Friday, December 28, 2018

The Hotel - 34

"Did Caitlin know about the falling out between Tessa and Jenn?" Edwin asked.

"Not that she's said to me but, like Ramsey, I suppose she could have overheard their argument if she was in her room."

"So she could have taken advantage of Jenn being upset with Tessa, or vice versa I guess." When I started to protest he held up his hand. "Suppose she, and Ramsey, saw Tessa leave with Vern. Ramsey's upset, because he figured he could step in and convince Tessa she should be with him rather than chasing after Kirby. Caitlin, on the other hand, hangs around somewhere waiting for Tessa to come back into the hotel proper. Then she does the girl thing of wanting to know all the details, suggesting she and Tessa take a walk so they can talk in private."

"That's a stretch," I replied. "Would you go outside on a cold night, sneak out actually, which is what happened, just to brag to a friend about making it with Vern?"

Edwin grinned momentarily. "Nope, but Vern's straight so that wouldn't happen." When I flipped him off, he laughed and sobered again. "I'm not saying that's what happened, if it was Caitlin, but it's possible. In Ramsey's case, he could have run into Tessa when she got back and…what? Come on to her?"

"She'd just rejected Vern, to hear him tell it. Why would she accept Ramsey's proposition?"

"Because he'd be around for the long run. Once she left here, she'd never see Vern again, which might have been why she didn't let things go any further than having a nightcap with him."

"Okay, that's sort of logical, I guess."

"And then we have…" Edwin didn't get any further because two of the guests descended on us, telling him there was a problem with their room.

"The joys of owning a hotel," he said to me under his breath before leaving with them.

I picked up my unfinished beer and walked back to our table, getting there just in time to see Marsh and Phil helping Ramsey to his feet. He was staggering, obviously quite drunk, and protesting he didn't want to leave. I stepped in; telling him and everyone else it was probably time to call it a night. Most of the hotel guests had already left so it wasn't hard to convince my people to do the same.

Taking over for Phil, I gripped one of Ramsey's arms and between us, Marsh and I got him into the elevator and up to his room. He collapsed on the bed and passed out, so I took off his shoes, covered him with the bedspread, and we left him to sleep it off.

I had just gotten back to my room and closed the door when someone knocked. I wasn't certain I wanted to answer, but I did. Edwin stood there and came in when I stepped aside.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news," he said as soon as he closed the door. "I talked with Orville and he's not going to let you and the troupe leave tomorrow morning."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Because you're a smart man?"

"So you keep saying." I smiled wryly. "Right now, though, I'm going to ask that we don't talk about the damned murder."

"I don't intend to," he replied, stepping closer. "It's the last thing on my mind at the moment, now that I've delivered the message."

I wanted to tell him he should go home, meaning to his suite, so I could get some sleep. I didn't—and he didn't.


  1. Aacckkk ❤️ love this!! Got me rubbing my hands and sitting on the edge!

    1. Sitting on the edge is a good thing, in my opinion. *G*

  2. Lots of speculation. I like these two together
