Saturday, December 31, 2022

'The Family Martell' has arrived!

 The Family Martell


GENRE: Gay Paranormal Romance
LENGTH: 28,814 words
RATING: flame rating 2

Dorian and Cecily had been alive for several centuries, and married for well over one-hundred years. When they decided they wanted a family, they did what any sensible vampires would and adopted three human children. They waited until each was old enough to understand before revealing what they were, and then gave them the choice to be turned once they were twenty-one.

Of course, being sensible children, they each agreed they wanted to become vampires as well. Griff, the oldest, is unrepentantly gay. Margie, the middle child, is straight and involved with Wayne, a human. Brad is the youngest and definitely bi.

All three joined the family business, art thievery, which is how Griff met Nolan, his parents' human partner, and quickly fell in lust with him.

Soon after his turning, Brad meets another Fledgling vampire, Ewan, and Ewan's very possessive Sire, Alexia. This causes problems on more than one front. Problems it will take the entire Martell family to solve ... or so they hope.


    Brad made his way in and out of several bars as he searched for his brother, managing to avoid saying more than hello and goodbye to men who tried to talk to him. He knew Griff had to make a stop at Mr. Stark’s to give the man a message from their father but he’d expected to see him in Good Friends or one of the other bars long before this. "Of course he could be zigging while I’m zagging," he grumbled while he turned off Bourbon onto one of the side streets.

    As he headed towards the next bar on his agenda, his thoughts turned to Ewan. He wondered what the chances were he’d ever see him again. Undoubtedly slim to none he decided, given how controlling Alexia seemed to be. That would be a pity in his estimation. Ewan probably needed a real friend. Someone other than Alexia. Or maybe it was Alexia who needed someone, although as lovely as she was he couldn’t imagine her not having a lover already despite what Ewan had told him.

    Suddenly he sensed the presence of another vampire. Unfortunately he was still too new at this sensing thing to be sure who it was, other than the fact it wasn’t Griff or any other family member. He stepped closer to the wall of a building as he tried to discover exactly where they were. Then Alexia came into view. He moved out to face her.

    "Stay away from him," she said tightly. "He’s mine."

    "Isn’t that for him to say?" Brad replied.

    "He’s too young to know his own mind yet. As his Sire it’s my duty to protect him." She paused for a second then said with a sneer, "Apparently your Sire could give a damn about you, letting you out on your own when you’re so newly turned."

    Brad smiled broadly. "My Sire knows I’m adult enough to handle myself. He trusts me. Too bad you don’t trust Ewan."

    "Can you handle yourself?" Alexia asked, stepping close enough to trace one long fingernail down his arm to his wrist.

    "He can." Griff came up beside Brad, putting one hand on his shoulder.

    Behind them Nolan stood watching, obviously ready to help if his assistance was needed, even though he was well aware the brothers would probably do just fine on their own.

    Alexia stepped back, tapping her lip as she studied Griff. "You’re not his Sire," she said finally. "Why are you here?"

    Griff shrugged. "He’s my brother.”

    "We do not have ..." Alexia started to say, and then her eyes flared red and she hissed softly. "You two are Martell’s sons." Instantly she vanished.

    "Well now, that was interesting. Who is she, Brad?"

    "The Sire of a guy I ran into tonight who I used to go to school with."

    "Apparently you must have done more than just run into him for her to be so upset," Nolan said as he joined them.

    "We talked, went for a walk, talked some more, and she gave him her permission to do that. Then suddenly she was there and dragged him off, and now it seems she’s been following me."

    "Perhaps she’s jealous?" Griff asked.

    "Not according to Ewan, or at least ... Maybe jealous that we struck up an acquaintance because she turned him so she’d have a friend, a companion. But that’s all he is to her, or so he said."

    "Interesting. I guess I don’t have to tell you to be careful. She’s much older than she looks."

    "No shit, Griff. I figured that out the first time I saw her."

    Nolan was frowning as he said, "I have to wonder why she reacted the way she did when she discovered who you two are."

    "Maybe she’s afraid of us -- or more likely Mom and Dad?" Brad suggested.

    "She didn’t seem afraid as much as startled," Nolan replied. "You might want to ask your folks if they know her, or know of her."

    "Planning on it," Griff told him. He glanced at the night sky then said, "It’s getting late."

    Nolan chuckled. "A subtle hint we should all head home?"

