Monday, September 13, 2021

The Artist and the Actor – 21


After the run-through was finished for the day and the director had given the cast notes on their performances, Shane headed back to the hotel. He took a long, hot shower, got dressed, and then tried to decide what to do to kill the rest of the evening. He knew what he wanted to do, which was call Colin.


If he's painting, and I'm sure he is, he won't answer. So why bother? That glum thought didn't deter him from trying. He let it ring four times before giving up when the call went to the automated 'You have reached…' "Yeah, I know, and damn it I'm not leaving a message," he muttered, hanging up.


Stuffing the phone, his wallet, and keycard into his pockets, he took off to find somewhere to eat.


"You look like you're loaded for bear," Olivia, one of Shane's fellow chorus members said when they arrived at the elevator at the same time.


"Not really. Just frustrated is all."


She grinned, patting his arm. "I'd offer to help you out but I'm not your flavor, as they say."


"Not that way," he replied, chuckling. "It's… There's a man I used to know who lives here…" He shrugged.


"And you want to reconnect with him?"


"I already have, but…" he said as the elevator doors opened. Since there were other people on it, he didn't finish what he was going to say.


When they got off, Olivia linked her arm with Shane's much to his surprise, suggesting they grab dinner in the hotel's restaurant. "That way you can tell me what's going on with you and this man."


"Bare my soul?" he asked with a brief smile.


"Who knows, it might help."


They were able to get a table in the restaurant, ordered coffee and dinner, and then, under Olivia's prodding, Shane told her about Colin and their past history. "I know the breakup was mostly my fault," he said in conclusion, "but damn it, if he'd only—"


"Seen how what he was doing affected your relationship?" she replied, nodding thanks to the waiter when he set down their coffees.


"I think he knew, but when he was in the zone, all he could think about was what he was painting, which happened more often than not." Shane sighed. "Especially the longer we were together. I think, no I know he expected me to understand and accept it. I know he figured I was busy, too, with my acting. He didn't get that it was at the most eight hours a day, not from morning until midnight, or later."


"It hurt," she replied with a commiserating look. "Ergo, you went looking for someone who would pay attention to you, even if it was only while you were fucking."