Saturday, October 10, 2020

Sing for Their Supper - 63


"So. What do we think?" DJ asked.


"First we read, then we think," Evie told him—so they did.


"I'm all for Peter Pan," Sam said when he finished. "Fun, only a couple of adults."


Ricky grinned wickedly. "I say we do it on one condition."


"Which is?"


"We tell Tuck he has to be Captain Hook. He's a great actor."


"Yes!" Jolie said, pumping her fist in the air.


Overhearing them, Tuck winced, although truthfully he wasn't averse to the idea—if he could find someone else to direct. He knew he couldn't do both jobs.


He smiled when Mace echoed his thought, saying, "Then who would direct?"


"Um, Andy, maybe?" Jolie replied. "Or I bet they know someone who could."


"Before we continue, does everyone want to do Peter Pan?" Sam asked. "Raise your hand if you don't." No one did. "Then we're good. Now to tell Tuck."


"And make him play Hook," Evie said. "I bet he'd be great."


A few minutes later Tuck looked at the group in feigned astonishment, having listened in as they'd talked. "You want me to do what?"


"Play Hook," DJ said. "Ricky told us you're a great actor."


Tuck shot Ricky a look. "Based on that picture of me on a theater poster, I bet."


"Well, yeah. They wouldn't have you on it, and as the star, if you weren't."


"That's debatable. If I decided to do it, it would mean finding someone else to direct."


"What about Andy?" Jolie called out.


"He and I used to talk about directing. It's not his thing." Tuck rapped his fingers on the stage floor. "Is it a deal breaker if I say no?"


Ricky looked at the others. "What do you think?"


"We want to do the show," Dena replied. "It would be fun having Tuck do Hook. But…"


"We're not going to have a hissy-fit if he won't," Evie said. She grinned at Tuck. "Well, not much of one."


"Tell you what," Tuck said. "Let me talk to a couple of people I know who might be interested in directing, if they can find the time. If I get a yes from one of them, then I'd love to be Hook."


"If you don't, we still want to do the play," DJ replied.


"Good. At least that's settled. Unless there's anything else you want to talk about right now, you're free to go."


There wasn't, so they left. Tuck remained sitting on the stage, lost in thought. Then he nodded to himself. "He might just work."



  1. Nice and maybe someone will what to help.

    1. Hopefully he will find someone. The kids sure want him to.
