it takes more than two minutes," Bill added as he sat down and booted up the computer.


"Not for some men," Colin replied with a snort of derision.


"You, Colin, are too jaded. We're going to have to do something about that," Marc told him, flopping down on the sofa beside him.


Colin leaned over to whisper. "Doesn't he have to go to work?"


"It's Saturday," Marc pointed out.


"Oh, yeah, well. I think I've totally lost track of the days."


"Not surprising." Marc smiled at him and then got up when Bill called them over to join him.


"What I was thinking earlier was that that group sounds suspiciously like some sort of private sex club, for lack of a better word."


Colin nodded slowly. "I suppose that's possible. None of them were the least surprised when the man told them I was going to be their…" He worried his lip, trying to remember, "Their 'entertainment'. It was pretty obvious he didn't mean I was some exotic dancer there for a birthday party or something."


Marc leaned a hand on the desk so he could see what Bill was searching for. He cocked an eyebrow at what was on the screen. "Okay, I knew they were out there, but they advertise so publicly?"


"Is he really that innocent?" Colin asked, coming up to lean against Bill's shoulder as he, too, looked at the screen.


Bill looked up at him and nodded. "Scary isn't it? Anyway, these aren't what we're probably looking for but they have message boards and it's possible someone on one of them will know something about the guys we are looking for." He pulled one of them up and then thought for a moment before typing. "Does that look like it'll work to you, Colin?"


Colin scanned it, suggested a change and then Bill hit 'send'. Moving on to the next site, he sent the same message, and then on two more before Marc suddenly thought of something. "Are you using your actual screen name? You know you'll be getting a lot of strange e-mail if you are."


Bill chuckled in amusement. "I'm not quite that dumb. I have two dummy accounts that I used to use for groups I belonged to. Once we see if we get any results I'll delete them and create new ones if I need them. It's about time I do that anyway."


"Aren't you the clever one." Marc kissed his temple. "Now we sit back and wait, I guess."

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