Thursday, April 22, 2021

Don't Touch Me! - 40


"Penny for your thoughts," Brent said.

"I was… Nothing important."

"You are very important," Brent replied, apparently misunderstanding Cody. "At least to me."

Cody ducked his head. "As a friend."

"More than a friend. I thought we already established that."

"I… I keep wondering if it's just… If what you think what you're feeling is the result of your need to be protective. The same thing that makes you a good detective—to keep the client safe."

"No," Brent said, cupping Cody's jaw to make him look up. "Take my word for it; I've never felt this way about a client until I met you. Yeah, I want to fix their problems, if I can. With you, it's more. It's become very personal. And before you take it the wrong way, I mean you've become important to me beyond just helping you regain the life you deserve." He brushed the pad of his thumb over Cody's lips. "I want to be part of that life—your life. And not, my man, as just a friend."

Cody gazed at him, trying to read the truth behind Brent's words. "You mean it, don't you?" he replied in disbelief.

"Yes." Brent leaned closer, gently kissing him before pulling away again. "You don't have to reciprocate my feelings. I'll understand."

"But I do. I think you are the most wonderful man I've ever met. And I'm not saying that because of what you've done for me, although God knows it's been more than I can ever repay. I only wish…" He sighed.

"What, Cody?"

"I wish I'd met you years ago, when you could have known the real me."

"I do know the real you, and I like what I see—a man who, in spite of all he's been through, managed to survive and become a decent, caring person."

"I didn't 'survive'. I hid," Cody protested.

"I disagree. It wasn't hiding. It was your mind protecting you from the consequences of a truly vicious act. If it hadn't, you might have destroyed yourself and the world would have lost an exceptional author and a wonderful person."

"I wonder…" Cody said slowly. "Is what he did to me where my stories come from? Not literally, but is the horror I write the result, even though I didn't remember it?"

"Possible, I suppose."

"Oh boy. Now that I know…" Cody shook his head.

Brent took Cody's hand. "If you're afraid you'll lose your ability to write, I don't see it happening. You have a talent that's an inherent part of who and what you are. Perhaps the tone of your books will change, but they'll always be wonderful."

Cody smiled. "I think you're a bit prejudiced."

"You bet I am, but it doesn't mean I'm not right."

"Where would I be now, if it wasn't for you," Cody said quietly.

"At home, writing."

"That is not what I meant."

"I know, but since we can't go back in time and find out…"

"Yeah, I'd rather not do that." He traced his finger along the contours of Brent's face. "I never expected, the day I walked into your office…" Rather than finishing his thought, Cody kissed Brent. It was tentative. In spite of the fact Brent had kissed him, he didn't want to presume Brent wanted the kiss to be returned.


  1. I am so happy for both of them. I am sure the books will be fantastic.

    1. Of course they will. He has Brent to inspire him, now. *G*

  2. This is wonderful. Will this be published soon?

    1. It was published a long time ago by a now defunct publisher. Ergo, I decided to serialize it here since I have the rights back. I'm so glad you like it!

  3. I amreally enjoying it. Thanks
