Tuesday, October 4, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 73

After an early supper, Micky and Robin took Thor for a walk. At first Robin objected to the idea of Micky's coming along.


"Like who's going to know who I am?" Micky said.


"One look at your hair and they'll remember you, if anyone asks."


"So I'll wear a hat, if you have one. I need to get out of here, for a few minutes at least. Make sure there's still a world beyond the fence."


Robin found an old Rockies cap one of his brothers had given him. After Micky had stuffed his shoulder-length, red-brown hair under it, he looked like a different person, in Robin's opinion, at least. "Cute. Maybe I have a baseball bat hanging around you can carry."


"Spare me the humor," Micky replied sourly.


"Hey, what's going on?" Then Robin got it. "Didn't take your pill, did you? Despite the fact you've spent the last few days nagging me to take mine."


"I don't do nagging," Micky grumbled.


"Bet me. Go take one then let's get you out into the real world. Trust me, the cap makes a great disguise."


While Micky went to take his meds, Robin got a pistol and boot holster from the gun safe in the laundry room. Normally, he'd have used a concealed waistband holster but he knew the pressure—even though his back was healing—would be distracting.


Micky walked into the living room just as Robin put the gun in the holster. "Do you think you'll need that?" he asked Robin with a worried frown.


"Nope. Not with Thor keeping us company. I just like to be prepared for any contingency."


"Okay." Micky didn't look as if he quite believed it, Robin thought, if his body language was any indication.


"Come, let's get going," Robin said, disarming the security box and unlocking the door. Once Micky and Thor were outside, Robin rearmed the box and joined them, locking the door behind him. When they got to the gate, he went through the same routine again. After they were on the sidewalk, Robin hooked the leash to Thor's collar, much to the dog's obvious disgust, and they began walking.


"Fresh air, sunshine," Micky proclaimed.


Robin snorted, putting his arm around Micky's waist. "I think I've got that in my yard, you know."


"Yeah, but out here it smells fresher."


"You're nuts."


"No. Just happy to be doing this with you." He carefully slid his arm around Robin's waist.


"That makes two of us."


Thor pulled on the leash, indicating he wanted to go to the park across the cul-de-sac from Robin's house. Robin had no problem with that. It was early evening and there were plenty of people, families mostly, taking advantage of the warm weather. Kids were in the small playground, with watchful parents nearby. Two dog-walkers strolled on the sidewalk which wound through the park.