Thursday, June 13, 2024

Never Again – 37


Joseph spent most of the rest of the day trying to come up with an alternative plan to catch the saboteur than the one he knew would work. The problem with the first and best idea he'd come up with was that it would require him to reveal what he was to Cal.

It's much too soon, he thought for the hundredth time. We're barely into the 'I might really care enough for you to make this permanent' stage. Letting him know I'm not quite human could send him running as fast as possible in the other direction.

On the other hand, if I don't and things go from bad to worse, it will be my fault for being so much of a coward that I can't trust in the feelings between us. Damn it, I wasn't going to let this happen! Wasn't once enough to teach me?

By late afternoon, he came to a decision. Cornering Cal in a spot where none of the others could overhear them he said, "I have something I need to tell you, but not here."

"Do you know who's causing the problem?" Hope and worry colored his question.

"No. But I have a plan that could help us find out." Joseph turned away, staring at the apartment building. "And we have to do it now before things escalate."

Cal frowned as he looked at him. "Why do I get the feeling it's going to put you, us, in danger?"

Chuckling low, Joseph replied, "We're after someone who did his best to take me out of the picture, possibly permanently, whether that was their intention or not. And if it hadn't been me, it could have been one of the other men. The saboteur is playing hardball; we have to return the favor."

"Okay, you're right. I'll meet you at your house?"

Joseph nodded. "Pick me up. I want to go somewhere else to talk."

"Umm, sure. Taking me out for a fancy dinner?" Cal grinned, then sobered, muttering, "As if we could do that."

"Someday maybe we can." After glancing around to be certain no one was in sight Joseph kissed him quickly before walking away.

* * * *

"Where are we headed?" Cal asked when Joseph got into his truck.

"Go east along I-10." Joseph said tersely.

There was a moment's silence. "How far?"

"I'll tell you where to turn off. Please just drive." When Cal scowled at him before pulling away from the curb, Joseph put one hand on his thigh. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"It's okay. I get that you're wound up about everything." Cal squeezed his hand then returned his concentration to driving.

Fifteen long, silent minutes later Cal was looking for a place to park the truck. He spotted a pull-off and turned into it. "Now where?" he asked after getting out.

"Follow me." Joseph headed into the densely packed trees that lined their side of the highway. Eventually they came to a large, grassy area with just a few trees dotted about. Here, Joseph stopped.

Cal looked around, shaking his head in bemusement. "You brought me out to God only knows where just to talk about your plan for stopping the saboteur? We couldn't have done it in the comfort of your living room?"

Joseph shook his head. "Not really." He pointed to a small boulder next to one of the trees. "This might be easier if you're sitting down."

"For who? You or me?" Cal asked almost defiantly, even though he did go over and sit. "What's going on, Joe?"

Joseph began pacing, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Suddenly he came to a stop a few feet away from Cal, fixing him with an intense gaze.

"It's going to take too long, maybe days or weeks, if we just try to hide somewhere at the site and hope we're in the right place at the right time to catch the man, or men, doing this. Even installing security cameras or hiring a security guard could be hit or miss if this person is clever enough."

"I suppose," Cal agreed hesitantly. "Or we could get lucky and they'll show up tonight and we'll spot them before they do any more damage."

"Are you willing to bet the farm on that happening?"

"I guess not. Not if you have a better idea."

"I do." Joseph wanted to turn away, run away, leave everything behind him just so he wouldn't have to tell Cal. But it would mean leaving him and he wasn't ready to do that—wasn't even certain he could. "Damn, this is hard," he whispered.

"Joe, whatever's going on with you"—Cal paused, reaching out to him—"it's more than just catching this bastard, isn't it?"

Joseph nodded, taking his hands, gripping them tightly. "I've only told this to one other person. Two others know, but right now that's beside the point."

"Rawleigh?" Cal asked quietly.

"Yes. He had the right to know and now, so do you. If I'm not honest with you then we have no future. But if I am…" He sighed deeply, releasing his hold on Cal's hands so he could step away. "If I am then we still might not have a future."

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