Sunday, March 17, 2024

76 – This Gift, This Curse



There was a bit of a pause when the waitress came over to take Kevin's and Mick's orders. Then Sue asked, "How's Will doing?"


"Fine it seems. He's home and in bed," Mick told her, smirking.


"Thank goodness." Then she obviously caught on to why he was smirking. "Not alone?"


"Nope. With Kevin's mom—or so we're presuming."


Kevin muttered, "It had better be her."


Mick hugged Kevin. "We both know it is, even if we didn't actually see her."


"So are they…?" Sue looked questioningly at Kevin.


"Honestly, I don't know. They're speaking to each other…"


"And doing other things with each other," Mick pointed out.


"Yeah, that too, so maybe… yeah."


Sue smiled at him. "I hope so. Will is good people and now that he has you, and her too, he'll have a family."


"He deserves one," Mick said softly.


"Everyone does," Sue said adamantly.


Mick nodded. And everyone has one, but me.


He knew his thought must have shown on his face, at least to Kevin, when Kevin turned to him and said very quietly, "You have us. You know that."


"I do." Mick smiled, albeit a bit sadly.


"Hey you two, no secrets," Sue said, breaking into their brief conversation.


"Nope, no secrets," Mick replied, forcing a grin. "He was just reminding me that we have some place to go as soon as we've eaten."


"Oh? Do tell. Where?"


"That, my dear sister, is none of your business," Charlie put in.


"But I'm nosy."


Brian snorted. "Boy is she. I knew that even before I asked her out the first time. She knows more about me than my folks do, I think."


"Yeah, well, I mean, come on. If I'm going to date you…" Her voice petered out and she shook her head. "That wasn't fair to you."


"Of course it was, because that way you know I'm not Archer."


"You better not be anything like him or you'll have me to deal with," Charlie muttered.


"Us," Kevin added.


Brian laughed. "Okay, okay, I get the picture. Remember, I'm the good guy here."


"Yeah, we know. We were just teasing," Charlie told him. "Mostly."


"Got it. Now, since I think our food is arriving, shall we eat?"


"That's why we ordered it," Sue replied, giving him a fast hug. "So, let's eat and talk about… anything that doesn't have to do with the bastard… or school."


* * * *


"Brian's good people, I think," Mick said, as he and Kevin walked back to the apartment building.


"He seems to be, but then I'm sure Archer came across as a nice guy at first."


"Cynic," Mick told him.


"Realist," Kevin replied.


"Well, realistically she's got Charlie vetting Brian and after what happened…"


"Can we not talk about that, please," Kevin broke in. "I've had it up to here"—he touched his forehead—"with… with everything."


"Hey, what brought that on," Mick asked softly, a worried frown on his face.


"I'm just over it." There was a slight tremor in Kevin's voice.


Mick nodded, taking his hand. "Then it's past history, as far as I'm concerned."


"Thank you." Kevin gripped Mick's hand tightly as they continued walking.


A moment later, Mick stopped, looking compassionately at Kevin.




Kevin nodded, shuddering. "Mostly at night, when I'm trying to get to sleep. I feel him grabbing me, hitting me. I see him attacking Dad… Will."


"I knew who you meant," Mick said with a smile.


"Yeah, figured you did." Kevin gave him a small smile in return.


"I'm no expert," Mick told him, "but I think that's pretty normal."


Doesn't make it any less scary."


"Of course not." Mick eased his hand free from Kevin's grip, so he could hug him tightly. "It will pass, though."


"I know but still." Kevin took a deep breath. "Could you… stay with me tonight? Maybe then it won't happen."


"If that's what it takes, I'm more than willing," Mick replied seriously. But he couldn't help feeling elated. He just needs company. Still… maybe. No, this is not the time to take advantage of the situation. With that thought in mind, he pulled away, taking Kevin's hand as they started walking again.

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