Wednesday, December 25, 2019

One Plus Two Equals... - 48

The bout of love-making did relax Julyan, so much in fact that he fell asleep, waking to find Auden sitting on the side of the bed. Julyan smiled sleepily when he bent to brush a soft kiss over his lips and ask, "Are you feeling better?"
"Yes. No. Maybe."
Auden chuckled. "The definitive reply. Hold that thought because I think someone wants their time with you." With that said he shifted and moments later Duane sat in his place.
By then Julyan was more awake…and aware, apparently, quickly sitting up. "What time is it?"
"Early still, just mid-afternoon." Duane cupped Julyan's jaw in one hand, studying him. Then he released him after kissing him lightly. "Still, you probably should get dressed."
Julyan nodded, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "I'm scared, Duane, terrified actually," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "What if something goes wrong and…?"
Duane put a finger over his lips to silence him. "Nothing's going wrong. Auden knows what he's doing and he's prepared. When they show up here he'll take care of things just like we planned. Have faith in him, Juls."
"I do. Honest, I do."
"I know." Duane kissed his temple before picking up Julyan's jeans which lay in a heap by the side of the bed, handing them to him. "Go wash up and get dressed."
Duane watched as Julyan disappeared into the bathroom, admiring as always his lithe figure and taut ass. He'd really wanted to crawl into bed with him as Auden had done earlier. But common sense said Auden would need all his energy for what was coming, and they did after all share the same body no matter how different it looked on the exterior.
Getting up, he headed into the kitchen to find something to eat, stopping with a frown when the buzzer announced that someone was downstairs. He hurried to the security monitor to see who it was, his frown deepening when he saw the face of the man Auden had labeled 'Mr. Pink'. Pressing the 'Talk' button, he asked, "What brings you here?"
"We might have a problem," the man's disembodied voice replied through the speaker. "Let me in and I'll tell you why."
Something felt off to Duane but since the man was alone he buzzed him in. If he tries anything I can handle it, or Auden can.
Still he wasn't about to take chances as far as Julyan was concerned so he quickly went back to the bedroom.
Julyan had just finished dressing and was sitting on the bed to tie his shoes. He looked up, asking, "Who was that?"
"Our friend from this morning. I'm not certain why he's back but I want you to do as we planned, just in case."
"I… All right." A wave of fear flashed across Julyan's face, quickly wiped away by determination to do as Duane said, even though it was too early.
Duane paused just long enough to wrap him in a tight hug, saying, "It's fine, I'm sure," then walked swiftly back to the entryway to wait for the man to arrive.


  1. OMFGODDESSS shot shit I am so Jinxing you!
    Merry Christmas darling

  2. Merry Christmas!! What a treat to have you post the next nibble... lordy got me on the edge of my seat here.. lol... should be interesting!

    1. Merry Christmas to you, as well. Hope it was a good one.

  3. I'm so loving this book. I so desperately want the book that I think horrid things about the defunct publisher because I can never have this in my collection. Love, love, love 🤗😍🥰

    1. I think horrible things about them too, at times. LOL.
      At least I can 'give' you the story here. I'm glad you're loving it.
