Tuesday, December 14, 2021

You Belong to Me – 19


“It sounds like you’ve got a stalker. Have you reported it?” Officer Turner asked.


Corey shook his head. “I got rid of the notes, so I have no proof. Besides which, what can the police do? All this person’s done is harass me from a distance.”


“At least if you filed a report, it would be on record in case she ups the ante.”


Corey didn’t refute the officer’s presumption it was a female. Even though Corey doubted that was the case, he couldn’t say for certain.


“Have you had any visitors recently who might have taken the watch?” Officer Turner asked.


“Not since I last looked at it, which was a couple of days ago.”


“Does anyone else have keys to the apartment?”


“No. Well, I suppose the manager does, but I don’t think she’d come snooping and take it.”


“Probably not.” Officer Turner closed his notebook. “All right, we have the particulars. We can get a forensics team in here to look for fingerprints, but unless whoever took the watch is terminally stupid, I doubt they’d have any luck.”


“And I’d have fingerprint powder all over everything,” Corey said wryly. “That’s okay. I think I’ll pass.”


“If this person calls again, make a note of the phone number, even though it does come from a payphone,” Officer Moore told him.


“Actually, I suspect all of them are on my phone, since I haven’t cleared out my call index in a while.”


“Give us the list, please. It probably won’t do much good unless all the phones are in the same area. In that case it might give us a general idea where the stalker lives, works, or hangs out.”


Corey went through the index, writing down the numbers, and handed the paper to Officer Moore. “Is there anything else you need?” he asked afterwards.


“Nope, so we’ll be on our way. One suggestion,” Officer Moore said after glancing at the door, “get a security system. Even a simple one will let you know if someone tries to break in again. Whoever took the watch might know how to pick a lock, but it’s a long step from that to disarming a security box.”


“Believe me, I intend to…now. Thank you for your help.”


Officer Moore nodded. “Not certain we did much, other than take down your report of the robbery and the stalker’s phone calls.”


“You made me feel a bit safer, which counts in my book.”


“Then you’re welcome.”