Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sing for Their Supper - 13

"Where is the theater?" Mace asked at the same time that Sam said, "Can we think about it?"

"Of course you can," Tuck told Sam before answering Mace's question. "Do you know where Vale Lake is?"

"Yeah. Way the hell and gone from downtown. It would take forever to get out there."

"I guess it would seem that way, since you don't own cars."

Sam snorted. "We don't own anything." He frowned. "Would you pay us?"

"Not at first," Tuck replied. "In all honesty, until we know if this venture is going to be a success, we can't afford to. However, we have two cabins for the actors next to the theater, and we'll provide the food for your meals."

"Serious?" Jolie said, her expression brightening.

"Yep. One cabin for the girls. One for the guys. They even have small kitchens."

"Whoa," Jolie said, looking as if she wasn't certain she believed him—but hoped it was the truth.

 "We still need to think about it," Sam said firmly, looking at Mace and Jolie.

"Absolutely," Tuck replied.

"Who else are you asking?" Mace wanted to know.

"That's a good question," Tuck admitted.

"Lady Roma," Jolie said, then explained who she was when Tuck asked. "She's fantastic. Older. Like your age, but still—"

"Nothing wrong with that. We're not limiting it to just guys your age, although that's mostly what we're looking for. Do you know where I can find her?"

"There's a plaza with pianos, not that far from here. She hangs out there," Jolie told him, describing Lady Roma.

"I know where you mean."

"How will we find you, when we make up our minds?" Sam asked.

"Trust me. I'll be around. I think you guys and girl" —Tuck smiled at Jolie— "will be perfect. Now I have to find other kids, too. So, if you run into anyone else who can sing like you…"

"We'll let you know," Sam assured him.

"Thanks. Okay, I should get moving. I have a city to scour."

"Try around Champion Park," Sam suggested. "Some kids hang around there because it's on the ritzier side of town. Not sure if you'll find anyone, but it might be worth a try."

"And around the college, too," Jolie added.

"Got it." Tuck smiled when Sam did as he'd expected and went back to the counter to get carry-out boxes. Once the kids had put the rest of their lunches into them, they left, after thanking Tuck profusely for lunch—and the offer.


  1. Well that went well... better than i thought... Now they need to find Ricky... he is hanging out in my heart...

  2. got to weight the pros and cons. Sam is trying to think of all the possibilities.
