Thursday, February 28, 2019

Safe Harbor - 12

Bobby paused, checking the area, and then led the girls to a bench in front of a shop. "Sit, all of you."

They looked rebelliously at him for a second then sat. Quickly he told them about Minnie and what had happened to her. "She’s not the first one either."

"Shit," one of the girls muttered.

"Yeah, got it in one. Now, do you have a safe place or are you just crashing in alleys?"

The third girl spoke up when the other two remained silent. "We’re…we got a place with a dude. He ain’t the best but he keeps us in food and well you know." She mimed lifting a bottle to her lips. "All we gotta do is put out for anyone who’ll pay the freight and give him the cash."

"It’s not so great a place but…" one of the others said.

Bobby nodded. "But better than sleeping behind a dumpster or under a loading dock. Got it. Look, I can’t tell you what you’re doing’s wrong ‘cause I keep it together the same way, though I do it on my own."

"Well you’re a guy so you can take care of yourself," the first girl pointed out.

"I know. So, back to what I was saying. You three stick together when you’re out here and if you’re smart you tell that dude what’s happening. Make him come with you ‘cause it won’t do him any good if one of you gets dead." He looked at each one of them. "You see a cop or someone who looks like one and he seems interested in you, you get moving and fast." He smiled tightly. "Not that you don’t anyway but be twice as careful now."

The three girls nodded, all of them looking scared.

"Okay, I’m splitting," he said. "Oh, one thing more. If you need help getting out from under, hit up a shelter and talk to a counselor."

"I ain’t doing that and ending up back in a shit hole group home again. No fucking way," the oldest one spat out.

"Your choice."

"Don’t see you in one."

"Nope, but like she said," he nodded to the first girl, "I’m a guy. Anyway, I’m out of here. Try to stay safe."

"Yeah. Thanks. I think." When he cocked an eyebrow the girl amended her words. "Honest, thanks for…caring. Not many do."

Bobby nodded. "I get that." He saluted and strolled away, wondering if they’d really listen to him.

Probably not, but I had to try.


  1. Hopefully they will listen. The pimp sounds like a “great”! I hope Bobby stays safe it seems that whoever is doing this is keeping the boys longer so ya know he may want to stay on the roof tops for a few. You are a genius smooches

    1. Not sure I'm a genius, but thank you for saying I am.
