Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Everyone's Man – 1



(This was my first published book, back in 2011, from a publisher that is no longer in business)


"You want to tell me what happened?"


Colin snorted softly. "Stupid happened," he answered, staring at the curtain surrounding the space rather than at the doctor. Not that looking at said doctor would have been a chore. He was definitely fine and had a killer smile.


"How do you stupidly get a six-inch slice across your rib cage, which from the look of it, was inflicted with a knife blade?"


"You don't move fast enough?" Colin winced as the doctor began stitching him up. "What the hell happened to giving a painkiller first, man?"


"Tough guy like you needs it?"


"Yeah, no…" Colin watched, fascinated. He'd never seen anyone being stitched up, especially himself. "So how long do they stay in?"


"Until you come back in a few days for me to check the wound."


"What if I'm not around then?" Colin muttered under his breath.


"Then you check with a doctor at the nearest clinic and let him decide." The doctor tied the thread off and then covered the wound with gauze and tape. "No showers or baths for a while."


"Yeah? Well I can deal. Anything else?" Colin sat up gingerly.


"Stay away from sharp objects, especially ones being wielded by someone who obviously doesn't particularly like you."


"Good idea. I'll keep that in mind." Reaching for his shirt, Colin sighed. "This sure ain't wearable anymore."


"You have someone you can call to bring you a clean one?" When a look of panic flashed across Colin's face, the doctor frowned. He spoke the next words gently. "Was it your partner who did this?"


"Not like you're thinking, no." Colin shrugged. "And that's all I'm saying." He started to put the shirt on despite its condition.


"Hang on. I think I have an extra in my locker. You'll swim in it but at least it won't be blood-soaked." Before Colin could reply, the doctor disappeared, returning a few minutes later with a black t-shirt. When Colin put it on, the doctor chuckled. "Yep, just a bit large."


"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly The Rock when it comes to build. But hey, thanks. I'll bring it back, or…get it to you, somehow."


"Colin, look, if you need a safe place to stay I can probably arrange it."


"Naw, I'm good. I just gotta get my stuff and…whatever." He looked at the doctor and then the curtain. "Okay if I get out of here?"


"In a second." The doctor wrote out a prescription, handing it to Colin. "For the pain, tough guy," he told him with a chuckle. "Stop at the pharmacy on your way out and they'll fill it cheaper than a drugstore."


Colin nodded, stuffing it in the pocket of his jeans. "Look, thanks again."


"No problem. It's what I'm here for."