Sunday, May 30, 2021

Every House Has a Secret - 7



"I think we bought out the store," Brady said as he and Rand managed to get the last of their less bulky purchases into Brady's van. The drywall for the bedroom would be delivered to the house that afternoon; however, they had put off renting a sander for the floors until they were ready to tackle them.


On their way to the house, Rand asked, "Are we biting off more than we can chew?"


"Now you want to know." Brady rolled his eyed. "Nope. We can handle it, and what we can't, I'll bribe Nick into taking on."


"With more security? Won't he have enough by the time you 'pay' him for fixing the porch?"


"He will, so I'll offer him free background checks when he wants to hire new employees."


"That works. He starts on the porch on Monday, you said?"


"Yep. I'll meet him there before I go into work."


"I can do that," Rand said. "It's not like I'm on a set schedule right now."


"Deal." Brady grinned. "You can supervise."


"Uh-huh. Not. He'd probably jack up the cost if I did."


"Probably." Brady turned into the alley behind the house and used the remote to open the garage and pull in. From there, they began unloading their purchases, hauling them into the kitchen for the time being.


"I know one thing he can do," Rand said, after setting down several cans of paint in the corner by the basement door. "Install the new cabinets in here, once we choose them and tear out the old ones."


"Something to consider," Brady agreed, putting down a large container of plaster next to the paint cans before they returned to the van for the next load.


"Seems like you could use some help," a man said, looking over the fence at the side of the yard. "You're the guys who bought the house, I take it."


"Yes, sir," Brady replied, going over to join him. "I'm Brady Jordner and he's—" he gestured to Rand, "—my husband, Rand."


The man's eyebrows lifted momentarily, then he smiled. "Never met two men who were married to each other, but I know it happens. Doesn't bother me, so don't worry. Oh, I'm Ken Malone." He held out his hand.


Brady shook it, as did Rand when he joined them.


"Interesting last name," Ken said.


"We decided to blend our last names, Jordan and Turner, instead of hyphenating them."


"Smart. It's easier to say," Ken replied. "Anyway, if you need a hand taking stuff inside, I have two free ones."


Rand laughed. "That's one way to put it, and trust me, we'd love the help." He went to open the gate leading to the alley. 




  1. Hmm. Can the neighbor can tell them about the house and the previous owners?

  2. A new neighbor - maybe they can learn things.
