Monday, October 10, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 76



Micky went to get a glass of water, veering off to his room to take one of his pills, since the gash on his arm was aching.


Robin looked at him when he returned to hand him the water. "You, too?"


"Yeah. We make quite the pair."


Resting on his elbow, although it obviously cost him from the grimace of pain that flashed across his face, Robin took his pill and sank down again. "Stay with me?"


"Of course." Micky crawled onto the bed, curling up in front of Robin. "Good thing you sleep on your left side," he murmured.


Robin rested his arm over Micky, replying, "For you, anything," then kissed the nape of Micky's neck after blowing his hair out of the way.


"That tickles," Micky said.


"The kiss?"


"No. You blowing on my neck."


Robin laughed. "What about if I blew in your ear?"


"I'd be ready for round two, which I don't think is an option right now."


"Nope, we'd fall asleep in the middle, thanks to the pills. In the morning, however…"


"We'll give it a shot." Micky took Robin's hand, holding it tightly. "You know I'm moving beyond just caring about you."


"I hope, because for sure I'm well past the caring part when it comes to you."


Micky yawned. "Good."


"Only good?" Robin squeezed Micky's hand.


"Great. Won-der"—he yawned again—"ful, Fan-tas-sss. Fantastic."


"Those work." It was Robin's turn to yawn. When he went silent seconds later, Micky knew the pill was doing its job. But then so was his. Barely whispering, "More than fantastic," he fell asleep.