Tuesday, December 28, 2021

You Belong to Me – 26



“So he came back to try again, found Mr. Reynolds here, and killed him?” Darin asked.


“Brad wasn’t here. I mean, obviously he was, but there’s no way he could have gotten inside. He didn’t have keys.”


“Then how did he get in?”


“If you think I let him in, you’re crazy,” Corey said angrily. “I told you, I was waiting for him at the club. I was going to call him to find out if there was a problem, but my phone was dead. So I kept waiting, just in case. I finally gave up and came home to… to this.” He waved a hand toward the living room.


“Does anyone else have keys?”


“No. And when I left tonight, I turned on the security system. I told the officers that.”


“You’re certain?”


“Yes, damn it!”


“As far as you know, did Mr. Reynolds have any enemies?”


“I have no clue. Even if he did, how would he and they end up in my apartment?”


“Good question. Do you have any enemies? Or a jealous ex who might have wanted Mr. Reynolds out of the picture when he found out the two of you were seeing each other?”


Corey was about to say, “My stalker,” and panicked. What if he thinks I made the whole thing up so I could kill Brad? There’s no proof I have a stalker. Not really. He took a deep breath and replied hesitantly. “No jealous exes. I… I’m not really… really out, so I wasn’t actually ‘seeing’ Brad, as you put it.”


“You were at a gay club tonight,” Darin pointed out.


“The Scene caters to everyone.”


“But mostly gays. It would have been obvious the two of you were together if you like to dance.”


Corey sighed. “True. But no one knows except the people I see there.”


“You hope. Okay, let’s get back to the murder. You say Mr. Reynolds didn’t have keys. Was he the type of man who might have come inside if he saw the door was open?”


“Maybe. I don’t know. What I don’t get is why he came here in the first place.”