Wednesday, March 30, 2022

You Belong to Me – 72



“I feel sorry for Silas,” Corey said as they drove away from Jenn’s house. “Can you imagine having a brother like Travis?”


Scott shook his head. “If he’s your stalker—no.”


“You have your doubts?” Corey asked.


“Not really, but until he’s caught, nothing is written in stone.”


“True, I suppose.”


“So, my young charge, what do you want to do now? Head home?”


Corey scowled. “I want to whap you for the ‘young’ part of that. And do not tell me being four years your junior makes me young.”


“Hey, you’re the one who called me an old man, if I remember rightly.”


“Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, in answer to your question, I really don’t want to go back to my place yet.”


“You think he might have left you another gift? He seems to get off on that, and he hasn’t called you recently.”


Corey nodded. “That and also because I’d go crazy waiting for the other shoe to drop if he didn’t.”


“I could stay with you.”


“Not a good idea.”




“For one, it would only ramp up a different kind of tension.”


Scott smiled. “And that’s bad why?”


“Nothing could come of it because…. Well—” Corey chewed his bottom lip.  “—I’m not into voyeurism and you know he’d be listening and that would kill anything that could happen, which it wouldn’t because we’re not to that place yet and we might never be and….” Corey ran out of steam at that point.


Reaching across the console, Scott rested his hand on Corey’s thigh. “Believe it or not, I understood all of that, as disjointed as it was. I agree with you. So, how about we hit up The Scene?”


After a moment’s thought, Corey nodded.