    "It might not be a bad idea right now, all things considered. When shall I tell Dad you’ll be by for the paintings?"

    "Tomorrow evening, or more so this evening. And I might have another job for him."

    "I’ll let him know." Griff gazed at Nolan for a long moment, unconsciously moistening his lips, and then quickly turned away, saying, "Come on Brad, the car’s this way."

    Brad looked at his brother then back at Nolan who was watching Griff with a speculative gleam in his eyes. If asked, but who would, he found their reactions to each other interesting. He chuckled as he hurried to catch up with Griff, murmuring under his breath, "Very interesting."


Everyone's Man – 34


"I don't think I can do this," Colin said again as he paced the apartment. One of Bill's shirts hung on his thin frame over a pair of sweats rolled up so they wouldn't drag on the floor.


He literally paced the apartment. He'd been in and out of every room as if looking for some place he felt safe. Bill had watched him worriedly as he did. It had been going on from the moment Marc called to tell them the boy who had died had been killed by the same people who had raped Colin. It had taken both of them, Bill at the apartment, Marc on the phone, to finally convince Colin to let Detective Keyes come by and talk to him.


"You can," Bill said firmly. "It's not only you involved anymore."


"I know, I get that," Colin replied angrily. "But damn it, Bill, what if…" he stopped pacing, staring down at the floor.


"First off, you're not going to break down, if that's what you're afraid of. And even if you do, I'll be here, and from what Marc said, this cop knows what he's doing. The last thing he'll want is to push so hard that you do."


Colin nodded. "I keep telling myself that, but…"


"Believe it, Colin." Bill held out a hand. "Come, sit. Try to relax."


Colin flopped down beside him, his mood changing suddenly as it was wont to do these days. "You going to help me relax?" he asked with a sly grin.


Bill shook his head in amusement. "I'll rub your back if it'll help but that's as far as I go." Then he remembered the condition of Colin's back. "Or maybe your feet would be better."


Colin kicked off his shoes and dropped his feet into Bill's lap. "It's a start. You can work your way up from there," he snickered.


"Colin, you are soooo…" Bill snapped his mouth shut as he started massaging his foot.


"Asking for it? Damned straight." Colin looked at Bill, his eyes darkening.


"Well, it's not happening. I happen to love Marc; I'm not betraying his trust."


"I'm good at what I do," Colin said in rejoinder, licking his lips slowly.


"I'm sure you are, but…" Bill sighed in relief when the he heard the buzzer. He almost jumped to his feet, glad to get away from Colin before things got more intense. The young man's offer was tempting in the most carnal way. Bill needed to get space between them, now.


When the detective announced himself, Bill buzzed him in. He smiled slightly to himself when he saw Colin sit up and run a hand through his hair to straighten it. With the young man's recent luck, the cop would be fifty, fat, and just this side of ugly.


Moments later there was a knock on the door and Bill went to open it.


Colin's eyes widened when he saw the man standing there. "Damn and double damn," he muttered under his breath.


Bill had to agree, although he wasn't about to say so. If this was the detective, and the badge he was flashing said it was, he was definitely not fifty, nor fat. Quite the contrary. Bill figured he was in his mid-twenties, and obviously lean and muscular.



Thursday, December 29, 2022

Everyone's Man – 33


A few minutes later Marc opened the office door, nodding to the detective to come back in.


"So?" Keyes said once the door was closed.


"He's agreed to let you have the kit. Not happily, but he understands why it's necessary." Marc sat down at his desk, drumming his fingers. "Look, Detective, I don't know if you've ever dealt with a situation like this before but you need to understand that he's still processing what happened to him. And he's in hiding because the man responsible wants to find him again. He called Colin while he was here and then we think he showed up here looking for him yesterday. At least someone did."


"And you didn't call us," Keyes growled.


"I wasn't inclined to put the kind of pressure on Colin that your people would use. It really is his choice and he hasn't been willing to talk to anyone but me and my partner." Marc sighed. "Up until today, we thought this was a one-time thing aimed strictly at Colin for something that happened earlier."


"What?" Keyes asked, taking out his notebook again.


"Not my story to tell."


"Damn it, Doctor, we now have two young men, both gang-raped and one dead. What has to happen before you open up and let me know what Mr. Wilcox said to you?"


