Thursday, March 23, 2023

12 - Caomhnóir



It had taken Thom two weeks to make a decision about the budding relationship between him and Keegan. For the first week he refused to see or have anything to do with Keegan, telling him he needed the space to work out his feelings. Reluctantly, Keegan had agreed, using the time to go off on an assignment so that he couldn’t break his promise to stay away.


The second week the two men had spent time together, just talking. Keegan answered questions and at the same time found out a bit more about Thom in exchange.


The third week—


* * * *


Thom smiled, remembering, as he continued to watch Keegan pack in preparation for his newest assignment.


Keegan cocked an eyebrow. “First you’re all worried, now you’re smiling? Got a heavy date while I’m gone?”


After popping Keegan a hard one on the ass, Thom told him what he’d been remembering.


Keegan smiled in turn. “That was a hard fought battle, but worth it, though there were a few times there when I was dead sure you were going to walk away. Especially when I explained what All Hallows Eve meant in terms of my coming and going.”


“That was a hard one to deal with, knowing that you’d vanish for a year or even more if you were ordered to.”


“I always come back though, to you,” Keegan said quietly.


“I know, and after six years I’m getting used to it. I just wish—” He sighed, changing the subject. “Dinner out and then—” he pointed to the bed.


“How about dinner in bed? We order something fantastic and you get to be the platter.”


“Why me?” Thom asked with a very fake pout. “Maybe I want you to be the platter.”


“We’ll trade off.” Keegan marched across the room to stand as close to Thom as possible without actually touching him. “You’re dinner, I’m dessert.”


Thom backed away a step, grinning. “Nope, visa versa.”


“Don’t argue with me. I’m older and wiser. We do it my way.”


Putting his hands on Keegan’s chest, Thom propelled him backwards to the bed. Keegan reached back, feeling for his bag, sweeping it onto the floor, and then tumbled onto the bed, pulling Thom down on top of him.


“Dessert,” Keegan muttered, tangling his hands in Thom’s hair.


“Nope. Appetizer. Now.”


Those were the last real words spoken for a long time, and food played not part at all in the evening.



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