Friday, February 22, 2019

Safe Harbor - 9

When he left the police station, Kurt returned to the shelter where he gathered together all of the older kids who were there.

"Listen up and pay attention," he said once everyone was relatively settled. "I want two things from you. One, you’re to be very careful when you’re on the streets and don’t do anything which could get you hassled by the police."

A couple of the boys laughed. "Don’t you think we know that, Father?"

"There’s a difference between knowing and doing. And there’s a reason I’m telling you this. From what it looks like right now, whoever killed Minnie were dressed like cops, or were cops. There’s no way to be certain which at the moment."

"Shit," one of the girls spat out. "Just what we need."

"Exactly. Now for the second thing. I want each and every one of you to warn any of the guys you run into while you’re out and about. I don’t care if they’re your worst enemies you are to let them know. Understood?"

After a brief pause each of the kids nodded.

One of the boys asked, "Do you think they have Scooter?"

"It’s a definite possibility I’m afraid, and FYI as I said, it’s two men, or at least it was when Scooter and Minnie were taken."

A girl raised her hand. "How do the cops know all this?"

"Because I saw it happen." Bobby stepped into the room, leaning against the wall by the doorway. "They wear blues and have the belts with gear, and drive a dark sedan, like an unmarked. They caught Minnie and Scooter in an alley, the dead-end one behind Marston’s Grocery."

"That sucks. It means we gotta stay out of the alleys at night."

"Exactly." Kurt looked at each one of them. "You come here after dark and you make sure the littles you see do as well. I doubt these men want smaller kids but we’re not taking chances. I’m going to let the other shelters know what’s going on, but things might still get crowded if everyone," he shot a look at Bobby, "pays attention and uses their heads. These men are rapists and killers. I don’t want to lose any of you because you think you’re too street smart to have to worry."

"A lot of kids use squats, Father," one boy pointed out.

Kurt nodded. "I know, and they’re not going to want to give that up so if you run into any of them let them know the situation and maybe suggest they at least travel in pairs and make damned sure none of them are in the squats by themselves. These men are targeting street kids so they probably know the ropes."