Monday, February 4, 2019

The Hotel – 52

I didn't move in with Edwin immediately. I had to set everything up to make Marsh the official head of the troupe, quit my job with decent notice, and sell my house, among other things.

Eventually, however, I was ready. I planned on renting a truck to bring what I was keeping up to the hotel. Edwin put the kibosh on that, sending Logan down with the hotel's van instead. But not until the day after the troupe threw me a farewell party.

It got pretty mushy, pretty fast. I hadn't realized quite how much I was going to miss all my friends until that evening. We assembled at a local bar we sometimes frequented—the remaining seven of the original troupe plus the four new actors we'd added since that fateful week at the hotel.

Caitlin couldn't seem to stop laughing, and crying, when Noah and Phil began telling stories about the pangs of creating the troupe. Ramsey, Kirby, and Marsh added their two cents worth and then gave me a photo album they'd put together with pictures from several of our performances at the shelters and senior centers.

By the time the evening was winding down I'll admit was teary-eyed.

"I'm going to miss every last one of you more than you know," I proclaimed, looking at them one by one. "Noah, Phil, I expect to get an invitation to your wedding, if you ever get it together enough to set a damned date." That got laughs from everyone as they were dancing around when to do it just as they'd danced around everything about their relationship from the beginning.

"Ramsey, you take care of my girl…" I smiled at Caitlin, adding, "And you make sure he eats, okay?"

Caitlin patted Ramsey's stomach. "I don't think that will be a problem. I might have to put him on a diet."

Ramsey groaned dramatically, to the amusement of the rest of us.

"Kirby…hell, what can I say? You and Marsh are the lynchpins of the troupe, now. You're the director, so don't let the kids give you any guff." That had happened when Marsh hadn't been able to find someone from the outside who might be interested in taking on the job. Kirby had bitten the bullet, to use his words, offering to wear two hats—actor and director. Marsh had accepted willingly.

"Marsh, thank you for taking over." I patted his shoulder since he was seated right beside me.

"My pleasure. You might wonder why you chose me when I call you every week to ask your advice on something."

I snorted. "Somehow I doubt it. You've been doing great so far. If any of them—" I swept my hand around to encompass the troupe, "—give you any trouble, ground them."

"Time out will be me," Marsh replied with a grin. Then he sobered. "I want to say, on behalf of everyone here, we're going to miss you, Austin."

"I'll miss all of you, too."

"You know where to find us, so don't be a stranger," Kirby called out.

"I won't be," I replied, and I meant it. I might not come down every week, but I would be back to catch up on how everyone was doing. "On that note, I bid you good night. I have to be up at the crack of dawn. Someone who shall remain nameless expects me up there by noon…or at least before sunset."

"Tell the nameless one we say 'Hi'," Caitlin said. Then she hugged me. "I love you and all you've done for us."

Her sentiments, and her hug, were echoed by everyone else so it took a while before I finally made it out of the bar. When I was out on the sidewalk I looked back through the window. They were watching me, and raised their glasses in a salute. I waved before walking away to face my new life with Edwin.

* * * *

Logan did show up almost at the crack of dawn. Between us, we loaded the van. I wasn't bringing any furniture, but it was still filled almost to overflowing.

"How the hell I managed to accumulate so much…" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Don't worry, there's room for all of it up there," he replied with a laugh.

He was right, of course, and I knew it.

We arrived at the hotel just after one that afternoon. Edwin was waiting on the porch. His face lit up when I got out of the van and seconds later held me tightly as we kissed. "You made it," he said when we broke apart.

"You thought I wouldn't?"

"I… To be honest I was afraid you'd change your mind at the last moment. You're giving up all that…"

I put a finger to his lips, then swept my arm out to encompass everything we could see—the hotel, the lake, the forest and the mountains. "But I'm gaining all of this, and—" I kissed him again, "—the man who has my heart. So no, my love, I'm not giving up anything I can't live without."

That was the truth and I haven't spent one moment regretting my decision. 

The End