Friday, June 10, 2022

You Do What You Have To - 15


"My name's Robin. Robin Sutton. I work for a group that would like to see Mackenzie and his thugs behind bars, and Darren Walker, aka Gary Freeman, and his people in jail as well."


"He's a crook?" Micky felt as if the ground had dropped out from under him at that revelation, even though he had considered the possibility at one point.


"Oh yeah."


"How…?" Micky shifted slightly, trying to get a look at Robin.


"If I let go of you, will you behave and come with me?"


"Why should I trust you?"


Robin chuckled. "Given the circumstances, you probably shouldn't. On the other hand, I haven't killed you. That should say something."


"I…guess. Okay, but I swear I'll scream bloody murder if you try anything."


"Deal." Robin stepped away, nodding to the driveway running from the garage to the street. "Follow me."


Micky looked at his captor. Although he really isn't that anymore, I suppose, since he isn't forcing me to come along. Robin was probably in his mid-twenties, with wavy, golden-blond hair. Despite his lanky build, Micky was well aware that Robin was strong, much stronger than he appeared.


"Where are we going?" Micky asked, barely whispering.


"Somewhere safe."


Micky nodded. "That would be nice. I haven't felt safe since Gary, or—whatever you said his real name is—was shot."


"Darren Walker."


"John, Gary, Darren. He's got more names than—"


"A porn star?"


Micky snickered. "I was going more for Fletch, but that works." He realized he was actually relaxing—for the first time since this whole thing had started.


By then they were across the next street over from Micky's place and still moving. Robin led him through more yards and across two more streets before saying, "Let's go in there and talk."


"They won't find us?" Micky asked, with a worried look at the church Robin had pointed to.


"Would you look for someone here?" Robin replied, walking up the tree-lined path to the side entrance.


"I suppose not," Micky agreed.