Wednesday, October 12, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 77



The next week passed with no word from the police or the Feds as to the possible whereabouts of Mackenzie. The Feds did locate Harley, Mackenzie's enforcer, in Chicago. But before they could pick him up, he disappeared again.


Micky and Robin were well on their way to being completely healed. Both still suffered from nightmares but helped each other through them, with Thor lending his assistance as a calming influence. Their love-making became more physical as the days went by, to the point that Robin was finally able to actually fuck Micky without pain getting in the way, which had happened the first time they tried—much to their frustration.


Then, Sunday morning, Eldon called to invite them meet him at his favorite restaurant for dinner.


"It should be safe," he told Robin. "At this point, Mackenzie and whoever might be with him have to know it would be stupid for them to come back to the city."


"Yeah. Is everyone else coming too?"


"Yep. Sort of a mini family reunion, minus Hawk's kids."


"Great. We'll see you around six."


When Robin told Micky about their plans, Micky was hesitant at first.


"It's one thing to go to the park. As far as we know, Mackenzie has no clue where you live. But really being out in public?"


"It has to happen sooner or later. The restaurant's on the far side of town from both your apartment house and Mackenzie's club—or anywhere else he's connected to."


"Okay. I can handle this."


"I know you can."


Micky wasn't quite as certain when they were getting dressed for the evening.


"Hey, you're wearing my shirt. He'll never recognize you," Robin said, giving Micky a hug.


Micky snorted. "Nope, he'll think I'm you."


"Not unless he's suddenly become color-blind. Your red-brown hair is nowhere near close to my blond."


"We should both wear hats."


"Micky." Robin gripped his arm to make certain he was listening. "We are perfectly safe. I promise. Now finish dressing or we'll be late."


Still feeling wary of the whole idea, Micky did. Before they left the house—leaving Thor running free inside—Micky made certain Robin armed the security system, causing Robin to say, "I've never forgotten to. I'm not about to start now."


"I'm being a wuss. I'm sorry."


"No," Robin told him. "You're acting just the way you should. Being very careful. Just because we"—Robin emphasized the word—"know he shouldn't be anywhere around, doesn't mean we should drop our guard until he's been captured."


Micky took that to heart, watching for any suspicious cars as they drove across the city. Still, by the time they arrived at the restaurant, he found he had relaxed. Because Robin is? Probably. Because I'm with him? Definitely.


When they entered the restaurant, and Robin gave the hostess his name, she led them to a private room to one side of the main one. Eldon and all the brothers were already there. Robin introduced Micky to Sue-Ellen, Hawk's wife, and to Falcon's wife, Cassie.


"You picked a cutie," Cassie stage-whispered to Robin, causing Micky to turn red.


Robin grinned, hugging Micky while telling Cassie, "I think handsome works better."


Everyone laughed when Micky reddened again. From there, things proceeded as they would at any family gathering—good food, interesting conversations, and, in this case, the tacit agreement that no one would talk about the family business.


When the party broke up, Cassie took Micky aside long enough to tell him, "I think you're good for Robin. He looks, and acts, happy for the first time in forever. I mean truly happy, not just…playing at it, I guess. And don't you dare blush," she added with a grin.


Micky didn't, replying, "I think we're good for each other."


"You are," she agreed, much to his surprise kissing his cheek before going back to join Falcon and the others.


"Was she coming on to you?" Robin asked, slinging his arm across Micky's shoulders.


For a second Micky thought he was serious, until he saw the twinkle in Robin's eye. Then Micky laughed. "Yep. We're slipping out to have a clandestine assignation at the Bates Motel after you and Falcon are sound asleep."


Robin's comeback was, "Just don't join her in the shower. That could be dangerous," as they followed his family out of the restaurant.


"Nope," Micky said. "The only person I shower with is you."


"Good, because I feel the desperate need for one as soon as we get home."