Marc sighed. "Look, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I have to consider the welfare of my patient. Not to tell you your business, but you have to prove it was the same people involved in both cases. "If it is, then I'll consider the next step. So, do you want to take both kits to your forensic people?"


"I'll do you one better. I'll get it done here since one of our crime lab people works here too. That should get us results much faster, if we're lucky."


Marc nodded. "Do you need me to walk you over?"


"I know the way, thanks," Keyes replied.


Once the detective had left, Marc took a few minutes to compose himself. Colin had been less than enthusiastic about the fact the police were now aware of what had happened to him. Point of fact, he'd been very upset, and Marc could tell that if Bill hadn't been there with him, the young man might have taken off. As it was, Marc thought that was still a possibility so he hoped Keyes got the information he needed quickly. If it turned out these were two separate cases, then Marc could call and let Colin know that he was out of the picture if he still insisted he didn't want to talk to the police.


If they were related, however, Marc prayed Colin would understand the necessity of letting Keyes interview him.



Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Everyone's Man – 32


"Marc," one of the doctors called out as soon as Marc appeared in the ER.


"Problems?" Marc asked. Judging from the look on the man's face, something was going on.


"Yeah. Remember the kid you took care of, the one who was raped? Well, we had another one, only this kid didn't survive."


"Damn it!" Marc scrubbed a hand over his face before saying, "I presume the cops were called in. Did anyone tell them about my case?"


"That I couldn't say, but the detective's still here. He's waiting for the rape kit." The doctor pointed across the room to a man who was watching everything with eyes that were too wise to the ways of the world.


When the detective spotted Marc, he stood and crossed the room to him. "Detective Keyes," he said, holding out his hand as he checked Marc's ID badge.


"Marc Rivers," Marc replied, shaking his hand.


"I need to talk to you about a patient of yours. Is there somewhere private we can go?"


"The chief of staff's not here at the moment. We can use his office." Marc turned, leading the way. Once they were inside with the door closed he rested a hip on his desk, asking, "How can I help you?"


Keyes leaned against the door and took a notebook from his pocket. Thumbing through it, he paused at a page before looking at Marc. "Last week you had a rape victim, name Colin Wilcox, come through the ER. Why didn't you report it?"


"He didn't want the police brought in, and quite honestly, his emotional condition was so fragile that as his doctor of record I wasn't willing to put him through an interrogation at that point, law or no," Marc said defiantly, lying through his teeth. To his mind, Colin was an adult and the fact that he didn't want to talk to the police was his call and no one else's.


"Did you do a rape kit on him?"


"Of course, but I can't give it to you without his permission."


Keyes shot him a stern look. "You know how to get a hold of him, then." When Marc neither confirmed nor denied that, the detective said, "Look, Wilcox has priors for solicitation. I'm not going to hassle him, if that's what you're worried about. But I would like to talk to him, especially if we can connect the two rapes."


"I understand that." Pushing off the edge of the desk, Marc paced the office for a moment before taking out his cell. As he dialed, he asked the detective for some privacy. Keyes frowned but left.


"Let me talk to Colin," Marc said when Bill answered.


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Everyone's Man – 31


Marc woke several hours later to the sound of laughter from the living room. After a fast shower and shave he went out to see what was going on. He found Bill and Colin hovered over a game of Monopoly. "Who's winning?" he asked, sitting down beside Bill.


"He is, the punk," Bill growled.


"I'm bankrupting him," Colin said with a wide grin.


"Beginner's luck." Bill's grumbling voice was laced with amusement.


Marc laughed, giving Bill a quick kiss before getting up, heading to the kitchen. "Anyone want food?" he asked from the doorway.


"We're good." Bill swore under his breath when he landed on another one of Colin's properties. "Okay, I cede. Besides, I should check my e-mails again."


"Nothing yet, I take it?" Marc called out from the kitchen as he fixed himself a sandwich.


"Not so far." Bill sat down at the computer, opening the e-mail account he'd given to the various sex club sites. "Until now," he added.


Grabbing his sandwich, Marc hurried in to look over Bill's shoulder. Colin was already on the other side reading the reply to their message.


"It can't be this easy," Marc said.


"It won't be. He listed three possibilities here in town but only by their handles, not the real names."


"What would it take to get him to let loose of who they really are?" Colin wondered aloud.


