Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sing for Their Supper - 60


"You know what we need?" Jolie asked the others on Saturday afternoon. They had all slept in, for the first time since they'd come to the theater, and now were eating lunch down by the lake.


"No, oh great and wise one. What do we need?" Sam asked.


"To turn this place into more of a home. Don't get me wrong. The cabins are great, but they could do with some flowers around them and maybe a garden?"


"What a neat idea," Dena said. "But how?"


"The flowers shouldn't be too much of a problem," Roma replied. "I've seen plenty of wild flowers around here, like those over there." She pointed to the edge of the trees. "I don't know what they are, but they're pretty."


"Do you think it would hurt them if we transplanted them?" Evie said.


"Only one way to find out."


Mace frowned. "How will we dig them up?"


That stopped everyone for a moment. Then Ricky said, "There's big spoons in our cabin."


"Perfect," Jolie replied. "Get them."


"Yes, ma'am." Ricky saluted and dashed off, returning with four soup spoons and a serving spoon.


They managed to dig up the flowers without significantly damaging the roots, then replanted them across the front of the girls' cabin. "Because it was my idea," Jolie said, when the guys protested. By the time they'd finished it was early evening, so they all chipped in to make a large pot of stew for dinner.


The meal was over just as Tuck and Brent pulled into the lot. "Now this is nice," Tuck complimented them when he saw the flowers.


"Tomorrow, we'll put some in front of our cabin," Mace told him. "We were thinking about a garden, too."


"It's a bit late in the season for that," Tuck told them.


"Then next spring," Dena said. "Tomatoes, squash—"


Tuck chuckled. "You've got all winter to decide. Right now, we have a show to put on."




The second night went as well, if not better, than opening night. The audience was enthusiastic, making the cast take four curtain calls. Even though they'd gotten up just before eleven that morning, everyone was exhausted, so they went straight to bed after a late-evening snack.


"Do you think we'll still be here next spring?" Ricky asked when he and Sam were curled together in bed.


"I hope so. I guess time will tell—and what show Tuck decides to do next. If it doesn't go over as well as Oliver!, then we could be in trouble."


"I wonder if he's chosen it yet."


"Tomorrow, we'll ask," Sam replied sleepily.


"Then, the rehearsals will begin again. Damn. I hope I can keep new lines separate from the old ones." Ricky chuckled. "I can see Dodger coming out with lines from the new script, confusing the hell out of everyone."


"There is that. Now, though, go to sleep. We have flowers to transplant tomorrow."


They shared a few kisses and soon were dead to the world.



  1. Doesn't take a lot to transplant from the forest. I love how they are thinking of ways to make it a home.

    1. The first real home they've had since ending up on the streets, so no wonder they are.
