Saturday, December 18, 2021

You Belong to Me - 21



By the time Corey got off work Saturday evening, he was more than ready for his date with Brad. The only saving grace to the past few days since the break-in was the fact that he’d heard nothing more from his stalker. Maybe they’ve given up? Came and got the watch and now they’re going to give it to their next victim? I can only hope.


As he got dressed, he realized he was humming “This Could Be the Start of Something Big” and smiled.


He’d always liked Brad and often wondered why they hadn’t progressed beyond the occasional night together.


Probably because I’m not ready to do more than play around when I can, with who I can, with no stings attached. That way, no one has any reason to want the sort of relationship that would mean I’d have to admit to the world—and the family—that I’m gay.


He thought about what he’d just told himself and nodded. It was the reason for breaking up with Mike. Like Mike said, being closeted is not the best basis for a real relationship. So now I keep it light. Keep it simple.


But with Brad… I could get used to having him in my life. Would it be worth the results, though? Could I handle being disowned by the family I love, the way he was? He grimaced. Obviously not.


That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy his time with Brad tonight. With that thought in mind, he finished dressing, checked the mirror to be certain he looked all right, and then left the apartment, making sure to arm the security box as he did.

* * * *

Brad had only been at the club for a few minutes when his phone vibrated.


“Please don’t be Corey backing out,” he muttered before answering.


“Brad, it’s Corey. I have a problem.”


He frowned, trying to hear what Corey was saying over the noise of the people and the music in the club. “What’s wrong?”


“It’s my car. It decided not run for some reason. Look, would you mind coming by to pick me up?”


With a sigh of relief, Brad said, “Not at all. I’ll be there in ten minutes or less.”


“Thank you, thank you.”


Brad was halfway out of the club by the time they said good-bye. Ten minutes later he pulled up in front of Corey’s apartment building. He expected to see him waiting in the lobby, and when he didn’t, he called to let him know he’d arrived. When the call wasn’t answered, he frowned, deciding Corey must have turned his cell off for some reason, and got out of the car. He buzzed Corey when he got inside the entryway.


“Come on up,” Corey said, sounding tinny through the small speaker. “I’ve got something to show you.”


Brad grinned. Maybe their date would begin and end here. He could live with that.