"Earning his trust, and we don't have time for that." Bill told him. "He probably mentioned them to see if I knew any of the men. He may be looking for a local sex club himself. Probably is, actually, from the tone of his reply."


"So what if you floated those names around at the other sites," Marc suggested. "One of them could ring a bell with someone who knows more than this guy seems to."


"Or join the sites," Bill said pensively. "Then I could search membership lists."


Colin nodded. "That could work but you'll be asking for a slew of obscene e-mails if you join."


Bill looked up at him with a smile. "That's what the 'delete' button's for." Turning back to the computer, he began hitting up each site, filling out the information needed to join. Marc watched, relieved that he was smart enough to use a pseudonym. "Now we wait again," Bill told them. "I suspect the applications have to be vetted by someone."


"This is going to take a lot of time, isn't it?" Colin sighed.


"Yes, but it's worth it." Marc gave him a hug. "We both want you—"


"You do?" Colin broke in with a playful grin.


"Watch it, kid," Bill growled. "No coming on to my man."


"Was just teasing." Colin dropped his eyes, moving away from Marc.


"We know." Marc pulled him back, dropping a kiss on the top of his head. "Anyhow, we wait and see what happens and go from there. Now I have to get moving or I'll be late."


Friday, December 23, 2022

Everyone's Man – 30

"Not much else we can do," Bill said. "I thought about hitting up the newspaper's site to look at photos, on the off chance we might see the man's picture in some article, but that could take us forever. If it was a news photo, it could have been in any time from yesterday back to a couple of years ago or more." He turned to Marc then, asking with some concern, "How are you holding up? You look more than dead on your feet. Why not go to bed and we'll let you know if we get any hits on the message."


Marc yawned. "All right, I should, since I'm on shift tonight. But if you don't wake me up, you are so going to be regretting it."


"He'll cut you off?" Colin asked Bill in amusement.


"It's a possibility," Bill told him with a laugh.


"A definite one. This is something important." Marc pushed up from the sofa, and stretched. "Check one more time before I hit the sack."


Bill did, shaking his head to the negative. "It is morning, not a prime time for the sort of people we're trying to contact to be surfing sex sites," he pointed out when Marc grumbled in frustration. "Come on, let's get you to bed."


"Do I have to go stand in the hall for a while?" Colin grinned at them.


"Any other day, maybe, but right now I'm too damned tired to do anything but sleep," Marc replied, stripping off his shirt as he headed out of the room.


"He really shouldn't do that in public," Bill growled softly as he started after Marc.


Colin cocked an eyebrow. "I've seen it before and didn't touch so don't get your tail in a twist."


Swinging around Bill scowled at him for a second before taking a deep breath. "Sorry. I'm trying to rein the whole jealousy thing in but it's going to take time."


"You'll get there. It's hard when he's so… Okay, shut mouth before inserting foot. Or something like that."


Bill chuckled before continuing into the bedroom. Marc was already sprawled on the bed, his eyes closed. With a smile, Bill bent to kiss him lightly. Marc's eyes opened as he muttered, "You can do better than that." Bill did, making slow work of exploring every inch of Marc's mouth. As they finally broke apart, Marc apologized for not being up for anything more.


"We can wait. It's not as if either of us is going anywhere," Bill replied, dropping a kiss on Marc's forehead.


"Not in the foreseeable future," Marc agreed as his started drifting off to sleep. "Love… you…"


"Love you, too." Bill smiled at his sleeping partner then got up and went back into the living room.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Everyone's Man – 29


Colin looked at them with a knowing grin as they entered the room. Marc laughed, giving him a light smack on the back of the head. "Mind out of the gutter, we weren't in there that long."


"Yeah, it takes more than two minutes," Bill added as he sat down and booted up the computer.


"Not for some men," Colin replied with a snort of derision.


"You, Colin, are too jaded. We're going to have to do something about that," Marc told him, flopping down on the sofa beside him.


Colin leaned over to whisper. "Doesn't he have to go to work?"


"It's Saturday," Marc pointed out.


"Oh, yeah, well. I think I've totally lost track of the days."


"Not surprising." Marc smiled at him and then got up when Bill called them over to join him.


"What I was thinking earlier was that that group sounds suspiciously like some sort of private sex club, for lack of a better word."


Colin nodded slowly. "I suppose that's possible. None of them were the least surprised when the man told them I was going to be their…" He worried his lip, trying to remember, "Their 'entertainment'. It was pretty obvious he didn't mean I was some exotic dancer there for a birthday party or something."


