Wednesday, December 8, 2021

You Belong to Me - 16



Monday came and went, and Corey didn’t leave the house, even to go food shopping. The one redeeming grace was there had been no more calls or notes from his stalker. The only call he did get was from Brad, asking if he was going to be at The Scene Saturday night.


“I’m not sure.” Corey wasn’t certain he wanted to, given what was going on.


“Aw, come on. I’ll meet you there and even buy you a couple of beers as an inducement.”


Corey chuckled. “Now how can I refuse an offer like that?”


“You can’t. So I’ll see you on Saturday?”


“I… okay. I mean, sure. Around eight?”


“Sounds good to me.”


Corey realized after they’d hung up that he was actually looking forward to his date—well, he supposed it was a date of sorts—with Brad. Not on any romantic level, because they were and always had been just friends with benefits. Still, it’s great to know I’m wanted by someone sane. So take that and stick it in your pipe… oh stalker mine.

* * * *

Tuesday morning dawned bright and sunny, if still cold. Between that and his upcoming date with Brad, Corey felt better than he had for the last few days. So he was smiling as he got up, showered and shaved, dressed, and headed out to work.


The day was hectic. That was no surprise since the sun did little to alleviate the freezing temperatures.


“I never thought I’d pray for summer with its heat and humidity,” Archie grumbled at one point as he and Corey were handing out warm clothing to those who needed them.


“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Corey agreed with a laugh. “How about we split the difference and pray spring comes early this year.”


“That I could deal with, and so could those poor guys.” He nodded toward what seemed like the never-ending group of teens and men the shelter helped, especially during the cold months.


“What we really need is more donations.”


Archie snorted. “And just how do we go about pulling that off? I think the donors we have are probably getting tired of begging letters and phone calls.”


Corey thought about that while continuing to give out warm coats and gloves. “A fancy dinner and a silent auction.”


“What?” Archie had obviously lost track of their previous conversation.


“To raise money. We get stores, galleries, and what have you to ante up a couple of items each. They can use them as a tax write-off, and we auction them off. Hell, maybe people can give us stuff that they don’t want. I mean good stuff, like grandma’s old tea set that’s been gathering dust in the attic.”


Silas walked in on the middle of their exchange. He grinned and said, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure?”


“Bingo!” Corey said. “Forget the stores donating. We just go with that theme instead.”


“It could work. Talk to Mr. Zimmer and see what he says,” Archie told him. “Hell, you could donate that watch someone gave you. You never wear it.”


Corey repressed a shiver. “Yeah, it’s really too expensive and, well, not my style.” He smiled slightly. “I could donate it. The gift that keeps on giving.”


“I think that’s STDs,” Archie said with a smirk.


“Ouch. Yeah. But the idea is good, if not the slogan. I think I will talk to Mr. Zimmer.”



  1. I wonder if he will get another call or letter after the non-date. And a good idea for a great cause for the watch.

    1. Time will tell on his stalker. And yep, a good way to get rid of the watch and help the shelter.
