Monday, March 4, 2019

Safe Harbor - 14

Taking his own advice, Bobby refrained from hustling for the time being. Instead he spent most of the day and well into the night spanging. He had his favorite spots, ones where he knew he was most likely to get at least some change from people walking by, accompanied in most cases by looks, and sometimes actual words, which said ‘Get off your ass and get a job’.

"As if I could," he’d mutter under his breath in response. He had no illusions about the probability of that happening, especially these days when so many regular people were out of work. Besides, in its own way he figured he did have a job. It took time, patience and a feel for how to react to people to make any money this way.

Not much money, though. He sighed when he checked the results of his labors. But it’ll buy me a decent meal which is what’s important.

He’d just gotten up and was slinging his pack over his shoulder when he saw two cops heading his way. He tensed, ready to take off if they said or did anything out of the ordinary. He knew the routine, had for a long time. A normal cop would give him a warning about panhandling and tell him to move on, which is what this pair did. He nodded, knowing better than to say anything other than "Yes, sir."

When they were gone he heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time he almost wished they had been the two killers because he would have at least known what they looked like and could have passed the information on to someone.

Assuming I could have run fast enough to get away.

He admitted to himself there was always the possibility he couldn’t have, but for damned sure he would have given it his best shot. With that thought in mind he headed to his favorite diner.

Nance gave him the usual greeting when he sat down at the counter, handing him a menu.

He cocked an eyebrow at her. "You know I have this memorized."

She grinned. "You never know, we might have added something new since last time."

"As if. I’ll have a burger and milk."

"No fries?"

Bobby shook his head. "Not a good day today. I had to make my money the old fashioned way, by spanging."

"Why? Not that I approve of how you usually do it but…"

When he started to explain she stopped him. "I heard about it. Damn. I guess I didn’t put two and two together. You be real careful out there, Prizm. I don’t want to hear about their finding your body in some pool of water."

"So not happening. I’m not as dumb as I look." He grinned at her, getting a shake of her head in return before she went to place his order.


  1. Not sure what panging is but I enjoy reading it. I am happy he wasn’t doing blows.

  2. spanging is street slang for begging for spare change (sp+ange)