Marc leaned a hand on the desk so he could see what Bill was searching for. He cocked an eyebrow at what was on the screen. "Okay, I knew they were out there, but they advertise so publicly?"


"Is he really that innocent?" Colin asked, coming up to lean against Bill's shoulder as he, too, looked at the screen.


Bill looked up at him and nodded. "Scary isn't it? Anyway, these aren't what we're probably looking for but they have message boards and it's possible someone on one of them will know something about the guys we are looking for." He pulled one of them up and then thought for a moment before typing. "Does that look like it'll work to you, Colin?"


Colin scanned it, suggested a change and then Bill hit 'send'. Moving on to the next site, he sent the same message, and then on two more before Marc suddenly thought of something. "Are you using your actual screen name? You know you'll be getting a lot of strange e-mail if you are."


Bill chuckled in amusement. "I'm not quite that dumb. I have two dummy accounts that I used to use for groups I belonged to. Once we see if we get any results I'll delete them and create new ones if I need them. It's about time I do that anyway."


"Aren't you the clever one." Marc kissed his temple. "Now we sit back and wait, I guess."

Monday, December 19, 2022

Everyone's Man – 28


"Big house, a group of men, to me that smacks of more than just payback for something you did Colin, or trying to scare you into being quiet." Bill stood, pacing the kitchen now. He turned back to look at Colin. "Did they have toys?"


Colin shivered, nodding. "Cuffs, a whip, a cane, a long leather slapper, those are what…" his voice rose in panic as he began to shake uncontrollably. "They didn't have to do that. I never would have told anyone. I won't tell, I swear!" he screamed, arching off the chair.


Marc caught Colin before he hit the floor and tried to hold him while he writhed in remembered fear and pain. Bill was beside them seconds later, whispering softly. "You're safe now, Colin, you're safe."


He said the words over and over as he gently took Colin from Marc, cradling him in his arms. Colin continued to struggle until Marc said sharply, "Enough, we're not going to hurt you." Bill looked up at him in shock, about to tell him he was being an ass, at best, when he realized that Colin had relaxed in his arms.


"It was better than slapping him, all things considered," Marc told his partner as he stroked Colin's cheek.


Colin's looked at them through bleary eyes. "I lost it, didn't I?" His voice was melancholy and guilt-ridden.


"You did," Marc said. "And you might again before things are over. You're going through a perfectly normal process. In fact, I think you're a few steps ahead of the game. You're a lot stronger than I would have taken you for."


"I don't feel strong. I feel like a total wimp right now."


"Naw," Bill said, patting his shoulder. "You're hardly wimp material."


Colin gave a small grin. "You haven't seen me when I'm totally dressed and done up. Then you might change your mind."


"Then you have to do that soon. Hell, if you're as cute then as you are now, we'll even take you out dancing. Well," he added when Colin stiffened, "after we deal with the ass who did this to you so that it's safe." He loosened his hold on Colin, and helped him to get up. "Do we want to continue that discussion now, or do you need to rest?"


"If I rest any more I'll go bug-fuck," Colin growled. "I'm all right for now."


"Then let's go into the living room. I have an idea and we'll need the computer."


As Colin headed to the living room, Marc stopped Bill with a hand to his arm. "You're good at handling him," he said with admiration in his voice.


Bill shrugged, "Probably because I have to deal with people all day at work, handling their problems. It's different from what you do because you have to heal the physical, I have to deal with how my subordinates' minds work and what they perceive as a problem, if that makes sense."


"It does, and I guess I knew that, but I've never really seen you in action."


Biting back a somewhat ribald comment that immediately sprang to mind, Bill hugged Marc instead, accepting the kiss he got in return with a broad smile. "Now we'd better join him or he's going to start wondering what's up again."


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Everyone's Man – 27



Marc did feel as if they were playing a spy game as he sneaked from the back entrance of the hospital to Tabby's car when she pulled up by the door. As far as they could tell, no one was watching but Tabby wasn't willing to chance it. She took the very long way around before dropping Marc in front of one of the houses that backed onto his apartment building. Kissing his cheek as he got out, she told him to tell Colin "Hi" before driving off.


A few minutes later, after he made his way cautiously through the back yard of the house to his building, Marc was opening the door to his apartment.


