Thursday, October 20, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 81


Almost as soon as the words were out of the officer's mouth, a third cop came into sight, gripping Robin's arm. It was obvious Robin's hands were cuffed behind his back.


"Robin!" Micky started toward him, only to be told to stay where he was or else. He saw Robin's face light up in relief and knew his own expression matched it.


Robin was led to stand next to Micky. He looked down at the fallen body and said coldly, "Looks like Harley came back, too." Turning to Micky, he said, "I took care of Mackenzie. Much to his surprise, I suspect."


"Harley?" one officer asked.


"Yeah. Harley…Yates, if I'm remembering correctly. He was Mr. Mackenzie's enforcer."


"There are warrants out for their arrests," the officer by Harley said. "You're telling me the two of you"—he looked incredulously at Micky and Robin—"took the two of them down? On your own?" 


"That's what happens when people underestimate their targets," Robin replied with the barest of smiles.


More lights lit the parking lot as ambulances and another squad car came into view. The office who had been with Robin took off with one ambulance to show the EMTs where Mackenzie's body was. One of the remaining EMTs started working on Harley, while the other one, noticing Micky was bleeding, tended to what he said was a minor wound on Micky's arm. The first EMT said Harley was alive, but barely, so they bundled him into the ambulance. An officer joined them and it took off in a roar of sirens and flashing lights.


The men from the newly arrived squad car turned out to be a detective, accompanied by a local FBI agent. The agent obviously recognized Robin, because he suggested rather firmly that the officers un-cuff him. Then he introduced Robin to Detective Palmer.


"I've heard of you," Palmer said, holding out his hand.


Robin shook it, then introduced Micky. By then, Micky's adrenaline rush was wearing off and he began trembling. Robin put his arm around him, murmuring, "It's over now, and we survived, despite the fact you got nicked in the process."


"You knew, didn't you?" Micky replied, uncertain whether he was angry or not.


"That they'd be here? Hell no. How would I? I just wasn't taking any chances. I haven't since…since the first time we met. After your reaction, when we went walking in the park? Well, I just figured you'd be better off not knowing I was carrying."


Micky thought about it and nodded. "I'd have been twice as afraid if I had."


"Gentlemen," Palmer said, "You'll need to come down to the station so Agent Sams and I can take your statements."


"Is it all right with you if Micky and I drive over in my car?" Robin asked.


"Not a problem," Palmer replied, before he and Agent Sams went on about the business at hand of dealing with the crime scenes, with the help of the CSI team that had just arrived.


Micky followed as Robin walked back to the car, trying to come to terms with what had just happened.


I shot someone. I may have killed him. And I feel no regret for having done it. He leaned against the car, his hands on the roof, staring down at the ground. In his mind's eye he replayed everything from the moment the first shot had been fired. They were going to kill us… Robin. If he hadn't been armed… If he'd moved two seconds slower… Micky started shaking.