Saturday, June 29, 2024

Never Again – 45


"Don't move."

Joseph froze before he could start to unbutton his shirt, his gaze locked on Cal's wicked grin. "I suppose you want to save me the trouble and do this yourself."

"Absolutely." Cal stepped close enough to flick open the top button. Then he kissed Joseph, stepping back before he could return it. "Four more buttons—"

"Four more kisses." Joseph was quite familiar with the game. This time he intended to change the rules. With one swift movement he tore open his shirt, buttons flying everywhere.

"No fucking fair," Cal growled. He didn't have time to say more when Joseph moved with lightning speed to tear his off as well. "That was my best shirt!" Cal protested, although he didn't really seem too upset since he was already reaching for the waistband of Joseph's slacks.

Joseph waggled a finger at him, trying hard not to laugh at the immediate look of frustration on Cal's face. "Slow down. We have all night."

"Says the man who just ripped off my shirt."

"Getting the preliminaries out of the way." He put his hands on Cal's shoulders then slid them slowly down his arms to his wrists. Gripping them, he lifted Cal's hands, kissing each palm then, not taking his eyes off Cal's face, he sensuously sucked each finger.

"Holy hell," Cal whispered. He was instantly hard, his erection straining to be free.

"One more button to go." Joseph flicked open the one on Cal's slacks and tooth by tooth slowly pulled down the zipper until his swollen cock was revealed. Dropping to his knees, Joseph took the head between his lips, lapping the leaking slit while pushing the slacks down over Cal's hips until they slid to the floor.

When Joseph took more of him into his mouth, swirling his tongue over each inch as he did, Cal groaned low in his throat, grabbing Joseph's shoulders. Soon his cock was fully engulfed as Joseph sucked it deep into his throat. "You're killing me here," he managed to get out, his voice hoarse and showing his need for more.

Instead he got less as Joseph released him, laving his tongue over his balls then sucking them into his mouth, rolling them gently until Cal's grip on his shoulders became almost painful. Settling back on his heels, he looked up at Cal. "Now would I kill such a wonderful man?"

"Well, no, but you're for damned sure torturing me," Cal growled.

"And I intend to continue. On the bed now, if you please."

Cal started to comply then apparently realized his pants were around his ankles and wouldn't be coming off until his shoes did. Impatiently he tried to toe them off. Joseph laughed, lifted each foot, pulled them off, and Cal kicked himself free of the slacks. Seconds later he was lying on his back on the bed. Before he could recover, Joseph was sprawled over him. His mouth took Cal's in a heated kiss.

When the kiss ended, Joseph began to work his way down with small nips and soft kisses until he reached Cal's dark, taut nipples. He sucked each one, teasing them with the tip of his tongue until Cal was writhing beneath him, moaning "Please, Joe, please…"

Joseph glanced up with a grin. "Did you want something, lover mine?"

"You. All of you."

"In time, in time." Joseph continued his trip down Cal's body, tormenting him again with nips and licks until he reached his cock. Once again he took it into his mouth, but this time he wrapped his fingers tightly around the base to keep Cal from coming, which he was well aware could happen at any moment. Cal's moans intensified when Joseph sucked, teased, and swallowed, until at last he relented. The moment he unwound his fingers Cal's balls tightened, his cock pulsed, and he filled Joseph's throat with his cum and the room with the echoes of his shout of release.

"Now," Cal said when he could finally speak again, "it's your turn."

"And if I don't want it," Joseph replied, his eyes alight with laughter and need. "What then?"

"Rich boy, you have no choice in the matter." Cal rolled away just long enough to take hold of Joseph's arms, flipping him onto his back. "See," he said as he straddled him. Before Joseph could answer, Cal was kissing him. He returned the kiss as good as he got, savoring the taste and feel of his lover's mouth.

Cal's hand wrapped around his hard member and when he drew his hand down, the foreskin slid with it. Joseph almost came on the spot. Cal tightened his grip, momentarily running the pad of his thumb over Joseph's slit and along the underside of his swollen head now that it was revealed. Then he began to move his hand, the foreskin sliding up and down as he did. When he sped up the motion, Joseph's whole body trembled—need and pleasure fighting for dominance.

"I… I…" Joseph groaned, his hips arching up.

"I think that's supposed to be 'Aye, aye, captain'," Cal said, his grin lighting up his face.

"I'm going to—" Joseph gasped out.

"Come? Kill me? Fuck me?" Cal teased.

"All of the above," Joseph growled. "But we'll start with fucking you."

"Now that I can live with."

When Cal started to move away, Joseph shook his head. "I want you to ride my cock while I watch."

Cal paused then smiled, leaning over to kiss him. "I like that idea," he whispered against Joseph's lips before kissing him again while opening the nightstand drawer. Blindly, his fingers scrabbled around in search of the lube, eventually finding it. Only then did he break the kiss. Sitting back on his heels he tried to hand Joseph the tube.

"No, I want to watch you prepare yourself."

"I—you're sure?" When Joseph nodded, Cal spread the thick gel on two fingers, then leaning back on his other hand so Joseph could see, he carefully pushed one finger through the tight ring of muscle.

Joseph groaned softly. The ecstatic look on Cal's face when his finger touched his gland and he began to stroke it was one of the most sensual things he thought he'd ever seen.

Too soon, or not soon enough—Joseph wasn't quite certain which as he continued to savor the emotions crossing Cal's face—his lover deemed himself ready. Cal squeezed more lube onto his fingers and slowly covered Joseph's thick shaft with it. Grinning wickedly, he positioned himself then paused, tapping his lips as if reconsidering what he was about to do.

"Damn it, Cal," Joseph groaned, gripping his lover's hips.

"Turn about, Joe. Turn about," Cal said teasingly, even as he thrust down, taking the pulsing head of Joseph's cock into him.

When a flash of pain crossed Cal's face, Joseph tightened his hold on his hips. "Slowly, slowly," he cautioned.

Cal nodded, taking his words to heart. Soon enough, however, he was impaled on Joseph's shaft and he began to ride it.

Joseph watched Cal—watched the play of emotions on his face, the erotic view when his cock vanished into Cal's tight channel again and again. He captured Cal's hard member in one hand, stroking it in rhythm with Cal's movements. Ecstasy and love flooded his senses in equal measure.

I do love him. The thought filled his mind as he thrust up into Cal's hot body. Then his orgasm sent him flying to new heights, even as the thought became words and "I love you" flew from his lips.

"And I love you." Cal barely got it out before he came too, his seed covering Joseph's chest in pearly streams.

"So much," Cal whispered what seemed hours later when they had both recovered and lay in each other's arms.

Joseph arched an eyebrow. "So much what?"

Cal chuckled. "Sorry, was just finishing my sentence. I love you so much."

"Ahh." Joseph kissed his temple.

"Just 'ahh'?"

"Well, I didn't want to be redundant and reply with 'I love you too'. After all, I have said it once already."

Cal rolled on his side, resting on one elbow to look down at Joseph. "So once is all I get?"

Joseph grinned. "Today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?"

"A lot of happiness, perhaps a bit of sorrow, but we can handle that together."

"Indeed we can," Joseph said with conviction. "Together we can take on whatever the world throws at us." Suddenly he laughed. "And how cliché was that?"

"Very, but that doesn't make it any less the truth. And we will, rich boy. We will."

The End

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