Bill met him with a smile and a kiss that was returned with equal fervor. Then he stepped back to look at Marc. "Another hard night?" he asked, noting the lines of stress on his face.


"Not until the end." Marc tossed his jacket on the back of the sofa before heading to the kitchen. When Bill joined him, sitting back down to finish his breakfast, Marc told him what had happened.


"Not good," Bill said when he'd finished. "So what do we do with Colin now?"


"What's wrong?" Colin inquired sleepily as he joined them. The looks on the two men's faces had him more awake, fast. "Did I do something wrong?"


"Not at all," Bill hurried to assure him.


"It's not you." Marc put a hand on his shoulder, steering him to a kitchen chair. When Colin sat, Marc took the chair next to him, placing a hand on his knee. "I think the man who instigated your rape came to the hospital looking for you," he said quietly.


"Shit!" Colin tried to jump up but Marc kept a tight grip on his knee.


"We're going to keep you safe," Bill promised, kneeling beside Colin.


"No." Colin shook his head hard.


"Don't argue with us," Marc told him. "We will one way or another. The first order of business is figuring out who he is before he does the same for me."


"I don't know who he is," Colin told them angrily.


"Calm down. I know you don't. But the first time you met him, it was set up by someone, right?"


Colin nodded. "But he won't tell you. Client confidentiality and all that."


"If we brought in the police…" Bill stopped when Colin turned on him, fists clenched. "Okay, not an option as far as you're concerned I take it."


"Not even," Colin growled. "It's too late, anyway. There's no evidence of what… what happened."


Bill shot Marc a questioning look. Marc shook his head slightly, mouthing "Later".


"There's another option," Marc said. "The doctor who talked to that man said he looked familiar, maybe from on TV or a picture in the newspaper."


"He did say he was a bigwig in town, but of course a lot of the men like to brag. It makes them feel special. He's probably married too."


"What makes you say that, Colin?"


"Instinct, I guess. After a while you just know those things by the way they act. Married or closeted or both. There's a desperation about them. This dude was desperate and kinky, both." Colin looked down at Marc's hand which was still resting on his knee. He focused on it as he told the rest. "You know, he has to be someone because he had that big house and…and all those other…the men who were there too. He's got to be a boss or…or something."


"Or maybe, hmm," Bill said.


Marc and Colin both looked at him, waiting.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Everyone's Man – 26



Marc stretched and felt everything pop back into place. The night had been long and full of small dramas, so this was the first time he'd had a chance to take a break and grab some coffee.


"You going to make it?" one of the other doctors asked.


"I have a choice?" Marc laughed while checking the board for what was next.


"Oh, by the way, while you were with the kid with the sliced thumb some man came in looking for you."


"Did he leave a name?"


"No. Just said he had to talk to you about some patient you had a few days ago."


Marc frowned. "Talk to me, specifically?" He got a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach.


"Well more that he needed to talk to the doctor who took care of some young man who'd been found on the street. I figured that was probably you because of that rape victim you handled."


"Did you tell him my name?"


"No, just that you were working this shift and would be around until early morning."


"Okay, thanks for the heads-up." Marc paused before asking, "What did he look like, just in case he comes back?"


"Tall, distinguished, white at the temples, pure businessman if you know what I mean. Sort of familiar but I couldn't put a name to him. Maybe I saw his picture in a newspaper or on TV." He shrugged.


Marc nodded. "And he's probably a family member who wants to give me a tongue lashing because I let the kid go too soon or some such. Like I have any control over that."


The doctor rolled his eyes. "Yep. Why they pick on us for that is beyond me." He smiled before walking away.


Checking the time, Marc debated calling Bill to warn him just in case, then decided against it since he'd be leaving the hospital in an hour anyway. He just had to make certain no one was watching when he did.


Someone tapped his shoulder and he spun around defensively.


"Whoa, what's got you so uptight?" Tabby asked.






"Well," he paused as an idea hit him. "Are you off soon?"


"Same time you are, why?"


"Could I sneak a ride home with you?"


"Sneak?" Tabby's eyebrows shot up. "More problems with Bill?"


"Actually, no. We're on our way to working things out now. It's Colin, or more that I think someone was here trying to find out where he's gotten to."


"Which would be your place I take it. Sure, I'll get you there without anyone knowing." She grinned. "I always wanted to do the spy bit."