Sunday, March 24, 2019

Safe Harbor - 24

Kurt took his phone out to call Daniel, stepping away from the group to do so. After explaining the situation he listened, then turned to Jo-Jo. "Do you think you can do a sketch of her from memory?"

"I can try."

Bobby popped to his feet, going to get her a pad and pencil from the desk, and then went to stand by Kurt, unashamedly listening in on his end of the conversation. When he heard Kurt trying to describe what Bets had been wearing when she’d left the shelter the previous evening he took the phone from him to tell the detective the details, down to the type of shoes.

Kurt cocked an eyebrow and took the phone back to finish his conversation with Daniel. When it was over he put the phone back on his belt then asked Bobby, "Since when did you become such a fashion expert?"

"Not an expert. It comes from really looking at people, which is a habit and has been forever." Bobby smiled slightly. "Like I noticed you’re not wearing your collar."

"I don’t always."

"Yeah, you do. Well maybe not in the shower but if you’re wearing clothes you’re wearing it, until this morning."

"I just decided…maybe new kids coming here wouldn’t feel so uptight if they thought I was just another counselor."

"Umm hmm. I believe that and you’ll try to sell me a cell phone for cheap."


Bobby chuckled. "It’s a street scam. I’ll explain it to you sometime. Anyway, are they putting out an APB on Bets?"

"Daniel said he’d do his best, though he wasn’t hopeful anyone would really take it seriously even with the killings. As he put it, to most beat cops she’d be just one more street kid who decided to move on."

"That sucks big time, but I’m not surprised. So we’re going to have to get out there and let everyone know she’s missing." Bobby went back to the kids around Jo-Jo and Cry. The group had now expanded to include almost everyone who had crashed at the shelter that night. Quickly and succinctly, he told them what he wanted them to do and showed them the sketch Jo-Jo had made of Bets and then sent one of the kids off to the office with it to get copies made for them to distribute.

Kurt joined them, suggesting they eat first while they waited. Most of the kids immediately headed to the dining room but a few of the older ones including Bobby, knowing the situation was serious, decided to hit the streets immediately. Kurt resisted the impulse to tell them to be careful. He had the feeling they’d be more insulted than anything else by that. It didn’t, however, keep him from stopping Bobby long enough to caution him. That earned him a smile and a surreptitious pat on his ass by the young man, which made him jump in surprise. Bobby grinned and followed the others out onto the street.


  1. I’m impressed with the kids wanting to help! Awesome! Bobby surprising Kurt should be a no brainer. Hope they find her!

    1. Let's hope they do. (Not telling one way or the other. *G*)

  2. Bobby is amazing. I really like him.
